Are software patents a Jewish invention?

Are software patents a Jewish invention?

All things modern are Jewish invention.

How much nigger blood does she have in her?

Possibly, patent law is a field vastly dominated by Jews.

kek hardly.

There will never be a jewish Newton, Gauss, or Galois. Never a Jew that breaks ground in anything. It will always be frontrunning goyish discoveries and more sophistry and exploitation.

Language games and aggregation is all (((they))) are good at.

The right amount.

The guys you named were all Jews.

Nope patents are stopping jews from ripping people off and claiming they made it like they used to do

Communism and free software is the jew

That simply isn't true. They are all 100% goy.



She claims something like 13%. She has a relative that is black.

Holy cow Brittany looks like THAT?

>patents are an invention


> Are software patents a Jewish invention?
Yes they are government enforced monopolies.

She is perfect

>Are software patents a Jewish invention?
The very notion of intellectual property jewish

Only a jew would think that they could own an idea

Are software patents capitalist? I mean needing the government to enforce intellectual property rights so that you can make a profit doesn't seem like something ayn rand would approve of

>mfw you ignore that the government enforces physical property rights so you can make a profit

End private property now

your standards are low

It's an Anglo invention. Life, liberty, and PROPERTY

Any amount which produces those milky udders and creamy thighs is the right amount.

>Are software patents capitalist? I mean needing the government to enforce intellectual property rights so that you can make a profit doesn't seem like something ayn rand would approve of
The original idea for patents was, the idea was you would trade disclosing how inventions work in return for a temporary monopoly. That way important technology would not be lost or forgotten. Now it's totally broken, the majority of patents are too vague to possibly be used to recreate what they're patenting. While in most cases they're applying for patents on things they don't even know how to build. For inventors patents no longer offer any protection, they can't be enforced without expensive lawsuits and any large company will retaliate with counter suits using vague fake patents.

It would be possible to reform it, however at the moment it exists largely to benefit patent lawyers. Any reform would have to exclude patent lawyers as they have a conflict of interest.

in atlas shrugged, ayn rand wrote that a minimalist government was necessary only to maintain a standing army to defend from existential threat, and to arbitrate in case of disputes between citizens. what she really didn't like about the government was when it tried to allocate resources for what they believed to be the better good

ayn rand is a total fucking crackpot, she really appeals to 20-somethings with delusions of grandeur because every one of her characters is a mary sue that egotistical kids look at and think "that's me, the only rational mind, shackled to this irrational rock", totally oblivious to the fact that they probably would have died in a coal mine (if their parents already hadn't) when they were children

ayn rand's vision of utopian capitalism is exactly as absurd as the vision of utopian socialism or communism. her supporters always bash this lefty utopia as being stupid because it's impossible given the imperfect nature of humans, but for some reason their capitalist one gets a pass. probably because they are already rich so they know that they would be on top by default

a libertarian is someone who has such an easy life that they begin to see the management of the services that make their life so great as a burden
