See Plus Plus Plus Plus

C ----> C++
C++ -------> C++++

Anyone else calling C# as C plus plus plus plus?

That's D

>Anyone else calling C# as C plus plus plus plus?
What the actual fuck do you mean by this?

you know, I call C# as C++++
How do you not see this?

C# is just a bad version of java from Microsoft

you mean C++++

I am from now on.

hopping on the bandwagon


c plus plus plus plus

Holy shit this kinda makes sense

C# is significantly better than Java.
Its only downside is it's mostly limited to developing on Windows.


Not an argument.

>breaking "features" with each new releases


Pajeet spotted


C# had the benefit of being able to learn from Java's mistakes. e.g. Reified generics, real delegates instead of fucking interfeces, etc.
It still smells of POO though.

This. Garbage.

We can agree both c plus plus, and c plus plus plus plus are shitty pajeet level languages


Go back to summer school.

"C Pound Sign", or as I've preferred to call it lately "C Hashtag", are much better names.



>Better than Java
By an enormous amount. It's especially apparent when working on older code written by morons. C# just holds up better.

>Mainly windows
Yeah, pre-2016. Roslyn is free software now, .net standard is real, and deployment to Linux is dead simple.

Lel in spanish is like i'm saying C Cat

>C octothorpe

> Implying C# isn't java done right

Windows holds a vast majority of the marketshare tho, so you're fine.
And if you absolutely need to develop something for OSX you can use mono.

Linux is possible too but that'll just end up being a failure as all the autists will just demand your source code and then demand you rewrite it in pure C to soothe their OCD.

Java is Java done right.

> Java is Java done right.

Come back when you have basic language features like unsigned.

>implying you need that extra bit

no, because it's not an improvement over c++.

He needs the extra numbers. Not everyone is a webdev fag like you.

> Need to store RGB
> No way of storing 0 - 255
> Need to use larger memory space

> Need to ensure no negative values are ever passed to function
> Cannot use that extra bit to tell the variable itself that it should never have negative values
> Need to write extra lines of code in both sender and receiver to handle potential negative values

> Working with networking, receiving unsigned values
> Cannot just pass data to their appropriate unsigned variables
> Need to use pajeet-tier bitshifting to shovel everything into a short/int/long to use it

> Working with anything crypto related
> Cannot use regular crypto functions because uint32
> Need to use special java-only crypto algorithms with >>> thats twice the size and complexity

Yes, that extra bit sure is useless.

This is so autistic that I'm lovin it

Include me in the screencap

this. they got fucked hard in court in 2001 for trying to pull EEE on Java, got mad and created a shitty knock-off instead.

>not ++C++

If C# is C++++ then is C, C+-?

Alright the tard lords of autism have spoken and it is See Plus Plus Plus Plus from now on.

Yeah, that's why Microsoft started it, and it was dumbshit at first. But C# 2.0 was surprisingly way better than Java, and every version since then just blows the previous version away.

Based fucking Anders Hejlsberg. He heroically made C# unironically the best managed language, and now he's making JavaScript great again^H^H^H^H^Hfor the first time with TypeScript.

holy shit. this is the fedex arrow all over again

I just call it C for retards

Did hell froze over? since when did C# become better than Java? or was that the C# vs C++ wars?

C Slash, you piece of shit.


i call it C shart

> since when did C# become better than Java?

Since Microsoft poured billions of dollars into not only making it more cross platform, but also bought various C# related companies in order to force them to be not shit and more crossplatform.

Basically Microsoft realized if they gonna snap up Java's marketshare, they gotta stop focusing solely on Windows.

the microsoft office in india is off work right now.

No, that's syntax error

>He doesn't call it Chash

It's (See - less than - less than)

It can't be plus plus plus plus if it does less than plus plus.

C# = C+1/2
C++ = C + 1

C# < C++.


