People of Sweden, People of Germany, People of Britain and all the people of Europe...

People of Sweden, People of Germany, People of Britain and all the people of Europe.This is not a joke or a troll thread but I am here to remind you that there is still time to save European civilisation.
It's simple what we need to do. Go to you brothers and sisters, your friends and your family members and and tell then all to say one simple message to our governments.
That message is NO .
It's NO to the Islamic invasion of Europe.
It's NO to censorship of free speech.
It's NO to the mutated cult which used to stand for women's rights but not any more.
And most of all it's no to the new progressive left wing ideas which will ultimately lead to the destruction of our civilisation.
They have been censoring and bullying us for too long but it is now your duty to stand up and overcome your fears because the overwhelming mass of the people will always win when they know the truth.
It is your duty afterall

>implying this will happen

It will if you do something about it that's the point if my message

kneel to to your new masders paddy :DDDD

you've lost your power to change anything a long time ago

yurope deag fugggg :DDDD

I believe many Muslims are ignorant to the teachings of their own religion but those who do are the barabaric jihadists


We still have time to say no and we will go down in history like the rebels of the French American and Irish revolutions

stop being so oppressive

Its the left wing whoare the real oppressors

There really isn't much you can do. It's like being a frog in water which is slowing increasing in temperature. There will have to be a huge attack by muslims for anyone to get seriously angry. At the moment, people don't want to put their jobs and well-being on the line for fear of being called a 'racist' and 'Islamophobic'

If your ancestor had that attitude then you would still be part of britain. We've lost our ability to fight like our ancestors but I'm asking us to find it again

It's our duty to stand up and expose the true face of Islam and how it threatens the West. Change is in your hands

fucking retard pirates

You see the problem is the fear. It's the same fear that our ancestors overcame to win our freedom but it's that freedom they won by self sacrifice which is being threatened again so we must again overcome this fear and rise up so that our ancestors did not die in vain

Ireland. You need to be concentrated to kill brits. Kill brits is the way to solve your problems.

All Europeans must unite for our survival because we are so close ly related

Just wait 5 years. It's inevitable that within that time frame there will be a terrorist attack in the UK, more likely in London than anywhere else. Once that happens, it will be the catalyst which starts off the reaction. More and more people will take to the streets and demand more common sense policies. I hear what you're saying, but the conditions are not yet right for this to happen. It's like trying to ski when there is very little snow, aka, it won't be a good idea until there is more snow (anger)

This is a good point but in some others countries i fear this might be too late. They've started bringing huge numbers of them here so I think we need to create a new sort of counter culture to get the people to fight the government's agenda

And btw I support the brexit, the EU is fascist and hates democracy

They are blocking "hate speech" against migrants on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube

You know why some parts of Europe is so vulnerable to terrorist attack? Your politicians keep trying to politicize terrorist attack for personal agendas(ie. get rid of immigrants), arguing a lot among each other and end up not solving anything. The two are not exclusive, BTW.

My parents were blessed with four children, all boys. My oldest brother is married and has three children, my second oldest brother is married and has one child with another one due.

I see to it that I find a kaffir wife that I'll personally convert to Islam, and get at least 5 children with her. My younger brother will do the same. Me and all my brothers will create at least 15 new Muslims. Those 15 Muslims will create at least 50 new Muslims, Insha'Allah. This will continue for generations, do the math and see the power of exponential growth.

We form 8% of France's population, 7% of Austria's population, 6% of Belgium's population, 5% of the population of the Netherlands, the UK, Sweden and Switzerland, 4% of the population Denmark, Spain and Italy.

These numbers are growing at an incredible rate, and we will conquer Europe not through the sword but to the fertility of our women, and the willingness of your women to breed with us.

لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

Islam is not just a religion, it is a political ideology which is very similar to (probably worse than) fascism in its teachings and we also have governments who are anti democracy, free speech and will destroy Western civilisation with their ideology's

Nah mate Ireland and Britain are like to incestuous siblings Britain rapes us then we stab him in the nutsack


This thread is not a joke im being serious so that we don't live under Sharia law in a few years

This. Pretty much everyone I know in the UK, especially England have Irish roots/connections. My dad was born in Belfast and my mum's family is from Cork, and emigrated back in the 1800s.

I am also being serious think about it Britain took over Ireland we then had a rebellion and now we get along fine also this whole ancestors talk that you keep bringing up makes it sound like your either 13 or you are from kerry

how about you build a fucking wall italy and there wouldn't be a gorillion people passing through to europe

Kek I am from kerry

I am from Dublin myself much to do in kerry?

Did you hear the joke about the Kerryman?