Is Spain literally African?

Is Spain literally African?

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It's not a jail country

No, Spain is just "different".

You sure? Looks like it's been walled off from Europe


Actually Iberia is a continent despite being a peninsula, just like Europe is an asian peninsula.

Last picture is from the Canary Islands not the Iberian Peninsula, who are you trying to fool, José?

You're more likely to see snow in Morocco.

Spain is culturally and genetically African. In 50 million years it'll be geographically African.

Same thing, Mohammed.

Euroafraustralasia stronk!

The wall just got ten feet higher

>being this ignorant about his own country

I bet you believe the Canaries are that close to the Iberian peninsula and that it shares same landscapes, climate flora and fauna, how pathetic.

Not so fast Spain, that first picture is in France
(even though you have places as beautiful on your side of the Pyrenees)

>muslims cannot into jokes

Literally yeah


Mierda, me has dado antojo.


madre mía, qué tortura


yes , it is a big shithole, send help!

All of them doesn't look tasty...

>Is Spain literally African?

The banana is not a typical ingredient of our cusine, sorry huebro. :(

Le maymays

Don't you eat beef or meat?

No, not even north Africa is literally Africa with all the Visigoth migrations.
You must go south of Sahara to meet the real AIDS

We are among the top consumers of pork. And considering my grandparents have farms, yeah, I eat too much meat. Anus cancer, here I come.

Northern africans barely have any germanic blood. And they werent visigoths but vandals.

Portugal is whiter than Spain? Really?

>not getting wet over that bowl of seafood

They looks like muslim. In other words, there is Arab.

>Is Spain literally African
nuke this please

I meant Vandals indeed. I knew some guys from Algeria and they were really white.


Yes, but you can find steak in every country, in that picture there are specific Spanish dishes
And like someone else said, pork is very poular, for example


Also, friendly reminder that Australia isn't a continent. Oceania is.

spain is shit

The climate in Spain is extremely diverse, if there is one thing I like about this country is our geography, Spain is also the most biodiverse country in Europe alongside Italy and Portugal (and of course Russia), and one of the few countries left in western Europe where you can find wolves, bears and other big animals in their nature.

North of Spain looks like pic related.

>Umayyad Caliphate

ex-African desu

They also have more north african admixture, so yeah they're at the same time more moor and germanic than us.

>pseudoscience: the comment

t. Juan da Silva

Are they eucalypts? Or do they just look similar - I think I heard once that our trees are an invasive species in some parts of Spain.


Fucking Tyronnes, you can use a proxy but can't read a simple wikipedia article.

>second of the four major Arab caliphates established after the death of Muhammad

t. João Barbossa

The British Isles are a continent too then

They are a fucking plague, some retarded monk sent some seeds from australia to his nephew in Galicia and they started planting them. Pic related it's a 80 meters one, probably one of the tallest trees in Europe.

Send koalas to stop them!

They probably like the weather there better than they do here. We'll send some koalas but then you will have to deal with the things hissing at you and standing in the middle of the road.

>and standing in the middle of the road

No problem, we are used to hedgehogs.

chill out
Al-Andalus kun

Spain is green, GREEEEN!

Con el frío que hace acá, la puta madre...

Don't you have literal deserts?

read this

oh dios

We have some, yes.

I think this is where they filmed the Dothrakis in the last season of GoT


and there were filmed many spaghetti westerns as A Fistful of Dollars or The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

and the movie Conan the Barbarian (1982)

where? Bardenas?

If I recall correctly they filmed many Westerns and Conan around Murcia.

I'm gonna correct myself.

They filmed Conan around the Tabernas Desert in Almeria.
this is africa

It's funny because we are one of the greenest countries in the world, but the stereotype is that this country's a desert.

Northern Spain is completely green although.

(minus Aragon and parts of Navarra)

No, there is a literal strait between them, man.

yes but

>we are one of the greenest countries in the world
I wouldn't go as far as to say that (which is false in any case when you compare us to tropical countries) because we have many semi-arid regions.

we have more forest than britain or denmark

Denmark barely have any forest.

32% of the country is covered by forests. Our position is the 25 out of 189. Only Sweden is greener than us in Europe.

Danes hate trees.

Para una cosa que hacen bien en este país que es promover la reforestación y el cuidado el medio ambiente y te lo quieres cargar.

Danes hate life

>Britain still refuses to fully join with Europe

>Alto gallego

>not green

>Only Sweden is greener than us in Europe.

Where the fuck did you read that
In % there are several countries with more forest than you

shit i'm gonna become a sherpa

>mfw when we actually send dropbears



>unironically providing a pic to btfo himself

This is in southern Spain

How is he btfo himself? The pic shows exactly what he said before, according to that chart only Sweden has more forested area than us in Europe.

Look at the percentage, Finland is way greener that you.


This is actually and unironically southern Spain.

Thanks for proving my point, as far as % go there are far greener countries. Spain is big for European standarts so obviously they will have more in km2 than a lot smaller countries but "greener" isn't a very good word. Finland may have less km2 but with 72% of their country covered against 32% for Spain it will definitely feel greener

Are you both slow? We are talking about totall all the time, otherwise he would have never said that.

>32% of the country is covered by forests. Our position is the 25 out of 189. Only Sweden is greener than us in Europe.

>We are talking about totall all the time



>but with 72% of their country covered against 32% for Spain it will definitely feel greener
I can agree with that, but you need to have in mind how heterogeneous are the Spanish regions, you have regions which are green and others which are semi-desertic, the feel you will have depends on where you are.

That was for the other spaniard who thought we were a desert or something. I wasn't comparing it to other countries.

He would have never said that only Sweden is greener than us if he was never taking in consideraton the total amount instead of the percentage. Stop being retarded.

Spain is pretty African,their culture and behavior is African they're moors were germanic(suebi),they kill bulls we don't

Of course he would since he is a fool.

Heh, pretty funny.

I know that don't worry I'm aware Spain is far from being a desert, I don't live far from the Pyrenees so I've seen it myself (and it's true in France too, we don't have desertic places but we have some completely devoid of trees and other covered in forests)
It's just the sentence that really bugged me because first he mentionned % then the km2 ranking

IKTF M8. Euro's just don't get the steppes.

>only Sweden is greener than us
>because only Sweden have more forested area than us
It's not that difficult. I thought you people up there were smarter than this.

good job not sorting by percentage tonto