Why dont you play pokemon go?

Why dont you play pokemon go?

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why are london, netherlands and poland degenerate

I would need to leave my apartment

its not even out in poland

It's not compatible with my phone (HTC One M7).

It's not out yet and I'm too lazy to download the apk

It's insane every fucking newspaper, tv and youtube celebrity is writing/blogging about this game.

It seems to be the next big thing.

I don't want to be robbed.

> Niemcy
lol is that really how you guys call Germany?


because I'm not a fucking manchild

Its not out in europe.
How am i supposed to play it?


Get this and download it.

Forgot to add, it's safe I got it from Polish Eurogamer.


Polish business insider says to do the same.

Yes. They can't speak for shit, that's why "Niemcy", from "niemowa" (mute).

foreigners can't afford smartphones
it's real shame I even gave away one of my old phones when I was visiting France
they were like wow how could you make so much money

Doesn't keep Poland from exterminating the virtual fauna.

It's what you call us because your people couldn't understand our language

No available here


I'm actually going out right now with my gf and driving to the place where I we can get machop because I found it on the ap in my city.

What is the sauce for this map?

I have a feeling it's fake


It this how you say Italia?

post average players of your cunt

I'll get around to it once you can trade and shit

Top kek is that read "Boogaria"?


essentially yes

I downloaded it today, I'm going out in a few minutes. A game actually chased me out, what a world we live in heh

It's from "Vlachs'

Rest of Europe is apparently so antisocial that they don't even want to leave their house.


Here you go bruh

Too busy taping my Synth waifu in fallout 4

What is that ł supposed to resemble? That sound can't be found in any Slavic language and nor are you able to write it in Cyrillic.

It doesn't work with Android 4.3

This is bait right?

Even the poorest Mexicans have smart phones. Are euroserfs really that poor?

Ł / ł is a Polish thing, sounds like English 'w'

>american education and sense of humour

>american intelligence

We have our words for few countries

Wlochy italy
Niemcy germany
Idk maybe more

In Polish:
ł = w
w = v


I know this, but how has it arrived in Polish? It doesn't sound Slavic at all.


I have a smartphone

But I don't have the paid internet I don;t know english term for it

I would pay like 3 dollars per minute to play with the data transmission

Freedom aint free.

Either you have a phone or a Syrian. Choose wisely

>its actually true

German probably
we are Eastern Germanics who speak a slavic tongue

>Doesnt know how to hack his phone to access unlimited internet service.

You got a pokemon stuck in your brain

it's literally 20 zł per month or even less for ~4gb a month.

>need to walk tons of shit km
use your brain

I don't have a job my mum pays 30 zł subscription and she says that's all she's gonna pay

this is a fucking cementary wtf

>my mum

lol pussy ass momma's goy

But Vlachs are Romanians.

I'm 19

>im 19


get off momma's PC and go do your homework before I tell your dad

>All those Gengars waiting to be captured

> 20 zł
that's like 5 euros wtf
i pay 24 euros for my connection

>playing a game that has full access to you Google account (texts, email, files on GDrive, whatever)
>including write (see delete) permissions

I pay 25zł for unlimited everything with LTE

thats because you're white, pekka

it's your fault you have those things on google in the first place retard

how can we pokemon battle shit? I wanna make gaijin kids cry.

wtf r u on about cicho dajku

it's not unlimited and when you go above the limit (which isn't high, mostly 2gb) it slows down so much you can't use it. But it's perfect for games and shitposting on Sup Forums while on a bus.

>implying I have an active Google account
I don't even own an Android phone.

Nintendo games in general and Pokemon games in particular are largely unpopular here. Adults consider them too childish while kids see them more of an outdated dad's thing.

>le government surveillance boogeyman
as long as they're not putting cameras inside your house you people are being fucking paranoid
Nobody actually gives a shit what you write in your ERP emails

>I wanna make gaijin kids cry.

just molest them irl like your shota playmates, Takeshi

I dont want to change my appleid because I prefer to pay in rubles than in euro

There are arenas where tou can play, Satoshi.

I would kick your ass in a matter of seconds.

jak to działa w jakiej sieci masz

Have linear algebra exam in two days. Have to wait.

>government surveillance
It's not about government surveillance, fuckwit.
It's about giving free and constant access to your private data to a corporation that'll probably sell it to the highest bidder just for a fucking AR game.


Play dla firm

Ironically they're all majority Polish.

and who gives a shit about my useless data being sold

I play, it's great
Where do you find this map?

that's fucking insane

mine is not the unlimited one either, just the second best contract, it's enough when you don't need it at home (wifi). unlimited would cost 30e if i remember correctly :)


>who gives a shit about my useless data being sold
You should.
Not gonna call you names again, but you deserve it.

I pay 0 zl for unlimited everything

Now THAT is insane in the membrane

>caring about a company knowing my web surfing activities
literally paranoid
not affecting my life negatively in any single way

I got like a super expensive free to make a call to everywhere smartphone plan but only with like 4 gigs. Meh.


I'm not autistic

i don't know why we don't have it yet

yes and slavs are those that are understandable

We call them the same, not country but people

Pokemon is for fags

poland explain this

Poles and Dutch are the strongest races.

I'm sorry ;_7

I'm one of them and I shan't explain a thing

I understand why Poland's economy sucks now

>Why dont you play pokemon go?
I am not a kid anymore.Now i play games that are a little bit more mature.

>not playing Ingress, the best AR game instead

I have windous fone

Come on lad, get this shoah on the road