60% white

>60% white
>40% by 2050

Chinada is that bad, huh?

what's the difference

t. Jose Ramirez Angel Maria de Garcia

% white
think youve got us mixed up with ameripoopland, canada is 85%

t. Song Le

I feel bad for Hispanics and blacks, they're gonna inherit the US once it's already begun declining. It's like how Christianity inherited a collapsing Roman Empire, then got blamed for not saving it (even though they preserved it for another thousand years in the east, and the medieval period was far more peaceful and prosperous than Rome was at its height)

>60% """white"""
Sure thing yingyan

How do you become less white with age? Some Canadian genetics.

>implying whites won't just continue to be the managerial class

There's so many things wrong with this post that I seriously doubt its sincerity

>Above 70%
Pick one

>people not realizing op is talking about ameribrowns



So there's a lot of Chinese people in Canada huh. I've literally only met one in my whole life.

Leaves literally change their colour with age.

The whole western world is becoming less white though. It's like gloating that you get to survive and extra week with terminal cancer

Percentage wise yeah, but the amount of white people arent decreasing

They're only 4% of the population and outside of major metropolitan cities like Vancouver, and Toronto, they're very few. It's a funny meme tho...

Compare that with America with 14% blacks today, and up to 35% Mexicans by 2050. Lol

Most Canadians live in cities...

I was implying that it would be rare to see Chinese outside of Vancouver and Toronto.

Theres tons of East Asians in London

At least they're christian

do you have an Australian type points system i.e. a holy grail of immigration according to nige

>90% white
>10% white by next week
Sup Forums is always right so it has to be true...

40% white is still a lot for a country with a population of over 300 million but yeah it's going to be really gloomy when the whites are the minority.


>Chinada and Afrimexica

Who wins