Finnish genetics is the strongest in the world

Finnish genetics is the strongest in the world.

75% Finnish + 25% African = 100% Finnish

Finnish pride is most laughable things in the World

I'd say anything from South America (including Mexico) or Africa are miles worse.

I mean - Finns even non-white, but they fapping to supremacist racial theories of their Sweden masters (who play role of slavemasters for Finnish serfs in the past).

Meanwhile when Mexicans fap to their Spanish Imperial heritage (or Aztlan, if they have more native roots) - i can understand such pride.


>unironically replying to cuckposters

But this is reverse cucking. It's the woman who's a shitskin.

Mate, with 3/4s of european blood, everybody would look white.
But anyway, continue being as open-minded as are and make more half-black girls for me : ^ )

>3/4s of european blood

That could mean different things to different people

Fin is behind Korean

100% Korean + 100% American white = 100% Korean

That is correct. But we are okay with that.
You can't hurt our feelings by telling the truth.

You are wrong. Watch this.

50% English + 50% Japanese = 100% Finnish

So Finnish genetics is the strongest in the world.

Fuck, do you make this thread everyday? This is one case and only due to the fact that the mother was half Finnish. The half mother doesn't even look Finnish at all and most Finn and nigger mixes just end up looking like niggers. Fuck off you stupid Mongol.

No. You're mad because American "white" genetics is inferior.

Webm related: 75% Finnish 25% African baby and 50% Finnish 50% African mother


the girl (the blonde one) looks so fucking strange... creepy.

She looks fine

she looks like a yeti.

Are the mothers half East African?

My point exactly. That baby looks like an albino nigger. Are you blind or are all Finns that ugly?

Have you ever seen Finns IRL?

the faces change into adulthood

since all babies look alike


Oh shit she looks just like the guy on the left. I guess Finnish genes are strong. I apologize. You are very ugly people with strong genes.

there's many with 3/4 european blood who still look black or asian

This English footballer is 25% Nigerian

fuggggg :DDD

That kid looks finnish to me.

Japanese BTFO

what does it mean 100% american?

You are bad at math OP

That bitch is mixed race... vary mixed.

If you understand how Genetics works its pretty understandable how this happens.

lel. Japan wins.

Best post.

It's a literal nigger who makes these threads shitting on this country.

How is he shitting on the country if he's praising us?

Go away, cuckposter.