I'm so lonely

I'm so lonely

Other urls found in this thread:


That's why you come here, same as everyone else.

You wouldn't be so lonely if you didn't reject everyone.

*holds u*


DUDE, just BE yourself :^^^^^^)

:( i'm sorry you feel that way, friend.

have you tried jackin' it



I feel your pain, OP

>wanting a girl with kidney disease

That's sad :(
Now vote


me too

Dude same. I'm missing my family reunion in Florida this year.

That's cuz you a yung nigga, nawamsayin? Old ass niggas don't need no handholdy bullshit from bitchez, and you can belee that, yung scrub.


dont kermit suicide

Cool story bro

piggu disgusting fat cow

That's a good song and single


have some feels music my friend, on the house
