Which is the better DE?

Which is the better DE?

Gnome, kde looks outdated and is broken half the time

KDE because at least it isnt SJW rewrite culture trash CHECK MY SIKK NEW LIBRARY BABES! YAAS SLAAAY.JS

KDE, gnome looks outdated and is dead half the time.


but only just

>Oops! Looks like Gnome Shell has crashed!
Every fucking time. Shit like this makes me want to go back to XFCE.

KDE is the best.

KDE is better if you like a traditional desktop

GNOME is for people who enjoy phone interfaces

KDE is horseshit. It looks ugly and nothing fits together.

GNOME is nicer and has an aesthetic.

Although with GNOME 3, you're better off using KDE desu

KDE breaks a lot
gnome breaks less often

GNOME has more polish but KDE isn't missing features

Which is better?
The gay retarded crippled DE on the Left?
or the Poo in the Loo ugly bloated slow piece of shit on the right

I personally just encourage people to switch to KDE.

This "users are idiots, and are confused by functionality" mentality of Gnome is a disease. If you think your users are idiots, only idiots will use it. I don't use Gnome, because in striving to be simple, it has long since reached the point where it simply doesn't do what I need it to do.

Please, just tell people to use KDE.

Torvalds, Linus (2005-12-12). Message to [email protected] mailing list. Retrieved on 2006-08-28.

nice windowmaker you got there.

used by drug abusing degenerates
used by successful alpha male executives

I'm running KDE myself. I know gnome's desktop environment is supposed to be better but you know what they say- old habits, they die hard.

KDE, because it has functional file picker thumbnails.

KDE looks shit and Gnome is ok
i like xfce

kde has never worked for me. gnome is winner


Kde os unstable.
Gnome has autistic phone interface
So, I will install XFCE.

If you about things such as customizability and features KDE is vastly superior.
It can look and function however you want.

Gnome is for Mac users, people who don't give a fuck and just want something which werks and doesn't confront them with choices and options.

Ironically most of the memes that Sup Forums likes to spout about KDE(buggy, inconsistent, heavy and bloated, ugly) are much more true for GNOME nowadays.

how is GNOME inconsistent?

Pretty much this. I have experienced more crashes from GNOME despite using it a lot less. GNOME 3 is one gigantic steaming turd and unlike KDE 4.0 it hasn't gotten any better.


Everytime i try to search shit in KDE the piece of shit ramps up my cpu and tries to jew my computer.

I have to manually restart Krunner to make the faggot stop trying to shoahlize my rig.

Also, when i enable previews i get a horrible case of screen tearing in the files names.

The file browser inside Firefox sucks dick, too

Gnome obv.

Gnome - looks good, some missing functionality, but extensions got it covered
KDE - crashes the shell all the time, takes 3 minutes to restart it, needs a ton more polish

Am Linux scrub, only ever used Ubuntu/Xubuntu.

I want to taste the glory of KDE. What distro displays it best while being accessible and compatible with things like Spotify, Mega, Chrome?

I'd suggest Kubuntu, oh wait, they killed it years ago. Sorry, I have nothing.

can you set gnome desktop background to black without using a black wallpaper?

what do you mean?

Eh, it was worth a shot. Maybe OpenSuse, if I can get comfortable with YaST/zypper

try KDE neon or openSUSE or Manjaro KDE

Use KDE Plasma, it's the same.

Correction - KDE Neon.

I can

Kubuntu isn't dead?



kde neon exists though so kubuntu has no purpose

gnome looks more uniform and it feels like they a vision for the design of their desktop. kde is more of a kitchensink.

if i had to install linux for someone not very technical,i'd give them a gnome desktop.

no memes here, i use it and i think its fucking shit

it is shit, but totem is golgotha levels of shit in comparison

Kubuntu LTE and KDE neon are the same except neon updates the DE and QT apps with bleeding edge packages, right?

So where's the advantage for users who want a tested and stable OS?

KDE all the way.

Out of those two I suppose KDE is better at the moment. Both are inferior shit though. Xfce is where it's at.

> (OP)
>KDE is better if you like a traditional desktop
>GNOME is for people who enjoy phone interfaces


I don't use either, but:

>Qt is superior to gtk in every imaginable way
>Dolphin is probably the best GUI-based file manager currently in existence
>Gnome's file picker is definitely the least usable piece of shit ever created by a human being
>krunner is awesome
>kwin is quite nice

So KDE it is, although its out-of-the-box configuration sucks ass.

someone give me a quick rundown on this
how did they kill kubuntu years ago?
sounds like archfag shitposting to me

> (OP)
>I personally just encourage people to switch to KDE.
>This "users are idiots, and are confused by functionality" mentality of Gnome is a disease. If you think your users are idiots, only idiots will use it. I don't use Gnome, because in striving to be simple, it has long since reached the point where it simply doesn't do what I need it to do.
>Please, just tell people to use KDE.
>Torvalds, Linus (2005-12-12). Message to [email protected] mailing list. Retrieved on 2006-08-28.

Yet he uses Fedora with Gnome

KDE is best DE


I recently installed Debian 9 with GNOME and half my shit didn't work, GNOME would crash while loading the desktop, took forever to load because it's so bloated and slow, and when it finally did I had to deal with a file chooser (whenever you need to select a file to upload to Sup Forums, or open with a program, etc) that has NO THUMBNAILS AND NO OPTIONS TO CHANGE VIEW/SORT/LAYOUT. WTF.

Reinstalled Debian 9 with KDE and everything just worked immediately. All my sound devices worked, my graphics worked, the desktop loaded faster and has never once crashed for me. The file picker has thumbnail previews of everything I can toggle on and off and resize like in windows or macOS, with plenty of ways to customize the layout and view/sort order, etc.

GNOME is just a complete piece of shit and all these memeing faggots in this thread saying KDE is unstable are fucking lying out their asses for no reason. They must be talking about KDE 4 or some older version of KDE, but not KDE 5

his gf is danish though

>I wanted to try a different DE so I reinstalled the entire fucking OS
For fucks sake, user...

+kind of stable
-lacks customization (well, at least OOTB)

+heavily customizable
+comes with awesome shit like e.g. krunner & dolphin
-buggy as fuck
-unresponsive and laggy memory hog
-at times inconsistent design

Why wouldn't you? Removing GNOME from Debian is not as easy as sudo apt-get remove gnome. It's deeply embedded and leaves behind all kinds of bloat that's nearly impossible to remove. It's better to just start fresh, especially if you haven't customized the OS or done anything with it.

>Why wouldn't you?
Because reinstalling the OS just to remove and/or add a relatively small number of packages is something a clinical retard would do.

>Removing GNOME from Debian is not as easy as sudo apt-get remove gnome.
It literally is (except for the fact that Debian doesn't have sudo enabled by default, and I'd rather use 'purge' than 'remove'). Not to mention you don't actually need to remove Gnome in order to try a different DE for a while.

The instability memes originate from the transition between 4 and 5.
It took more than a year to settle this, and distros switched to 5 before it was stable.
Having used both now, The kde5 removed a ton of features in order to make it stable and it wasn't so for a while.
I still wouldn't use kde5 on a system which doesn't frequently update kde.

What features did they remove?

After Gnome went to shit, I switched to MATE, and when that started regressing I tried KDE and didn't look back. I was even able to let go of compiz.

When did MATE start regressing?

File manager started looking like the Gnome one,
changing the wm and disabling desktop icons became harder, etc

Try both and see which is best for your.

Just because your favourite colour is red, Doesn't mean everyone's favourite colour is red.

nice quads

KDE Neon is the way to go

KDE, fuck G anything.

There is a KDE Neon LTS too...

Both are resource hogs, but at least kde has features. Gnome; you may as well use openbox and throw one of you're ram sticks in the garbage.

Do you need to ask? GNOME is almost universally agreed to be an absolute joke. In my experience the people who defend it are always either people who've mastered their keyboards* or people who've customised it heavily. I could go into detail about my personal issues with it, but the claims of its defenders alone are enough to show that at the very least GNOME takes more time to get used to than most people on Sup Forums will give it. So with that I can conclude that for Sup Forums KDE will be better.

*e.g. youtube.com/watch?v=KSQxPnKwNc8

Chakra or Gentoo/KDE minus GTK

Actually is right. Even shit like Debian's network manager comes from GNOME, if you purge GNOME then among other things you'll kill your fucking internet before you've started installing KDE.

Source: Three weeks ago I made exactly the mistake that you're suggesting.

KDE > XFCE > GNOME > everything else

You forgot to add unresponsive and laggy memory hog for Gnome.

Go back. Change compositor to compton, install whiskers and you're all set.


I don't mean to sound like an elitist dick, but if you can't get networking up without some faggy manager you probably shouldn't be using Debian in the first place. The only "manager" you need is /etc/network/interfaces.

>still being sore about gnome 3

Does it matter? Uninstalling the GNOME network manager will kill your wireless internet if you did it through that.

OK, so the wireless interface goes down. To bring it up again you can either `ifup wlan0` or spend hours reinstalling the entire fucking OS for no reason. I favor the former but apparently I'm in the minority here.

Kde is great i general.

Kde phone companion is amazing.

GNOME is better.

Gnome have some ridiculous choices from there devs like 2 finger scrolling is superior and default and can only fixed with a workaround, or the buttons for windows controls. Eveb if you dont use them, its convenient to have them. Both are not verry stable. I hope, that gnome gets better, cuz it will be default in the next ubuntu.

Is the Debian Stretch KDE ever updated? Example, did the Debian 9.0 KDE receive the fix for the KMail bug recently? Is it the Debian maintainer who would fix it or would the fix come from KDE?

Sorry I didn't mean to reply to your post.


Atleast KDE is "fonctional"


Objectively ?
Neither. It's up to user preference to decide which is the better DE.
Subjectively ?
GNOME is for faggots and GTK is a steaming pile of shit. KDE forever.


gnome cucks have to do this whenever they upload because they can't preview files in the file chooser, lel

>Kubuntu LTS
>KDE neon
>KDE neon LTS

Can someone tell me the difference between all these?

At the very least Kubuntu LTS and KDE neon LTS should be the same thing, right?

so you are saying MATE is the way to go?

MATE remains a good choice.

Is this bait? GNU/Gnome obv

Used MATE on LM and it felt like shit

Feels fine to me. What were your complaints?

>learn to drag and drop
if only it wasn't buggy

Kubuntu or KDE Neon?

>unironically using VLC when mpv exists