Welcome to the age of botnet. Software developed in windows are *literal* spyware

MSVSC secretely pushes spyware modules into compilers.
Can you trust software written in Microsoft anymore?

They just planted their spyware in their compilers so anything you develop, it's a hidden spyware. Since the source is closed you can't even review if they hid this even deeper.

You're only like year or two late with the news lol

What's the point of putting botnet code in compilers when the whole OS is botnet

they've been doing it for some time and the answer is - use gcc with Clion instead of microtrash

The western SJW life is a Jewish botnet.

Apple users are chat bots defending Apple.


someone needs to write a book about covering your ass with user agreements and "but we need this is to make software better..." shit. i am writing an app now and need to know to what extent can i abuse and cuck normies

Why is this allowed?

So they can watch you when you launch it with Wine.

Giving government departments legal immunity is still allowed

pretty fuckin late my dude every knows this, old news dumb ass

Gcc with -march=native -Ofast -fomit-frame-pointer -mfpmath=both master race reporting in

Only microsoft pajeets develop in windows

Seems like a lot of effort put into developing a feature that would only maybe get marginal benefit in a few cases in a hypothetical future. If someone contacts you for help with a slow build, why not just send them a debug build then. Who signs of in this shit?

thank god i only use linux

Fake news.

>Not just using $cargo build -release

but i'm straight white male. rust community made it explicit that they only want niggers and fags in rust ecosystem, so thanks but no thanks

Fuck off

Germans were against jews during WWII.
It was Americans which didn't like black people back then.
At least be accurate with your idiotic memes

Fuck off

Nah, Hitler had some dislike towards blacks. It wasn't as anywhere close to the Americans though. The usual Olympics anecdote usually cuts out the part where hitler was joking about niggers with his entourage.

>Sup Forums BTFO!!!
fucking idiot

Get the fuck out



fuckoff nigger, you either a nigger , gay or pedo sjw betrayer of your kind and you advertise your coming out by pledging to rust, now i am not a nigger, not a gay or a pedo sjw betrayer, so fuck off. that's why rust wouldn't ever be dominant - because it is a lang of minorities and the only two things keeping it afloat is 1. shit doesn't sink 2. money which mozilla made teabagging normies and abusing people privacy. now go kode you disgusting evil scum


>Sup Forums shitter having an autistic meltdown

actually global rule #3 says:
>You will not post any of the following outside of Sup Forums: Trolls, flames, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

nice try faggotnigger


>haha widovs botnet


>Trolls, flames, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases,
Get the fuck out

DERAILING ALERT - someone's clearly trying to derail the thread. So i ask:

Source please? Haven't heard about this anywhere before.


Simple. He did what the Americans told him to do. 9-11 was a hoax

it was everywhere


first off topic post in this thread:

Why are you quoting CIA spies?

No, the first off topic post was Too bad your mental illness won't let you notice


Isn't that basically what the Clinton family did?

wrong, it was in reply to a perfectly on topic post
nice derail though, great job
epin trolling

>in reply to a perfectly on topic post
The post he replied to was on topic, his reply wasn't.

the post about rust wasn't on topic since rust is a political statement - not technology

Remember to report /leftypol/ and Sup Forums shitters, this is a thread about Microsoft pushing spyware modules into compilers.

Rust is programming language, not a political statement. Keep your mental illness on check.

>FOSS is communism
>Rust is a political statement
Damn, Microsoft is hiring good shills nowadays

>Disregard strict standards compliance. -Ofast enables all -O3 optimizations. It also enables optimizations that are not valid for all standard-compliant programs. It turns on -ffast-math and the Fortran-specific -fno-protect-parens and -fstack-arrays.
Why do you like breaking your programs?

are you done now

This, quite precisely. They have understood the gullible mindset of average virgin neckbeards found in Sup Forums and they have tweaked their shilling technique.

you are delusional, rust has nothing to do with programming. it is a convenience tool - like if you want to say 'im gay' or 'im black' or 'i'm lesbian' 'i'm antiwhite' - you just say - 'i use rust'. don't let the blabber about it being a "language" fool you. it is a passive-agressive way of advancing interests of freaks paid by money made by abusing good members of society. it is a parasite, a cancer.

Amazing. So how did microsoft brainwash you this bad?

Cringed. So this is supposed to be a technology board

Don't forget to add the "Encryption is for pedos" FUD
I swear this place has more shills than actual users

What the fuck even is that image. Holy shit that's fucking retarded. Are you 9? Did you just grow out of rage comics because they're not edgy enough?

I'm gonna take a wild guess that you're coming from Sup Forums. So stay in your containment board.

These people have been here for a long time. However I will admit that this pattern is alarmingly high these days. They have been running anti FOSS campaign for a while. People using Vim/Emacs are shamed because they are not using Visual studio. Linux and GNU is communism, Mozilla is "es jay double-you", Rust is "es jay double-you", Microsoft white pride etc etc nonsense

what ever do you mean?

TextBox textBox = TelemetryFactory.requestTextBoxFromMicrosoftOverlords();
textBox.registerTelemetry(Machine.IP, Machine.MAC_ADDRESS);
textBox.setText("Enter your personal information here :)");

I don't see what you mean.

sorry, i understand you can't comprehend someone honoring traditional values. also microsoft has nothing to do with c++ or rust, so what's your point about "brainwashing"?

And they have perfectly derailed the thread too. Notice how no one is talking about the actual spyware MS had embedded in their C++ compiler.
Suddenly bashing on Rust is the hot topic because that's what the cool kids at Sup Forums approve

Not like you are derailing the thread on purpose... A thread where MSVSC++ looks bad etc

C++ is a language meant for windows. The de-facto C++ book demands you that you use windows

well sorry but i dont' want to depend on couple neckbeards' moods. FOSS is a meme used to cuck programmers into doing free work. dynamic linking was a mistake and gnu is trash, and it's mascot wannabe hitlerman eating his dickcheese on camera speaks louder than words. stallman has been digging into others peoples shit so long he is now all covered in it. the innocence of oss is lost and its fish rots from the head. oss movement needs a new - improved - chill leader. the one appealing to normies, like linus or balmer, not a paranoid pedo. then - remove dynamic linking and GPL - then we ll talk

>de-facto C++
i actually skimmed couple Starsoup books, haven't seen any windows there, what is that de-facto one?

The language your OS is written in is designed by a couple of neckbeards. But for GNU, you would not be using your smartphone (if android).
And above all, if you think your political statement is so worth giving a shit about you should not be using modern computers too, it's invented by a literal fucking faggot.

Why don't you stick to your conspiracy theories like moon landing was fake and the earth is flat? It's what you are good for.

>haven't seen any windows there
Why do you shills try to lie like that?

i didn't mention any theories though, just plain and simple facts

>Visual Studio 2005
nice try dock, did you get lost on your way back to the future?
also vim is too slow for me(picrelated). i don't want to lag behind so i use an ide from based russian java gods

>Visual Studio 2005
>nice try dock, did you get lost on your way back to the future?
>also vim is too slow for me(picrelated). i don't want to lag behind so i use an ide from based russian java gods
Did you read the post I replied to, or did you just shitpost like a mindles autist as you are?

If by facts you mean name calling, of course. Not that I expect from an edgy 14 y/o anyways

>i don't want to lag behind so i use an ide from based russian java gods
>Goes on to use the slowest and laggiest editor
Sup Forums logic, everyone

so what is that de-facto c++ book from 2005 though?
what do you mean - name calling - i am just telling the truth
>he thinks editor can even remotely compete with ide and he didn't see my based picrelated
all that days you spent ricing vim,it is till slower than ide written in java. what a waste of time

>defacto C++ book
I've got a searchable copy of The C++ Programming Language by Stroustrup open and can't find that page anywhere. Got a page number?

Interestingly the win32 api book I had is C. I imagine C# is the way to go now though.

>so what is that de-facto c++ book from 2005 though?
It's the latest de-facto C++ you uneducated mongrel. Why you you try so hard to fit in?

Appendix C


so this book teaches normie newbs how to write a for loop in cpp and why is it "defacto"?

1. C++ IS a normie newb language itself
2. B*arne wrote this book as "the" introductory C++ book

ok user i finally got your point wew
so you got butthurt that it doesn't have guide how to install vs2005 on gnome?

You wren't asking me this back here I wonder why

Oh that's baby's first programming book in C++. That explains why I wasn't finding it.

Yeah, and include Win32 to that list. Fucking shill


So, correct me if I'm wrong, Bjarne was shilling spyware embedded Microsoft compiler to the newcomers the whole time?

Now I see

If those optimizations break your program then it sucks

>pls buy visual studio from www.microsoft.com
I love how sincerely he's shilling for Microsoft

wtf i hate windows now!

>2. B*arne wrote this book as "the" introductory C++ book

He wrote that as an intro to computer science book with C++. It's basically his answer to the criticism as C++ as a first language.

Pic related it's a screen cap from the same book.

Even if it came without the telemetry crap, anything VS is shitty bloat. Always has been, always will be.

microsoft compiler in vs2005 was v8. probably wasn't normal to spy on users back then. i imagine Starsoup got into a lot of debt from cocaine and gambling and microsoft pay him some yearly allowance to keep vs2005 tutorial there.

>yeah better fuck normie brains up right from the start, diesel engines, watches, pretty straightforward, fuck yeah
gb in maximum install

Damn we're being raided by Mozillards

>probably wasn't normal to spy on users back then
RIP 2005. You will be missed.

In all honesty it was done on a much smaller scale but you kept quiet about it. Back then you wrote an operating system and stuck some data reporting stuff in there. Most of the data was for trouble shooting but when you found someone who was willing to pay for it why not sell it? Now you write a program that turns a computer in to big data collection machine and stick an operating system in there. The data collection program is complex enough to need an operating system so letting the user occasionally use it is pretty much free.

what is the next logical step? can i embed a bitcoin miner into my game to make it free to play? will normies care?



I hope they send me a biological engineered gf based on my fetish (re)search for closed beta testing :V

The topic was