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ofc, are you some kinda CISgendered sexist?


About time you mafia gypsies did something

>tfw gf hates me
to think after 3 months of relationship i almost got to fuck her...

well it's cute, also she would be ravaged by hooligans in case she got isolated

gypsie friend?

fuck u
cant risk it again

lol no, our protesters are just some hipsters


Those were political protests, nothing to do with hooligans


well I mean, if she was deployed against some football game riot she would got ravaged
don't break muh fantasy

how're your normie lives about


check out the confused yellow guy on the left ahahahah

trying to find summer job or work i can do from home
p antisocial tho and have no real skills

no gf because i want to start earning my own money first

>Be from Burgas
>Marry a Macedonian

what happened next

nice ass

Nice, how's it there? I'm hoping people you don't have too much problems with the locals?

>day 36. the fyromites still do not realize that I am a tatar spy

stop constructing imaginary stories and identities in your head, faggot

I'm greentexting the possibility of this happening I didn't do this lmao

It's a turnon to think you can dick down a girl from burgas becasue it's so far away but they are the same ethnicity. Wonder how much in common we'd have

about as much common as you have with serbs or croats if not less, their eastern dialects are barely understandable

O-oh, my bad

haha oh wow, is this the notorious fyromian '''''education'''''''

>their eastern dialects are barely understandable
xaxaxa fucking retard

its true tho watched an interview with some burgas selyak couldn't understand shit, when i watch interview from sofia people i understand 90%, probably because they're macedonians in denial

lol, are you in school?

You watched the video from Rakovski, those guys have a peculiar local dialects that is not representative of the East and the North, who simply talk like faggots, using soft нь, мь, and replacing e/и.

I understood the burgas jobs video maybe that's sofia dialect tho

ave ei gei ne govori gluposti shta eba v manafa

there are about 4 times more macedonians in macedonia than there are burgazlii in burgaska oblast
(including the albanians and gypsies)

>implying burgazlii are not mostly recently arrived gypsy peasants from Nova Zagora

uni, IT
technically have a job offer, but they expect me to go the office and not lecture
(1000 levs a month starting salary)

i'm considering turning them down, i don't think i can be bothered with 8 hour work days either

My life lacks pussy t b h. Rest is comfy but pussy is vital.

All you do is stay in your cabin/office, bring a laptop or something. If something happens you just call the police since you've got no rights to do anything. You can work night shifts.

what happened to female efendi and poetry girls any way? couldn't get with either?

You know where this is going, right?

Internship/job while in college is your best chance in life.

checked. sup, Miro

>maybe that's sofia dialect
it prob is, the video wasn't just about burgas
here's the based mayor


>your best chance in life.
To become a wageslave

>Belgrade takes 2 years to rebuild slavija
>Koce builds a bigger roundabout in 2 months


Why are Macedonians so great? I will spend the rest of my days here fuck other cunts.

>femal efendi

Femfendi calls me brother.

>Poetry girl

Friendzone. She in now hanging out with a Kurd guy. Will friendzone him, too from what I heard.

I have gf but not working well tho.

were building shit all the time, now they're building bike lanes near me
were not bibliska zemja for nothing m8

that's kind of how i feel too tbqh
i'd rather do freelance

no but it looks delicious

Пијaни цигaни бyгapи co цигaнcкo знaмe игpaaт opo


Oдвpaтнo и мизepнo нa acпapyхoвитe чeдa бyгapи oд тypaнo тypcки пpoизхoд caкaaт oвиe цигaни дa пoкaжaт нeкoјa Moнгoлcкa тpaдицијa кaкo Moнгoлитe нивни игpaлe co ce aлиштa вo вoдa кoгa јa пoбeдилe Bизaнтијa a пeaт кpaдeни пecни oд дpyги нapoди зaштo cвoи нeмaaт им e cтpaм дa пeaт пecни oд Aзиc.


>they're building bike lanes near me
bike lanes are cancer tbqh
they take up half the fucking sidewalk. i'd rather you just ride your bike on the sidewalk or road like a normal person


гнacнoтo плeмe oдpoдeнo нapeчeнo кaкo бyгapи e coздaдeнo вo 18 вeк oд Pycијa ,Coздaдeнa e дpжaвa бyгapиcтaн бeз бyгapи.Oвиe бoлecници cлaвaт нeкaквa иcтopијa дeкa ce пoтoмци нa Кхaнoви oд Moнгoлијa a пpи тoa тиe Кхaнoви никaд нe пocтoeлe, нeмa ни eднa мoнeтa oд нив eднa гpaдбa eдeн apтeфaкт пpoнaјдeн нa бaлкaнoт

Jelly kompot, nigga
You should try it

well every country has its mentally sick people, but in fyrom their opinions are state policy

If had to live in a European country, I'd possibly choose Romania or Bulgar t b h. No meme. Here are my reasons.

>not multi culti but staying pretty local
>nice cold weather not sunshit but not also depressing Scandi-tier
>some advantages of EU
>culturally similar and close to homeland
>Turkish minority that I can feel like belonging to when I get homesick
>not expensive af like western Europe
>wouldn't be total racist to me like other Slavic countries because of other Turks living and being neighbours
>nice towns to live like Plovdiv or Bucharest
>can raise children safely unlike western European towns with full of degeneracy

I also thought of Fyrom, too but how can I enjoy life in a country without even McDonalds to eat with or sea to swim t b h ?


ok let's try this one

don't you need social skills for that

The Turks from Turkey that live here don't recognize the local Turks. I have a friend who lives here originally from Izmir and he says they aren't Turks but Gypsies.

No. Check blackhatworld.com

bulgarians have been slavic for over 1000 years

i live close to a gypsy neighborhood
they're offended when you call them gypsies, they WE WUZ TURKS

it's different all over the country, some are actual turks, some are bulgarian muslims who identify as turks, etc

You do not seem to understand, child. There is only Fyrom, and it liberator and protector Srbija. Off to Goli Otok with you.

what offer(what you must do ) ?

I'd play with sticks with you :^)

speaking of steppefags, kek

get the job, fuck the ed

uni becomes useless in the very moment you find the job you'll eventually get after you graduate


what are your goals in life IT boy?

that's a starting job, in time you will develop skills and find better job with more free time

when was this, looks ancient

>in time you will develop skills and find better job with more free time
Ah yes, the legendary 'work from home, get 8k a month' job.

>he doesn't make 8k a week like the rest of balk

>what offer
i went on two interviews and they said they'd hire me, and that i should wait to be contacted
long story short that was 2 weeks ago, on occasion i've spoken to a guy who works there and he tells me they'll contact me, but that was a while ago so i should prob contact them instead. problem is i'm not even sure i want the job.

>what do
it's work from home right now, but it's going to be more of training period, and then uni begins after summer i'm expected to go to the office for 8 hours a day
the job is cloud servers related, maintaining, testing, upgrading, etc. something that's not interesting to me and i don't want to specialize in.

from the job offers i see, it's not that hard to find a job after uni, and they (almost always) require you have a degree

i don't need 8k but i do know of people who program from home

>being the most well-paid in a small group of autists on a zimbabwean ivory-carving forum
Great honor, indeed.

Don't come here. I will cut your ears. Fuck off to Romania i don't care.

>but i do know of people who program from home
Personally, or just /balk/ legends?

>cloud servers related, maintaining, testing, upgrading, etc. something that's not interesting to me
What are your career plans, if you don't mind sharing?

Reposting t b h. I'm serious. I can sell it to a Turkish leftist sugar daddy indie cuck for money.

Thinking of turning my life into cash by writing sit-coms.

Which sounds more exciting ?

>Effendi Sitcom in Romania

Effendi gets a job in Dristor and tries to integrate into Romanian culture. Subplots include his misadventures with gyspies, his trips to Vaslui for his crush and his encounters with Copperfendi the mega autist. Theme music by Dani Mocanu.


>Effendi Sit-Com In Bulgaria

Leaving everything behind in his hometown, Effendi decides to settle down in Plovdiv and be a super alpha under mentorship of Miro. Daily funny adventures of Effendi and Miro who tries to educate him. Guest appearances from other Bulgars and Boyko Borisov himself. Theme music from Azis.

>the job is cloud servers related, maintaining, testing, upgrading, etc. something that's not interesting to me and i don't want to specialize in.
sounds like some sort of sysadmin/noc engi

>Effendi Sit-Com In Bulgaria
>the turkroach dies in the first episode chopped to pieces
I'd watch that.

Effendi just rape poetry girl and marry her. Make a documentary on Turkish rape customs.



a guy who has no more than 5 years of office work experience
i don't know exactly but i want to be self employed, or at least work with a small team of people on projects that interest me.
game development is fun but creating random programs for people is interesting too.
sell games, apps, etc, at least get donations for them. (i'm also learning to draw)
i'm now looking into sites like freelancer.com to see if some type of "bounty work" is also viable (at least for now)

Do you guys like this man?

>turkposting under the Bulgarian flag
When is your vacation ending exactly? Some people might confuse you for a Bulgarian poster when in fact you are a Turk on vacation here.



Like the song, catchy.

For him to be a man he has to be human first. You should rephrase your question.

What do dubs decide?

Guys do you know the website www.Sup Forums.com?

Do not enter.

wow rude


Man our city government is zeus tier, we should lead all the balkan peasants


Good evening!

if dubs, you die by a mangali fire tonight


Koce is actually really based, I hope he remains mayor for life.

abe kaj da gledam vardar protiv dinamo zagreb na strim?


if dubs Macedonians are albanian and albanians are Macedonians


aх вaѓдa нeмa ни пpeнoc ни тyкa ни y хpвaтcкa aј нишo
if dubs same thing but with greeks and turks

WE WUZ ____________