What went wrong

What went wrong


nothing alhamdulillah. we just need islam thats all

Nicholas lost to the Jews

The only thing that went right...

Nothing special. It's shit as usual.

Soviet Union was destroyed.


To Japan too.

same thing

>During his canvassing expedition in London, the Japanese vice-governor of the Bank of Japan met Jacob Schiff, an American banker and head of Kuhn, Loeb & Co.. Schiff, in response to Russia's anti-Jewish pogroms and sympathetic to Japan's cause, extended a critical series of loans to the Empire of Japan, in the amount of 200 million US dollars (41.2 million pounds).[92][93]

>Japan's total war expenditure was 2,150 million yen, of which 38%, or 820 million yen, was raised overseas.[90]

Russia supports terrorists. Just like Saudi scum



You can always hold referendum to join russia, sergay

Thinking that silly gommienism work in practice

Its not northern territories, its Kurils.
But im not in mood bantering you.
Right in the feels.

czar got killed by rothschild rockefeller duo,the democratization process in russia was inevitable .


Orthodox christianity
Tsarist autocracy
Liberal capitalism

>Orthodox christianity
What do you mean?
This so much

>he fell for that meme

Capitalist Russia is a religious shithole led by fat cats and bandits, it has nothing to do with the glory of Soviet Union.

>murder tons of people
>call foul when their diaspora raises money against you

fair's fair Jean-Claude




You're right, Gorby was shit.

He was way too soft when making the transition and allowed way too many old guard to retain power.

Soviet union was not humiliated enough and as a result some people have retained delusion of having "right to being a superpower".

The Russian Empire was dissolved.

Shit went sideways in 1917.