When will this meme die?

Is this actually inspiring kids to go programming/robotics?

Its basically lego, why are these robot competitions being shilled in the media nonstop? The kids attending them are always portrayed like some kind of geniuses when in fact they just assembled a bunch of parts together and adjusted a couple of sliders in the accompanying software.

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I'm pretty sure those kits use BASIC not a block programming thing like the bot Lego makes

dude, chill, it's a fun toy.

teaching kids anything beyond "how to start a computer", "how to install a program" and word/ power point is a waste of time. today's kids have 0 (zero) skill in anything computer related. it is only just enough for playing kingdom rush on their iphones.

I feel the same with this stuff

>TFW 31 and can't get python or scratch
>next post will tell me to KYS.

Okay grandpa.

>today's kids have 0 (zero) skill in anything computer related.
that's why they should not try learning new stuff? Makes sense

>wow look I can do stuff in scratch but can't find my download folder in windows
sounds good


What the fuck is that?

you need to start somewhere, nigger. It does not fuckin matter where. You just have to start. If those kids get a problem they should try to solve it on their own or get tipps from teachers.
Imo teachers/politics are the problem preventing kids from thinking themselfs. They need to LEARN that shit, bruh

unlike you I do actually teach kids. you are in total delusion that they actually learn shit. you have to hold hand every step and maybe one out of 20 can do a little bit more.

I agree, kids are retarded, but that's not the issue with 's argument (because he's also right, they do need to start somewhere).

The issue is that why bother teaching them fucking programming or robots? Either teach them something they already care about or at least something useful. Most people who become competent programmers start learning on their own, and all that teaching little kids to "code" can do is add a whole bunch of really shitty programmers to the mix who don't care about it but still somehow think they know what they're doing.

>started learning programming through scratch
>sparked interest
>moved on to actual languages while still a child
>applied what I learned, fixed bad habits it taught
>now have job programming

how does it feel?

How does it feel to be underage? I wouldn't know, because I'm not.

Also, having a job programming means nothing. There are tons of shitty programmers with jobs. Where else does all the shitty code in production use come from?


I really don't see a problem with this
It teaches kids a computer won't do something unless it's explicitly told to which is basically all programming is minus getting around the language's bullshit
And dealing with weird rules right away that make no sense in an entry level (like the difference between floats and integers) would turn a lot of kids away from programming

Op is mad that the kids are more skilled than him

He's actually right
I have a relative in her early teens, and I can assure you, she does not know how to use a desktop or laptop computer. She cannot transfer files from a thumb drive to a PC. She cannot check her mail from a non-app interface. She cannot even install simple programs. Traditional computers are just out of her interest plane and she doesn't want to do anything with them. She can use tablets and phones very well though

Every day, she installs some new game or funny camera application on her phone and gives the impression to adults that this generation is good with tech, just as their previous (ours if you will). They are not.

Can confirm. Counselor at a robotics camp teaching raspberry pi shit to kids 10-15. Only about one in ten can follow directions effectively. Most need absurd handholding to the most basic shit.

Continuing with my previous post, you're absolutely right. My campers are supposed to be somewhat competent (they're in advanced camp instead of beginner camp), yet 9/10 in each class does not know what a zip file is. They cannot extract a zip file without me going there and right clicking the file and hitting extract.

This generation has grown up to be absolutely retarded with computers and just in general. Reading directions and following them is just foreign to them. I actually want to kill myself when one of these kids asks me where their file just downloaded.

Forcing kids into subjects they are not interested in usually ends with catastrophic consequences, like that retarded Stacy who thinks she knows what she is doing and only got into programming to fight the patriarchy. Just let people do whatever they want, an instagram attention whore is better than a larping female programmer.

Like a Kloss. Deal with it.

allmost all my toys were about building stuff with small building blocks in some aspect
now i do webdev and don't have a girlfriend

so much anger

hahahaha what the fuck is this thread, are you NEETs actually so bitter that you're coming up with imaginary reasons to complain about children playing with some basic technology? You must have some serious insecurities if you're getting upset about the hobbies of elementary school children.

now that's just post hoc ergo propter hoc rationalising

the whole concept of school is forcing kids to do shit they dont want to. and yes giving a shit what kids want ends up in catastrophic consequences. the grown up decide what's good for them and not the kids.

my exact experience. for me it boils down to "can the child have an independent thought"/ "can solve a problem on their own". I will completely rework my course to address this issue.
this is actually a problem of the schools because they hold hand with the kids every micro-step.

>kids are stupid let's not teach them

>now that's just post hoc ergo propter hoc rationalising
fugg how am i to find meaning in my life nao

>Children learning to have fun while working on technology in school

Just stop

What is wrong with robot kits?
Even the lego mindstorm kits, why do you not like them?
Making a mobile robot takes a lot of time, time which is not really spend on anything productive.
Building a lego mindstorm robot can be done in an hour or two and then you can get to the interesting part which is programming them.
I think it is a great tool to get people started.
Small kids use the slider / block interface to program the robots and that is fine.
Older kids program them in the C dialect (NXC) and get challenged this way.
Later, you can make your own pwm controller, learn electronics to make your own sensors etc, but something as simple as building a line follower with some logic to it is too large a task if you want kids to start from scratch.

We had a course on uni where we needed to make a lego mindstorm robot solve a sokoban map by pushing cans the as fast as possible.
Sure it was fun, but there isn't any part of the challenge which is irrelevant.
Solving a sokoban map on limited resources is a good programming challenge.
Programming the robot to navigate in the map is a decent challenge.
Building the robot is not really the challenge although making it as fast as possible with the limited resources is.

We had a few of similar kits in school and had a class in which we were supposed to make such a robot follow a track.

I also remember that while they could be programmed in something similar to scratch, you could also program them in C (or something similar to it).

During school I learned (at least the very basic stuff) about Ruby (in a class thought by a a professional programmer), html css, pascal and a few other languages.

And while my brother now has to put up with this shit , I think that these classes were quite interesting and good learning experience.

>fuckin stupid kids dont know shit about coding, i'd like to see them write a function that prints a linked list backwards written completely in C without using any stupid fucking POOJEET libraries. this fuckin bullshit is why i can't get a job anymore

pic related OP

I teach it to second graders. It's not for anyone older than sixth grade.

I'm prepared to agree. I'd say computer knowledge is actually in a state of regression. Kids today actually knows less than their parents. I've given up explaining basic things like you have to remember your username and password or else you wont be able to use shitbook. Young people today lack problem solving skills.


it's ok to start learning with scratch and mindstorms, that's how everyone starts but they give those kids too much credit.

>why are these robot competitions being shilled in the media nonstop?
It's part of the libtard SJW MSM war and genocide of the white man.

I've also heard paleontologist are outraged about schoolkids are playing with dinosaurs.

No matter how funny you find your message it is true for some countries like Ukraine where abstract progress in IT field is promoted by those who benefit from it (read ebanoe.it for specific examples).

I can't tell if I'm computer retarded or not.

I really struggled with the higher level math classes and kind of dropped out of programming years ago. I've been thinking of getting back into it. But apparently kids today are taught programming in 4th grade, but they can't navigate a standard folder tree?

I would love to see more of these competitions though, if you can get kids interested in computer and robotics then that would be great.

It's better than kids installing an app or hooking up a console to TV and their parents "holy shit my kid's a genius!".

Also they're children, of course they'll start out with easy stuff. I wish they had this sort of shit at school when I was a kid.