Will Ryzen get a budget cpu?

Will Ryzen get a budget cpu?

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Ryzen 3 this quarter, APUs probably very late in the year.

Yes, 4c4t R3 chips are coming. They were advertised during the Ryzen Pro reveal recently. There'll be APUs at some point too.

Aren't ryzen r3 supposed to be like 100$-120$? That's not really budget.

How do you even know the price?
Heck we didn't even know Ryzen 7 pricing until 2 days before release.

Ryzen IS a budget CPU

rumour has it they are stable @5ghz pulling less than 120W TDP

That won't ever happen on Zen's current 14nm process.

r3's will be double the price of the g4560

The G4560 is already up to $75 on PC part picker.

So you're saying that the R3s will both be the same price as the R5 1400? Seems unlikely, but I'll heed your expert opinion on this matter, user.

If they can put a Ryzen quad core in the $99-119 range, then they would win the price-performance ratio. G4560 has a nice Single Thread performance and HT is nice, but it is still a dual core. In 2017.

>G4560 has a nice Single Thread performance
No, it doesn't. Anything except K-series i3/i5/i7 is the same single core speed as Ryzen. And it loses once you overclock it, which non-K series can't do.
>and HT is nice
AMD's SMT is 25-30% more efficient than Intel's HT.

i bought a g4560 for like 55 bucks at microcenter

i bet that they will cost $129 and $149

Microcenter has dirt cheap prices, but not everyone has access to one.

>everybody lives next to a Microcenter

The cheapest you can buy a G4560 online is $75.


Yeah, I'm sure they'll position one of them $10 below the R5 1400. That seems super likely. You're a clever girl, user.

G4560 is still dirt cheap though. You get actually decent performance in a lot of games and basic scenarios for what you pay.

Yeah, $75 is still not a bad price. Still not going to be worth it when you can get a $100 OC-able quad core with the same/better single threaded performance (Once you OC)

Yup, which is what I said here

Are you really that poor? Just buy used for priced


They should have prices like Core i3s.
Eventually there should be something cheaper too, maybe dualcores made from disabled APUs, in Q1 2018/Q2 2018?

Supposedly they are preparing a special dualcore APU too, but that one will have single channel RAM reportedly.

I assume they're looking at a Jaguar replacement. My guess would be 2C4T, ditch the L3 and half the IO-ports, add half an RX550.

yes dumbo

will it be on par with the g4560?
i doubt it, that was priced so aggressively at the entry level