Learning Italian

What are some good grammar books for learning Italian?
I don't give a shit about visiting the country and talking to rustic olive farmers in the colloquial dialect or whatever, I'm only learning for literary purposes, so all I really need is a good comprehensive grammar, no bullshit like how to order a cab or book a hotel room like they teach you in college.

Also, am I retarded? I'm doing this so I can read all the stuff from the Renaissance in the original language. How feasible is this or am I just going to get BTFO when I try actually reading this stuff?

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>Also, am I retarded?

this is a phase you're going through, you're never gonna learn a language just so you could impress some assholes with your amazing renaissance knowledge. it doesn't work like that

I'm already become fluent in German for roughly same motivations, retard.
I don't need input on how I spend my free time, I just want a god damn recommendation for a grammar book.

>I'm already become fluent in German for roughly same motivations, retard.

no, you haven't. you're not fooling anyone neckbeard, this is all a desperate cry for attention

For reading books of the Renaissance in the original language you will need to learn very well the Italian like a native because they are written in "ancient Italian".

>english native speaker
>"i'm learning another language!"
>bursts of laugh
>"it's an archaic for of a romance language!"

Here's a funfact: there are more airplanes underwater, than submarines in the sky.

i hope youre just projecting. you cant comprehend someone learning a language for literature and culture? that is (with business and travel) the main reason people learn a language. anyone who is interested in philosophy/literature needs decent french and german. italian isnt as useful but still pretty important. seriously, i thought it was just niggers who were so anti-intellectual. youre letting down our people.

Well, literature is really my only true hobby and reading endless translations into English gets very tiresome.
I am interested in Italian cultural heritage even if modern Italians are not.

Nigga please, let a nigga be. You know he be right

Maybe start with Latin.

while this is true, it would be misleading for someone who speaks only english and german, because english has changed far more since the renaissance than french and especially italian have. my italian is pretty shit so call me out if im wrong, but i thought della crusca has been trying to keep italian to the language of dante. not to mention, it was rarely used due to the prevalence of the dialects.

i can read machiavelli and boccaccio almost as easily as pirandello and moravia, but even native english speakers struggle with shakespeare and milton.

primo impara la grammatica
dopo il vocabolario
se tu già sai spagnolo è più facile imparare l'italiano per essere onesto

latin is good because if someone calls you out on your pronunciation you can say youre using the "Halloway Pronunciation" or whatever. just make it up. they wont know the difference.


see this guy? kudos to him.
he is the reason foreigners shouldn't learn Italian.

this 2bh, I'm learning spanish currently, if I cared about which would be more useful from purely a business point of view or whatever, I know French and German are much more useful (in Europe at least)

>not sticking to dialectal pronunciation
>not having dialects
>not knowing AT LEAST one dialect

Life must be miserable, for the foreigners. I pity you cultureless creatures.

if i knew we was right then i wouldnt have explained why he was wrong.

unlike some people, i dont look down on others for not being interested in literature/philosophy/culture ect.

but i do look down on others who look down on others who are interested in that.

and this lil nig cant even comprehend that someone would be interested in that shit. what do we do with those people?

maybe im suffering from dont-you-realise-youre-on-Sup Forums syndrome, but not everything is a veiled attempt to make yourself look good or get laid.

why whats wrong with his italian?


>se tu già sai spagnolo è più facile imparare l'italiano per essere onesto


hold up mamma's boy, we are talking about latin not italian.

cicero's pronunciation is still controversial, let alone that of some obscure village.

and as you probably mistakingly thought i was talking about italian (honest mistake), maybe disunity in your language suggests you should have stayed as city states.



The only thing you need to know in Italian is "che cazzo". You can have an entire conversation using only this expression.


italians butcher the fuck out of the english language everyday on Sup Forums

inb4 'i dont care', ok, just pointing out the hypocrisy


che cazzo dici?

>se tu già sai lo spagnolo è più facile da imparare l'italiano
pronto l'ho riparato :)

would "se sai già spagnolo può possa imparare facilmente l'italiano, veramente." be correct.

sorry i can read pretty well but i cant write for shit

fra I negri della foto vedi i brasiliani? No. Non siete degni di parlare Italiano. Tornatene a parlare Portoghese, coloniale figlio di uno scalzacane Portoghese

Già, come se ne avessi le palle


im italian american

Io non parlo Italiano, parlo Talian da Brasile.

That's it. I'm out. Fuck this place.

>implicando che non sono italiano secondo la legge italiana come te

general worthless advice

if you want to learn a new language:
1. go on pirate bay and download a collection of textbooks. just search "learning italian" and find a collection with 20+. they normally include several grammars, several vocabs, some beginners texts (parallel or sole), exercises ect.
2. grammar and vocab at the same time! unless youre an autistic savant or have studied many languages at the linguistic level, you wont be able to memorise all the grammar, memorise a dictionary, and start spouting fluently. do vocab and grammar at the same time. do lots of practice. make sure your grammar is good though. people are fine if you dont know a word, you look like a retard if your grammar is shite.
3. immersion.

my grandparents are from naples

wait, i need to know whether that was correct.

i tried to go on /ita/ once but it was all romanians and "e' lui o non e' lui" and unironic antisemitism and racism.

Instead of bringing back millions of Brazilians and Argentineans of Italian descent, you bring shitskins.
SMART cookie.

yours was wrong m80
you wrote twice possa and può which are the same verbs, and it's missing some prepositions n articles n sheet

tbchwuf i can understand italians' and irishmen's getting annoyed at muh heritage americans


youre too autistic to realize i was being ironic with him

i actually am italian american and lived in italy tho, i never brought it up but when ppl found out about it i got treated better

que que se tá fazendo ai no reino unido nigga? aproveitando antes do brexit hue?

don't mind this autist, people with Italian ancestry are revered in Italy

oh shit i meant poi. always get poi and puo mixed up for some reason. and i think thats wrong anyway. in english we have "if X then Y", but you guys just have "if X, Y", no?

The reference for the Italian language is not Dante but Manzoni with "I promessi sposi".

For example Boccaccio sentences from the Decameron

"Messer sì, ma voi non gridaste - ho ho - a quella di iersera; ché se così gridato aveste, ella avrebbe così l'altra coscia e l'altro piè fuor mandata, come hanno fatto queste."

"Così adunque con la sua pronta e sollazzevol risposta Chichibio cessò
la mala ventura e paceficossi col suo signore"

They use archaic words and no longer in use today so if you learn the modern Italian will have to also learn the old words no longer in use.

kek, it's just that there is one autistic retard who believes to be a jew and everyone mocks him

puoi consigliarmi un buon libro italiano per leggere? un classico che tutti hanno letto e hanno detto che è buon? :)

Não gosto mais do Brasil para morar devido a violência. Mesmo com o Brexit, nada vai mudar.

>Não gosto mais do Brasil para morar devido a violência
se tá sozinho ai ou sua senpaiília foi junto?

youre too autist to realise i never once said i was talking about you. im not talking about every american with italian/irish heritage. im talking about people with 1/16 ancestry who have never been to that country talking about how italian/irish they are.

clearly someone who is making an effort to learn the language ect is pretty cool. ive disagreed with this guy , about that.

Só eu e Deus

krl se abandono tudo e foi pra ai? tá fazendo o que ai?

nobody likes you
nobody has ever liked you

morei 7anos ilegal nos eua, e vim pra ca. tem 6mese. entrego asparadinhas de van. muito sussa, trampando sem esquentar a cabeça e vivendo suave na nave

sono italo-americano pure io, in italia da 3 anni, e vorrei che ci fosse più gente che usa il passato remoto. fra tutte le delusioni che ho provato in questo paese posso benissimo dire che la lingua non ne fa parte e continua a rendermi felice.

il fu mattia pascal

not him but: Boccaccio's Il Decamerone is great. its pretty much a bunch of short stories. pirandello's my favourite his short stories are good eg Marsina stretta, novelle per un anno. il fu mattio pascal, uno nessuno e cenomila is quite famous internationally. i havent read any of his plays yet but i hear theyre alright.

are you legally in uk?

figata, lo leggerò

noice, teve um brother meu que foi pro canada tb hahaha, tá doidaraço e fumo altos beck lol ele me mando uma foto esses dia hue tá tentando arranja emprego em algum lugar

OFC, but Im going back to the United States of America, sooner than later.

The classics that everyone has read that are the basis of school education are:
Boccaccio (Decamerone)
Dante (Divina commedia)
Manzoni (I promessi sposi)
Verga (I malavoglia)
Pirandello (Il fu Mattia Pascal)
Italo Svevo (La coscienza di Zeno)

Vou passar por la, se curtir eu fico, caso com uma gordinha e pá huehueheuehuhe

>"if X then Y", but you guys just have "if X, Y", no?
I kinda copied what we have in portuguese hue. Most of the grammar is really really similar to portuguese that's why in my first try I fucked because I translated it literally from portuguese kek. In Portuguese we say "se você sabe algo isso fica mais fácil" "se sai qualche cosa questo diventa più facile" but we also have like in english "if X then Y" "se sabe algo então será mais fácil de aprender isso" "se sai qualchecosa quindi sarà più facile da imparare questo" quindi=then in english m80 hope it helped you

noice, do people enjoy reading those books in school?

They don't make you fully read any of those except for the Divina Commedia. Many people love Pirandello anyway.

>for literary purposes
Yo reading up on Dante's poetry? Petrarca?

It depends from student to student but read only obviously yes.
What they dislike is study the whole biography of the author and all other possible information for the test.

good luck, man. just be careful if trump gets elected

Thank you. I used to work for some powerful people in New England.
They want me back.

cool, here we usually got to read some really famous classic BR books, but most people can't read them properly because the language is too difficult and most of the times got tons of things you need to know and the teachers usually don't help at that, so most people either just don't read them get a summary to pass their tests or do something just to get a good grade.

Anche i promessi sposi li fanno leggere completamente e anche il decamerone quasi tutte le storielle vengono lette.

Penso dipenda dal tipo di scuola, io dei Promessi Sposi ho letto tipo metà a scuola

Correct phrase is
Se tu sai già lo spagnolo, è più facile imparare l'italiano

Brazilian guy was pretty much ok

Il barone rampante, by Italo Calvino

A me hanno fatto leggere interamente i malavoglia, fu mattia Pascal e zeno.
Ma di dante boccaccio e manzoni solo delle parti.

P.s. era un liceo scientifico