Five countries you like

Five countries you like.
Five countries you dislike.



I feel a spiritual bound to them.


Dunno why but they are cute. Their posters are total bullies sadly against Turks.


Literally American Turks. Soulmates. Best food ever.


Funky, upbeat culture. Always bro-tier here and irl.


Looks dank as hell. Copenhagen is my cityfu.

Honorable mentions: Italy, Portugal and Romania.



Everything about them from architecture to ""culture"" from food to their people makes me feel bad. Never cared for them.


Invited us to work for their shitty jobs in 60s, now they blame everything on us. No matter how bad our diaspora is, they always scapegoat them. When Mesut scores a goal all of them are happy but whenever a Turk steals or kills, they are going full racists on us while trying to please us at the same time for their interests. Look at Merkel and her shady business with us. I can totally understand European hate towards them.


Might be hell on earth. Hipsters praising them for muh mystics also don't help.


Literally decadance : the country.


Literally tumblr: the country.

Other urls found in this thread:

I feel half-brit, I have family there and I feel for the turd that is London
they hate niggers

forcing refugees on everyone else, run the mess that is the EU
they're too loud
I fucking hate their accent and Nicola Sturgeon
ignorant and feel the need to give their opinion on everything even if they have no idea what they're talking about

Erkan abi please don't put onions on my döner. Thanks.


Middle East in general

>I feel a spiritual bound to them.
This very much


I’m a Germanboo, Berlin is my cityfu #1

Great history, architecture, language, and landscape. Florence is my cityfu #2

great landscape and history

Love the language and culture (excluding Paris)

no real reason, I just like Estonia

love the language and culture
>literally any country in the middle east save for Israel

Everyone has a hard on for japanese culture and it’s fucking annoying

Russia is horribly depressing looking, not aesthetic at all

same reason as OP

literal shithole

Kosovo is Serbia







Don't really dislike any countries.

Actually scratch that fuck Iran, Iraq, Syria, Paris and Saudi Arabia


Five countries that cause my butthurt:

Reee why noone bombed their cute cities, so now they're rich?

Reee why they have only 1 nehgbour which actually loves them? How coudl they be independent for so long?

Reee they destroyed my country and nobody bombed them to the ground in return, so they rule in Europe again

Reee those filthy nazi colaborators have a cute country

Ree they have more favorable opinion on Russia than we do, so why they weren't under their "protection" after WW2? Filthy nazi collaborators#2


The middle east
Poland (always butthurt)

New Zealand
I'm not going to name any, it's mean and rude.

>they hate niggers

That's not true. Only our neonazis do and they are like 0,001% of society. Unfortunately they are also violent.

thank you bros

>Literally decadance : the country.



Our oldest ally in Europe(Before Brexit ofc)


For all the BS they spout it would be boring without Murica.


Best english speaking Europeans in my experience and Amsterdam a pretty nice place


Pretty cool country and myu favourite Asian country byfar.


Well i dont really like the country or wish to move there but Filipinos are probably the best non white immigrants of England.



Biggest sub humans in Britain I refuse to consider this cockroaches Europeans


Too proud of their country and they steal the culture of Black americans for their Music and modern culture. Just a shit Jap


No need to explain North Africans are scum tier.

wtf i hate poland now

>Canada isn't a shemale
I mean Come-on it's current year

I'm literally islamophobic so I can't return these feelings sadly.

>Before Brexit
what does brexit have to do with the anglo-portuguese alliance




Saudi Arabia



meme countries

Like :

>the Netherlands

Dislike :

>Saudi Arabia


Any Baltic state equally

Thank you for the gift of anime and manga
Old alliances die hard
Sort of like Finland but bigger. No stanley cup since 1993 though
QT3.14159265358 girls and wintersports
Sort of mixed bag but honestly any country that bombs middle-east is based in my books

Poo in the loo. Overpopulated hellhole
Somalians are considered the niggers of Africa and for a reason. Literal scum
>Middle east (inb4 not a country)
I don't really fancy Islam to be honest
Jewish hypocrites
>North Korea
Meme country


i don't really dislike any country. maybe irrelevant islam-dominant countries

>feels a special bond to a country that hates you and your people to the bone



Russians I've met IRL seemed brainwashed and ignorant
I just don't like the whole "American Dream" and "American Way of Life"
It's USA 2.0 really
Go back to EU and give me more money
Stop licking Russia's ass.

I like to go there skiing, nice people, can understand without translation more or less
as above
I don't know really. I just always wantet to go there for vacation.
EU monies
as above

>feels a special bond to a country that hates you and your people to the bone

Shut up Panslavist wetting himself with the dreams of united Orthodox Empire under your big brothers. You are the ones who betrayed them by joining EU and sucking on American cuck. If I was a Rus I would hate your kin, not Turkey.

"Racism" here is nothing compared to anything else, also turks are not rapefugees, so take a shillpill.

If you do far far worse to kurds than we are allowed to be a bit shitty to our own "kurds".

Full racist would be what YOU are doing.


Yes they have to work harder and get some shit, I admit that.

I don't want to make it harmless, but when 15 year old turkish girls stab police-men and others like them pick up wahabism than you do get a problem.

Normally turks are the best muslims we have here except for Iranian expats, but sadly that does not have to mean that much when they fall for saudi-arabian extremism because they want to feel muslim/turkish again which means funnily enough often the same to them.

Ok roach, what does it feel like knowing the entire civilized world hates you?

t. effendi


Best country in the world, just perfection

I lived there for four years and will live there again at some point. Vilnius is very, very cozy and i just like the lifestyle

>New Zealand
muh heritage

Because of culture, music, food, history, architecture, Istanbul, etc.

>Czech Republic
Fedora tippers, ordnüng but not nanny state, good lifestyle,,what's not to like

Just fuck my shit up already
As above
Just awful in every way. Like how OP feels about Japan.
Barbarism, hypocrisy and degeneracy: the country
What's to like ?

>civilized world
yeah basement-dwellers of civilized world

Germany (despite their government)
Sweden (the northern parts and Stockholm is full of twats though)
Malta (comfy as fuck)

Pretty much all Islamic countries for obvious reasons
China (dirty place, got asthma stepping off the plane, annoying whores that tempt you into those tea houses so thugs can steal your money)
All of Sub-Saharan Africa


I'm really afraid for your next election.. without you guys we are so fucked in the EU.
cool guys, but I'm afraid for your next elections as well. Also kindly consider building a few crossing instead of roundabouts only.
what all of Great Britain should be like, you guys are awesome
because they are the only other country that gave a shit about refugees and generally awesome country
I love the country, but hated you guys during the refugee crisis

why is this is even a country?
ungrateful bastards
for blocking European progress when the EU was still popular and now fucking off
"we din'do nothing", austerity policy is at fault at everything (and while it is not entirely wrong, you guys could at least pay your fucking taxes for gods sake)
well obviously, too many reasons to count. Only plus is that they are trying to fix FIFA for some reason.

What did you do in Lithuania?

Thanks guy, I just wished britts would like us more.

Maybe now we can have a normal relationship without power struggles and trying to be a real empire again.

Japan - they're perverts and they don't care if you don't like it, qts are kawaii

Philippines - best food on earth, pretty cute qts, Lee Kwan Yew comic book vigilante meme president

Chile - Pinoche, raspberry trade war for delicious cheap berries >:D

Finland - god tier qts, greatest ally, would help them get greater Karelia back from the Muscovites

Poland - fucking with Russia and Germany at the same time, cute qts

France, Germany, Canada, Belgium, Sweden - cucks

Out of interers, why do you not count your country as cusks that legalised all illegal immigrants and panders to minorities while only being 60% non hispanic white christians?

Curse if you want, but please give me an honest answer.

ah yes

I have some fond memories when I lived there as a child, I was born in Osnabrück it was a pretty nice place. I've visited a few times since then, usually the big cities Munich, Stuttgart and Düsseldorf. Although I've love to go see Osnabrück one more time, just never had the chance.

Uni, then worked



They have the migrant issue, but I still love their music, cuisine, freedom, and culture. A lot of popular stuff came from Sweden, like PewDiePie, Minecraft, Swedish house, and Swedish Fish.


Peaceful, little racial tension, good Muslims (which somewhat surprisingly exist), beautiful landscapes, roomy, and that hilarious Norse accent. But I fear that since everyone now has their eye on it, it'll be overflown with unwanted cuntservatives and muzzies.


They have Svalbard. I like Svalbard.


Nice ass beaches and nice ass bitches, wonderful wilderness, enough freedom for me, far from mainland Africa, and isn't Madagascar.


I like the Arctic. The Arctic is fun. The stereotypes are funny. The area around the Hudson Bay has this interesting biome that gives me a funny vibe. I'm talking about the one where there are tons of miniature lakes everywhere.


>United Arab Emirates

Dogs have more rights than women. Sand has more rights than fags. That one building that bends over at the top in Dubai is unnerving. TRUE xenophobia, not what SJWs consider xenophobia.


Only fully European nation with a dictator (unless you're a white supremacist fuckbag, then I guess all of Western Europe is under oligarchy/some sort of dictatorship for you). Only country other than Lithuania with an official death penalty, and even then Lithuania does it under special circumstances. They hate outsiders, they get so edgy when people call them Russian, and they're also like Russia, which takes off more points.

>North Korea

I'm concerned as to why nobody has chosen this as one of the countries they dislike. This is the definition of communism. The government babies the people, while at the same time treating them like shit.

Düsseldorf is great, sadly the durka halso reached it as a guy wnated to blow ob the underground/tram.

Luckily we catch them before they do shit up till now.

Really funny if you realise that the fucked up olympic games with palestinian terrorists and the RAF lefties killing spree prepared us apparently better for that shit than other countries.

Also turks are apparently better people than other muslim groups.

More secular.

>Only country other than Lithuania with an official death penalty, and even then Lithuania does it under special circumstances.

What the hell are you going on about

>They hate outsiders
Also absolutely not true. Stop talking shit, fatty

You are so obviously black

Maybe my shit's outdated.
I'm white and I'm proud.

fuck off turk

> A lot of popular stuff came from Sweden, like PewDiePie, Minecraft, Swedish house, and Swedish Fish.



yeah except not, but kindly do explain why the fuck you don't pay fucking taxes?
(and if you actually do, why you don't ask for receipts when you are spending money?)

>tfw live on murica's cock


And Norway or Spain i guess


The whole Middle East


god tier food

god tier parties

god tier vacation

god tier politics (fuck the burgers, Europe should unite)

god tier people


literally destroyed Europe after the 1960's

literally destroying Europe since ever

literally an American colony in Europe

>Sweden, Finland, Pooland
literally the fifth column of the burger

It's all gonna be allright, mon ami. All's gonna flow with water. One day you'll wake up, breath deeply, approach to wondow and see that everything turned good.

How many latinos do you see daily?


random muslim hellholes

sorry, i don't have a fishing rod for my bait
they won't let you in for the dumbest reasons (sometimes regarding ethnicity and appearance)

Autism maximums

>haha I was only pretending to be retarded

5 countries I like :
Good people
Good leader

Great country
The only 1st world in middle-east
>North korea
I just love them
God bless Kim and may his father rest in peace
Blacks not niggers
The only sub-sahran country that had a good empire that was built in normal way
Unlike mali that was built on slavery
Good hard working people
5 countries I hate:
Cuckolds white knights sjw faggots tumblr
Sucks jew's cock every day and do their biddings
Funds terrorists
Secrertly funds terrorists
Hezbollah steals lands from christians in Lebanom then they say they dindu nuffin
The nose knows
Every 10 mins a brazilian gets shot

Nice food, beautiful countryside, Dublin is a cheaper and better version of London
Also beautiful countryside, beautiful architecture, windmills
Very chill people, as a whitey you get to do all sorts of random shit without getting caught, cool mountains and rivers apart from the pollution, awesome nightclubs
Sexy chicks, nice weather, party all night bby
why not? :-)

only because of Putin
Evil flag
>A couple other Eastern-European countries because they're lawless hellholes.

Eh, most countries are pretty cool in their own way.



I feel like their people and governments have played their cards pretty well in the past few decades, and they haven't been stupid internationally.


I haven't met a single person I've disliked from the Phillipines


Pretty much the same as above, with a notable decrease in the number of bisexuals, but I travelled across the country before the war and it's a sweet place. Also women are top tier.


Oh, their culture is heavily flawed, it always has been. But with the exception of their war with Korea, their military history can be pretty much summed up as 'I didn't those yellow sea monkeys would do so much damage', to paraphrase a quote from their war with Russia.


I like snow, I like forests, and I like women with an aggressive sexual appetite. When should I move?



This is generally more disappointment than anything. There's not a single policy that the USA adopts that they don't take to EXTREEEEEEEEMES. Whether it's giving every citizen the right to buy an AR 15 vs the option of installing big brother, their whole healthcare debacle, or the fact that Republicans have now declared a porn crisis, it's just stupid. I love your food, I like most of your people, but when you guys gather in groups it's like critical masses of stupidity.


Foundation of current country based on people literally worse than Hitler. Organ harvesting, infanticide, plastic food poisonings, sheer neglect for the environment and the complete inability to deal with corruption is just one of many things. Holy fucking shit.


Just leave the fucking gays alone. The rainbow motif gets annoying but holy crap, it really isn't some kind of NWO subversion strategy.


The government. We know what you did to the armenians, stop trying to justify it with 'probably deserved it, IF IT EVEN HAPPENED'. Fucking hell.


Wierdest motherfuckers in Europe, no hate, but you're on Japan levels.

>A couple other Eastern-European countries because they're lawless hellholes.

Which one?

>Good leader

I Guess Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Greece, Romania. Does Kazakhstan even count?

They think he's a nationalist and 86% love him :-(

I can understand Ukraine, but Greece and Romania? They aren't that bad. Also, I would count the more as South Europe rather then East, but it's just semantics.
Does Kazakhstan even count?
I don't think so, it's in Asia mostly.


Saudi Arabia

>Philippines - best food on earth




because of what OP said

Bro-tier people

same as brazil, bro-tier people, also white

because i never fell for the ''RUSSKIEZZ R EVIL'' meme

high quality banter


they literally get mad if you give them loo's

became really gay after the nukes

jew-tier people money/relevance whore WE WUZ OPRESSED N SHIET

what the fuck are you doing


>a Croat that like Serbia





I wont play by these rules, I like you as long as you are nice.

>South Sudan

>South Korea
>Hong Kong

>Ireland (Arabs of Europe.)
>America, without them there would be no Islamic revival.


that's it

>everyone else, especially the entire ME (cunts)

But you made us? WTF man, i thought we were bros

We have made many mistakes thus far 2bh

man, if it weren't for you I'd be an atheist socialist scum

>The Nordic countries
>The Baltic sisters
>Czech republic

Their leader is a meme
>North Korea
>Muslim countries
>South American countries

>70% muslim
>124 mi from Iran
>listed as "high threat of terrorism"
Good luck 2 you

You in Juffair or Manama, or Riffa?

Imma guess Riffa, if not, then you're in Juffair with the 5th fleet.

Nah, neither, Zinj ya a5i, with the Ajam. Juffiar is a fucked up place, full of drugs, whores, and terrorists as well as Americans. Bahraini exile? Or U.S. Navy?

Neither, was a paid intern at aramco for a year after uni, hated the saudis so I lived in Saar instead.

Spent my weekends in Juffiar getting shit faced.

Saudis aren't bad if you go to the right places, I get why you wouldn't like the ones you met though. How'd you enjoy Bahrain? Ever been to anywhere besides Juffair?

I actually really enjoyed it, and I wouldn't mind finding a job there in the future. I've been to Riffa a few times and to most places on the northern side of the island.

Heard you guys opened a new mall in Muharraq

Yeah we did, I don't like malls to be honest, if I need clothing I get it tailored at my family tailor, cheaper that way, and lasts longer. (Since I only wear thobes.) I don't like the Westernization of the country, I don't mind modernization, but sadly it is becoming Westernized more than it is becoming modernized. It's good you enjoyed the country, we need a lot of improvement to get us on a good stable level though, next time go to Jid Ali for really good food.


>Czech Republic


>Saudi Arabia



>New Zealand














So you don't dislike Palestine? Aww, how sweet :^)

I-i thought we were bros

Of all the country cliches, Mena desert is the one I like the most, probably because it actually exists. It's like those fairy landscapes of Switzerland.