July 01, 2017

>Still using (((Debian))) derivatives OS

Other urls found in this thread:


Why not

Not a Debian user, but wtf your image has to do with it?

to get you to reply. consider yourself "trolled" B)

ignore him, he's cross board shitposting from Sup Forums and making a vaguely Sup Forums thread just to post that image


>t-the nazis are invading my safe space

>that picture

We're truly fucking ourselves in the ass and call it "improvement"

Debian is carefree

I don't disagree with what it says, but fuck, this has gotta be the worst attempt at propaganda I've ever seen in my life.
Even Wanda Skyes is more refined when she does it.

Which one is the kike?


>Mehdi Dogguy

Op please don't false flag non-kikes as kikes, we have enough of them that are pushing commie ideas in tech already (see Richard Stallman), no need to make a fake name the jew thread.

Why should we give a shit about their politics if they make a distro that we like?

found the false-flag

Hate Stallman for being a kike if you want, but call his ideas Communist is absolutely retarded.
Communism is about monopoly, so if you were to apply this logic to software vending the so-called capitalist enterprises nowadays, such as MS, Apple, IBM, etc, would be much more communist than GNU or Stallman.
Hacker culture can be at times Anarchist, but it's never communist, as it's about decentralization whereas Communism is by definition a centralized structure.

You're going to have to read a lot more, user, if you want to stand up to the undermensch

>Terry A. Davis has created more software than Stallman and his 30 "non-profit'' organizations
>b-based jew

>Communism is by definition a centralized structure
No it fucking isn't. Communism by definition is stateless aka anarchy

No one use's Terry's software (non-ironically).

remember to sage & hide Sup Forums bait threads friendos

what has Stallman and his hundreds of high paid ''activists'' created?


Of course, user, it definitely is. Except in this, the real world.

Stallman is definitely not based, the opposite for sure. But not a Communist, and saying so will only make you look dumb. His endgoal though, if achieved, would be very usefulin practical terms for those who hate kikes, or want to preserve European identity.

>Karl Marx asked for an elite party and military to ''liberate'' the people
>people still believe in the decentralization meme

>hotpockets will take over 6 hours to delete an obvious Sup Forums thread
>banned me for 7 days last time when I reported one as illegal content to speed them up
Where the fuck is the Sup Forums janitor?


>will take over 6 hours to delete a thread
>reported one as illegal content to speed things up
You deserve a permanent ban.

I applied, application denied :(