Why is autism so common in the tech community?

>China’s President Xi Jinping ‘turns down Mark Zuckerberg’s request to name his unborn child’ at White House dinner
>The President reportedly said the honour would be ‘too much responsibility’


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i hope i make it big so that i too can get a

He's willing to sell his own unborn child's naming rights to secure China's market.

Xi Jinping sees through this retarded tactics.

Its not autism. Its politics.

How did he ask him?
>just name my kid, you dumb fuck

Xao Jin Zuckerping


He asked his already named child if he could give his child an honorary Chinese name. It's not that big of a deal.
Bait is bad

Wǒ-Ching Yu

What an obvious and shameless political move. Maybe he can offer Merkel the same offer in the hopes that her government won't rape his company for not living up to the model of regulated speech that HE PUSHED.


It's not autism. He just came up with a polite way telling jewberg to fuck off.

Mr. Jewberg is the one accused of being autistic here.

Jews problems, Jews thing don't equals non Jews things.

Mostly fuckenberg is sociopath and want whitehouse.

>i hope i make it big so that i too can get a
If you're into manjaws, fosho

>willing to marry a 3rd country shithole gold digger

Can't be a bigger cuck

Could've give him some Muslim name for keks.
Osman Zuckerberg or Mohammed Zuckerberg

Logical thinking, in other words, they understand complex systems, better than they understand people.

This is mostly "programming spaghettilord tries politics 101". Autism has little to do with it. An actual autist wouldn't have asked that because actual autists are too busy writing code to give a fuck about finances or politics.

Ndele Matumbo Zuckerberg


Marco Polo Bun

>willing to marry a 3rd country shithole gold digger
asians have higher IQ idiot. Imagine how smart the kids from them will be (ashkenazi + asian).. Kid will be next Einstein

>I was wondering if you'd like to name my child
>maybe you'll consider zuckerbook to be available in china

Elliot Rodgers the second

I doubt Zuckerberg has autism... He did after all create a social network for normies. Someone with autism wouldn't be able to do that because they wouldn't understand the need to constantly post about what you're eating and how you're feeling.

>asians have higher IQ
>Kid will be next Einstein
This is what a delusional cuck actually believe


The real question is why are advertising and marketing companies like google and facebook referred to as "tech" companies?

Succ Zuckerberg

Zuckerberg: Name my kid
Xi: No you try and sneak Facebook into China
Zuckerberg: Just trust me you dumb fuck

>Xi Jinping sees through this retarded tactics.
The Chinese are the Asian Jews what was he thinking

stop being a fucktard. Autism is a word invented by the left to demonize young white kids and pretend theres something wrong with them, when its really just them reacting naturally to multi-culturism and liberal ideologies


He's like a millennial Bill Gates, a genuine moron who lucked out and jewed hard to get where he is.

>fanatical obsession with trains from a young age continuing into adult
>continual social failure on every front and significantly increased difficulty of breeding
Really bringing down the left wing there aren't you timmy?

the left have already brought themselves down, nice try though

Don't compare the zucc to a legend like that. If you wanna put it like that then every fucking example is luck.

I'll never get how a billionaire ended up with such an ugly mail order bride

Couldn't he have gotten one of those KPop realdolls?

>3rd world
>implying US isn't a 3rd world
>implying China isn't beating the US
Stay cucked.
Also zucc's wife is ugly af but there's better out there

How would you call them?

T. Chang

Underrated post

I presume this was lost in translation. Kinda like 'what should I name my computer?'

Where you don't normally take what the other person says too seriously, just spitballing ideas.

Sup Forums explained in 1 post.

and what about actual politicians?

>Mr China?
>Please name my Hapa-future school shooter!

There's already a Facebook presence in China.

>tfw I fell for the "wmaf children are much more likely to be mentally ill" meme for years
This is the only thing Sup Forums has ever tricked me into believing. Bastards.


>Chinese = Jews
>Japs = Germans
>Koreans = ???


Oh because there's a north and a south? Clever.

Half anything kids always have identity issues growing up, this in itself can lead to mental illness

China will be the jews' next target after they destroy the West. They're already planning to take on the appearance of the local population just like they did in Europe during the middle ages.

Yeah, this was the meme I fell for. It only works if you've never actually been in contact with any of the people falling under the generalization. Soon after I made some close friends that happened to be half I realized it was just another "no race mixing!!!!" farce.


Are you really that mad about Arabs fucking white women a thousand years ago?

Most people who say that shit are emotionally stuntwd white kids who shit themselves the very sight of a black person or delightfully ignorant Europeans who are just now realizing other races exist.

Cant take them seriously

Calling Jews Arabs and vice versa is a good way to anger both.

The ethos of zucks intention isn't cunning in nature, wisdom naturally connects within mutual understanding.

Deeper ramifications occur within a name intrinsically linked to an existence or concept of being, physical being.

Zuck dealt extensively with digital identity.

The essence of being is in the responsibility of existence, as a variable predefined could be merely attributed to fate and a presealed destiny, so one may conclude from this insightful response of overwhelming responsibility, that the freedom to be responsible shouldn't be deferred by virtue of ethics, as honor isn't permanently ingrained.

As man is condemned to be free within the realm and constraints of his own existence, honour is bestowed through the perception of his own existence, the tangible nature and course of his life within a context of community, therefore granting the request of naming zucks unborn child could be interpreted as a bequeathed predefining favor potentially influencing the constitutive existence that would occur naturally without a worldly pontification.

tl;dr irl 1337 speak


Goyberg wanted access to Chinese markets

>Japs = Germans
Holy shit you're right. Great cars, efficient tech, and super weird porn. It's all there.

Asians look like shit but enjoy ur elliot rodger you autistic white fuck

>The President reportedly said the honour would be ‘too much responsibility’
That's Chinese for "I think you're fucking retarded." Not joking. Serious implicit meaning in the context of culture.

Just look at him.

it's simple
We'll abort the sons.

yellow fever

Can a Sup Forumsack please post the image