Which countries will still be white in 100 years, which ones won't?

Which countries will still be white in 100 years, which ones won't?

le ebin portugal edit

Argentina certainly won't, we've been getting loads and loads of non-white immigrants for decades. Plus non-whites generally have many more children than whites. Plus interracial relationships are on the rise.


Argentina has never been white senpai.
Who cares tho


>it's a Mexico is white Mexican thread

America isn't even white today

We are not white, Panchito Gonsales.

The amount of blue in Spain is offensive.

Well meme'd. Spaniards are among the whitest Europeans.

What amount of white is white by your standards, OP? We're ~80%, going down since 1930s.

I care.

>Not white
>Not White
>Not White

wtf op


We are naturally tanned, nothing to do with the pigskinned whiteys.

Ireland and Iceland are the only ones that stand somewhat of a chance.

The rest are going down and going down fast

UK is hardly white in modern times. U.S. isn't even white

Everything else is accurate

>UK: 87% white

>Even Human

Nice one

We are all going to die in the nuclear war.

I really hope so.


>norn iron
>not white af
Shit map desu senpai

>white people can't be muslims


100 years? None

The United States Census Bureau defines White people as those "having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa,"

They're probably not even %60 tbf, UK isn't great, but it's far more white than the US.

who cares lmao

haha, nice one

>Brits are THIS insecure about their whiteness status
Accept your fate bros. Denial is just the first stage of grief

By that definition the Netherlands would be 97% white.

In reality we're 88% white. And have another 10% European migrants.

We actually are much stricter when it comes to determining who's "white" or not than most nations. You guys don't even measure whiteness in the EU because it's illegal in most countries

The bar for including all non-white "whites" would place the white population at 73%. 60% white is by far the most accurate assessment

>A previously 100% white country is celebrating being more white than a country that has had, at the very least, 15% minorities throughout its history.

The Netherlands tracks migrants for generations. Unlike in other countries you, your children and their children can't become a native Dutchie in the stats.

Mexicans of Spanish descent are white as fuck what are you talking about?

there is always white mexicans in private schools, not a single shitskin

i wonder why.......

i wonder why.....


>White Americans

They look like top lads