She has zero plastic surgery and she is clearly much more beautiful than 99.99% jap island Monkeys

She has zero plastic surgery and she is clearly much more beautiful than 99.99% jap island Monkeys.
Why jap so ugly compere korean? Korean is only Asian who is as beautiful as white race without doubt.

arrrr asians roook the same

Korean is clearly most beautiful among of Asian for sure.
Are you sick of eyes?

i think taeyeon is not beautiful but cute and honestly she is a typical bitch i mean she is too clever


u all look the fucking same the only thing i can see in you is either you are fat or skinny

I have never seen japs in Tokyo as beautiful as taeyeon. Japs are looked more savage and look like a third world with sick old fashion-sense like a fashion of ten years ago. Korean fashion is ten year advanced compere japan one.
taeyeon is like a angel to May taste.
Pls tell the cleaver story of teayeon pls.

Easy to distinguish :
>Korean : loud, dress very strangely, dyed hair, makeup
>Chinese : dress more normally but typically wears completely out of sync shoes (fluo sports shoes), the girls might have sideburns or light mustache if you look closely

I didn't met enough Japanese to know for them


i Work in Auschwitz and i see asians all the time only Chinese are easy to spot cus they are trying to make a photo on everything and everywhere

Fuck off.liar jap netuyo monkey. Nana has zero plastic surgery and she got a title of most beautiful face in the world.

which one of these lovely ladies will win the pageant?


Jap in USA is cancer of usa.


>not having the baguette-fever

What the hell kind of circle jerk is this?

Anyway Korean is clearly much beautiful than jap island savages.
That is the fact which no one must not change.
Fact is a fact.


Those bitches are hideous.

Jap prostituter is much well known in USA .
Like enkou. Jap school girl selling sex for the money. This is well known fact that even children in japan is a prostotuter.
Face the reality. You netuyo stupid monkey

She's clearly had surgery though

and the image has been edited further to whiten her skin

go home korean

same person changing clothes ?


Korean NANA is the champion world most beautiful face

we have too many hot K-girls in Tokyo!

If you think really they are the same face then your brain and eyes are broken by French stupid education.
They are top beauty of Korea and usually beautiful people look similar more or less. Why you can't realize such a easy fact.
>French education lol

i like this lady

They don't need to. Skin bleaching in Korea and Japan has been a thing for decades now.


mods please ban this psychotic spammer


before state of the art plastic surgeries..

Different strokes man.

I prefer women from my own country.

Yes but you can tell quite easily that they've use photoshop too

I read an article on it

Is there jap femel who is as beautiful as Korean nana?
I have never seen this kind of beauty Japanese
Japs are clearly most ugly race

As it happens Korea and Japan probably have the best facial plastic surgeons in the world.

t. deluded provincial
actual Parisian here, this is what our women ACTUALLY look like

Lee, Park, Kim
Get back home


superior spiderman girl here

Japan football team

I have never seen any jap woman as like Korean NANA.

I'm pretty goddamn sure they use steroids.

Why do Mods let ban evader keep on spamming?
Just let them range ban please



This is the reality of jap monkey sob monkey island jap nip monkey subhuman
Everyone of this thread must save this image and show it to your family and friend and pls discuss how Hals are ugly compere other advanced Asian such as Korean .

So many Jackie Chans. That team must be good!

we have qt bois too!

Dude, you should calm down

Eh, I didn't see the one with Stone with it anyways because I think Spiderman is a shit superhero.

>jap monkey sob monkey island jap nip monkey subhuman

>actual Parisian here, this is what our women ACTUALLY look like
t. habitant du XVIII - XXème

surgeries of her eyes, nose, jaw-bones, ......
she is an android made by Samsung Electronics

forgot image

Please block this spammers ISP
He is phone poster, he could evade ban as he like.

now thats just plain wrong, spiderman is the most selfless HERO there is

Lmao. Sorry East Asian fuckbois but we flips are the closests to white without even trying. Stop self hating and accept that ya'll niggas are justa bunch o slanty eyed cuckolds.

Even my gf is whiter than that shit pic u posted.

that's disgusting

Oh this is da Korean beauty.
Thank you for your support. Nana is typical and special Korean beauty.
her beauty is Like a diamondcrystal in the clear clean water in the beautiful nature.
crystal angel!!! It's Korean beauty.
Korean man is look handsome as tiger of Asia though.

why is there a boy in girl team

left most blue shirted top row


How is this anything special?

I always thought that Koreans were genetically closer to niggers. Is that true?

I really wonder
is OP korean? or real japanese who want to trigger japanese for his pleasure

Actually top 3% of Philippino is one of the richest Asian with coolest outfit.
They are using other Philippino civilian as like a working slave.

yes so what ? we are the true original parisian people

no one in this world is a s glorious and magnificent as the white parisian lower class, we literally wuz revolutionaries also we wuz the commune and we wuz every popular French artist ever

meanwhile you are basically a jew fuck off

More like closer to mongols.

Nip woman are too ugly who has a looks of ugly boy. That is why.

It's called

I'm not a fashion expert, so don't ask me what it means.

Cry me a Seine poorfag.

do you believe that jap troll? they are chinks with south korean fake visas it's fucking common sense here most chinese illegal immigrants illegally uses the fake south korean when the australian immigration department had investigated that even the 90% of chinese prostitutes illegal immigransts were were fake south korean passport holders

Further reasons why spiderman is the single greatest superhero property

-uncle dies by his own doing, must live with the guilt, lives by his life's lesson of selfless responsibility

-repeatedly slandered by the daily bugle, who he has to work for to provide for his elderly aunt, now widowed

-his loved ones are endangered solely by his identity being found out, as a result, cannot be with the woman he loves for fear of losing her, she dies

-protects a city that doesn't reciprocate his love, think him a villain vigilante

-beaten up for being a nerd

-best and only friend hates him from a misunderstanding, dies

-dies saving captain america, who later dies anyway

Japs are closer to aborigine in Australia
Pls look the info of Jomon monkey in jap blood
Japs are harf aboriginal.

shit thread

Realistically Batman is pretty similar in character.

He takes on villains that completely outclass him to protect allies that are way more capable of facing said villains. I mean he fought Mongol who could basically tear him in half to protect Superman.

Korean is rich and advanced first country so there is no reason to be a prostituter in usa.
Jap prostituter in USA is much common compere Korean prostituter in USA.

Why rich Korean be a prostituter in USA?
Korea is not a philippin at all. Korea is most richest Asian even much higher than japs

OP is a zainichi Korean

I think the latter considering he seems to make himself annoying on purpose by samefagging and using derogatory terms frequently.
Please report him

Holy shit what?

Filipinos > Koreans with plastic surgery >>>>>>>> other orientals > Japanese > Chinese.

It's not your fault, Toshiro, blame history.

일본인은 바보이야
Korean race is inferior race

but Korean gene is stronger than black desu

>Anything better than Chinese
You've been memed at, lad

is this the koreaboo thread?

but I like this guy

They don't need to come to the US to be our prostitutes when they can already do it in their own country.

Why you all repoly to this thread?

You've already know he is just spamming the same copypasta all the time.

Just ignore and report him.

truly strongest race

You ate fucking liar jap monkey.

do you believe that jap troll? they are chinks with south korean fake visas it's fucking common sense here most chinese illegal immigrants illegally uses the fake south korean when the australian immigration department had investigated that even the 90% of chinese prostitutes illegal immigransts were were fake south korean passport holders

ah fuck off i hope YOUR neighbourhood gets shot next you traitor piece of shit
pic related what you deserve

Flips a shit.

Philippine chan is powerful race desu ne?

You gor more? I need a really good fap roght now

calm down Kim....


Oh my gosh
Why japs like you is so annoying as hell war criminal tojo!!?

Read the truth
do you believe that jap troll? they are chinks with south korean fake visas it's fucking common sense here most chinese illegal immigrants illegally uses the fake south korean when the australian immigration department had investigated that even the 90% of chinese prostitutes illegal immigransts were were fake south korean passport holders

Just google Yan Ke Ke: you'll probably be better able to navigate the chinky websites than I can.

I have this one but I don't know of others. In fact I thought this was the only one until now.

Fuck off shameless japan netuyo monkey
Read the truth
do you believe that jap troll? they are chinks with south korean fake visas it's fucking common sense here most chinese illegal immigrants illegally uses the fake south korean when the australian immigration department had investigated that even the 90% of chinese prostitutes illegal immigransts were were fake south korean passport holders

jesus china's producing knockoffs of korean girls now