I bid you farewell pajeets for ai know you cannot pay your INTERNET TAX

I bid you farewell pajeets for ai know you cannot pay your INTERNET TAX


ITT we bid farewell to poor people

>internet taxes

>Internet tax
What did he mean by this?


>Stop talking about technology on the technology board

Fuck, I don't know, maybe tax collected on goods sold, perhaps?

Right, but is them not paying the taxes the fake news, or is saying they don't pay taxes the fake news (as in is he saying they do pay taxes)?

Probably referring to Amazon not handing over their collected sales taxes to states that charge it

Tiny old man with a personal grudge against Washington Post mutters something in to the cloud, again.


Fuck off

>Wanting Sup Forums to talk about iphones instead

>internet taxes

Would you not support internet taxes to fight the 1%, help the poor get internet, and combat hate speech to keep the net neutral?

The fucks up with the tweet replies lol


of course not, you peasant nigger.

Democrats with no jobs that spam his tweeter feed all day.

Funny how it's the Repubcunts with no jobs begging Drumpf to save the coal industry.

I make more than you and you're a fag

I don't give a fuck what Trump does as long as he keeps making dumbs like you buttravaged.

That's funnier than it should be. Fucking Simpsons making references to things a decade in the future.

Go back to your containment board _donald

>muh drumpf xD EBIN!
>telling anyone else to fuck off
Yeah, nah.

You have to go back