Actually there are so many immigrant applications to Japan but very few are accepted because there are some...

Actually there are so many immigrant applications to Japan but very few are accepted because there are some geographical and cultual differeces from Japan and strict standards for refugees in order to differentiate refugees from immigrants.
Japan is a member of
G8 and should have responsibility to deal with the problem around the world flexibly.
however, considering the current EU situation, it can also be
that Japan indirectly pose recent refugee problem and economic damage to EU.

Do you think Japan should accept much more refugee or not? Let me know your frank opinion.

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someone here? (;゜∀゜)

「冗談だよ」 考えるだけ無駄だよ
Unless you want to ruin the country

EU countries should have assimilated migrants into their culture.
If those migrants really want to be Japanese and willing to speak Japanese, yes we should accept them.

No, don't ever let them force that cancer on your country.

I don't want to be that guy, but Japanese will sooner or later need to bolster their population somehow, and it would be good for them to introduce some sort of an educated professional immigrant preferring point based system like Canada has. Otherwise, Japan's pension crisis will only get worse with collapsong birthrates. I mean look at this

Refugees though would be very hard to work with and would suck the welfare more than support the social system, as I doubt they would have the means and or will to learn japanese and pay for college. And as we have learned here in Europe, muslim migrants forming secluded communities translates to no go zones and other mess.

There is no reason to accept anti-Japan immigrants like Koreans (incl. zainichi) and Chinese.

>there's a retirement money crisis
How about no?
As far as i know, the United States doesn't have a very good retirement money system, so the population is expected to invest to make sure they have money later on. I know an American who owns 2 houses, and he sold one of them (the one he doesnt live in) to support his elderly parents.
We can do something similiar too, or just have people work longer.
Or if we have to get immigrants, we could build a new city somewhere that is for immigrants only, and they wont be allowed to move out of the city.
Basically like Detroit

You have western communities in Japan as well.

Makes sense that they should learn Japanese. This is the struggle of all immigrants.

if i marry a Japanese girl and have a son with her is it socially acceptable to give the son a french second name ?

I think Japan should do more weird shit to keep us entertained longer

Yes, because segregation has worked SO well before hasn't it?

yes open your hearts :-)

No, you don't have anything to do with it. Let the cuck countries cuck themselves to extinction. A shitton of refugees arrive in our coast yet they all move up north because there's no welfare and proper asylum for them here.

Don't do it Nihon.

Unless you want rape.

Can't you kraut fucking read

I specifically advised for immigrants, but to be wary with muslims.

jesus christ your reading comprehension is so poor it makes me wanna throw.


give us zainichi and we will give you more chinese

(I heard chinese don't cause much of a problem in japan)

>Actually there are so many immigrant applications to Japan but very few are accepted
immigrant!=refugee, even if later in the post it turns out you're talking about refugees

relatively speaking, japan has laxer immigration requirements than most western countries but fact is it just isn't an attractive destination for professionals. though i do know asylum applications have some less than 1% acceptance rate

I am ready to accept immigrants but except refugees.
so consequently that's impossible.

No, you lot a fucking racist

why ? genuinely interested in your opinions

>Japan has laxer immigration requirements
Ask anyone who ever got a permanent residence in japan why this is bullshit.

Highly educated immigrants? yes.
Rapefugees and other shitskins that will not integrate? No

Don't become a second germany

i would also stay clear of feminism, sweden is just sad at this point

strictly speaking I don't want to accept immigrants who doesn't receive a education enough.
because they will make to increase crime I guess.

that invested money is meaningless unless there's a workforce to spend it on

oh ok but is Japanese difficult to learn ?


yes but I think desirable that they do it.
maybe my opinion is too hard though.

If I learn to speak Japanese fluently,
how easy is it to move there?

why the fuck would you ever wanna move anywhere


The communist party might tempt immigrants to take part in terrorism.




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increase crime? Bollocks! Why don't you accept the religion of peace?

How is it posing economic damage to EU??

I don't think Japan should accept immigrants and I don't think it will.
And for those who are saying that they will have to do it sooner or later in order to fix their problem of population decreasing: I think Japanese government would rather pay support or give extra benefits for families in order to allow them to have more children more easily than spend the money on welfare checks for refugees that can't understand language/culture of japan and wouldn't contribute to society.

their religion teaches that if you intoxicate yourself you'll go to hell
imagine how those tight-asses will react to loli

Do you think there's gonna be money for welfare if there wouldn't be money for pensions?

Use your damn head mate.

There is no reason to accept enemies/criminal/anti-Japan immigrants any more.

Here come the netouyos.

It's been a decent conversation.

remove gaijin waito piggu go homu!

I think europe should accept less refugees and japan should focus on having highly educated immigrants who could contribute to their economy rather than dumb asylum seekers.


Their religion and culture teaches them to reject all others.

Blacks killed a lot fewer and had a lot fewer broken marriages and out-of-wedlock births before 1970.

Most agree that segregation was bad, but some realize that it provided a healthier community as well.

Japan is right in not letting this trash into their beautiful country to pollute it and threaten their beautiful culture. The push to make countries around the world accept these refugees is all about destroying those countries' cultures, their economies, et cetera. It is driven by fear of political correctness and racial guilt.
Japan must remain strong, and pure.

i know you are being ironic
but ironically you are right

I don't think he's being ironic
He's just a filthy weeaboo.

I think Japan should accept more refugees because if the West is going to die, everybody else is going down with us. I'm spiteful as fuck. I'd press the nuclear holocaust button the day that Europe turns 49% white.

One of the things I liked most when I lived in Japan was the strong sense of community. The Japanese aren't divided by religion, political affiliation, gender or background - everyone does their part to respect and help each other.

Letting in refugees will destroy that. Look at your neighbouring countries. South Korea has Christian fanatics burning down Buddhist temples and families divided based on religious affiliation. Malaysia and Indonesia have Muslims attacking Hindus and Buddhists on a daily basis.

Japan doesn't need that shit. You do need to start letting in immigrants, but don't make the mistake the West did and let in every retard that asks for it. Accept only the best.

Europe will be non white majority by 2050, US by 2042

>tfw there will be nobody to grant us a Coup de grace

>I lived in Japan
>Don't let in immigrants
Foot in mounth much?

I know you're Czech so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but read the post first before you make yourself look stupid.

Fine, I get it, I made a mistake. You don't need to insult an entire fucking country for it.

Can I get asylum in Japan? I am being oppressed.


>Immigrants from western countries with a strong education behind them?

>Anyone else?
Absolutely not

Japan has it's pro's and con's but I think it's a better country than most, why would you ruin that with immigration?

>Muh birthrate
When everything gets automated it won't matter if half the population is 50+ the world is overpopulated anyway.

Even if you're expecting a surge in automation technology development, it still might be a cost-effective viable solution only for the bigest businesses, too expensive for anybody else.

Though I'd prefer saving Japan's aging population myself.

Shit, wrong meme. Welp, here you go.

Frankly, it would be the worst decision they could ever make. Taking in immigrants (especially those who come from conflictive countries) is bad as hell. Instead, they should give incentives, encourage people to breed and replace the japs who will not last long. Keep japan japanese, you have seen the wonders of multiculturalism in Europe and US. Don't do it

>complains about immigration and multiculturalism in the US

Can someone explain to me how a system relying on always having more people resonable

Well, you need people to pay taxes so you can afford to pay your elderly pensions.

With refugees though, it just increases the count of welfare suckers.

You're asking the real questions. Only growing/expanding can't be healthy

i like the nation more coz of zero refugees policy
you shouldnt accept shit unless they directly come there to work

I saw a story about japanese businesses employing illegal chinese workers for below minimum wage. Refugees would solve this situation perhaps, but they are easier to discern.

Japan shouldn't accept anyone except for teachers and engineers etc

If you start letting in foreigners (especially Middle-Easterners and dindus) your average IQ will plummet, Japanese people will start getting robbed and raped, and trust between people will disappear. Your trademark will also be ruined: Sweden used to be known for a bunch of cozy and funny stuff but now we're associated with mass rape and Islam

fuck no, they cause trouble. America has so much trouble because different groups feel they're not really a part of the country and go do violence and antisocial things. Same with the European countries that are letting in those who refuse to integrate. As another user said, if they actually learn the language and culture and want to join, then perhaps let them in. If not, they're trouble.