What went wrong?


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Obama destroyed the USA

Us and them




Unravelling social fabric caused by emphasis on the individual over family and community.

They took commiefornia.

Bush 2+Reagan era economic policies.

The Brits gave up and left after a while.


Fun fact the first romans was ruled by kings who was black. Tarquinius superbus the last black king of rome was overthrown by the whiteys who ruled rome for a couple of centuries. Until sulla the great black general overthrew the whiteys and exterminated them in the social war. Now blacks was running rome again and a whitey wasnt seen in the region again until it was sacked by alaric and the whiteys eventually killed or sent the black romans to africa. Julius caesar was black

this sounds like something a mentally deteriorating white geriatric would write

stupid nerd faggot lmao

>Reaganomics is bad


British cultural influence

2 big 2 fail


South Carolina

Two states off buckaroo

The Democrats and the Republicans both suck ass, both fucking suck

it would be great again if both parties self-destructed AND the libertarians and greens didn't supplant them (because they aren't much different)


The only way to get rid of them is to somehow abolish the two party system

But how? I don't know, how do other countries do it


just implement alternative vote and then forcibly dissolve the Democrats, Republicans, Greens, and Libertarians

Haha wow dude, you're so fucking smart. BOTH sides are stupid? I never thought of that perspective before! What a radical idea to feign intellectualism by claiming some vague center or third position!

yes, but who does this?

>t. self-proclaimed "smartest kid at his high school"

yeah bro! I'm just your every day super intellectual that knows the solution to every problem!

a school shooter

I was fucking stupid in highschool, I never had the audacity to claim it, also it would be false because again I was fucking stupid.

1900's - 2016

Absolute shit.

The """"revolution"""" and subsequent geopolitical posturing. Life would be so much better not just for my flag, but the world, if you didn't undermine British hegemony.

>meanwhile back in the real world UK is cucked, USA don't know what they fuck they're doing, Russia and China are gaining ground and the whole world is going to shit.
>Hope you're proud of yourselves.. At least there's no more British empire r-right?

the british empire was way worse to the rest of the world than we are


yeah but who gives a single fuck about the rest of the world?

As part of the empire they would've treated us more respectfully once they progressed past a governing monarchy.


You are fucking dizzy blood.
Keep drinking that koolaid. You guys have upset the balance in an incredibly destructive manner looking at the world from that "point of view".

History will look upon British hegemony as a benign thing in comparison to yours, make no mistake. You weren't ready for it.

It's hilarious because on the one hand you were anti the British empire and on the other tactically supporting it, cos at least not Commies.

Fuck, you guys REALLY fucked up the world, you have NO idea. On a local level we're only just realising it post-Brexit -- e.g. UK doesn't have FTA negotiation teams and has to borrow them from NZ. But you guys were the ones that literally were like "we're not playing this game" had an autistic fit and overthrew the table. Fuck you. You reap what you sow. I hope the UK turns away from the USA DESU.

You literally just turned away from the EU. You can't turn away from everyone and expect to survive.

Just get on your knees and suck my cock Nigel. It is your place now.

The EU was an American game from the get go.

If you think the UK is diminished.. Again you're dizzy. We just reduced your power in the EU though for sure.

(BTW I'm an Ameriboo big time)

But the ideological position from the USA post 1900 (also aligns with when you became THE superpower) has been "lol fuck the Brits - we #1 now - let's clap, and colonisation is a bad thing, but we should probably get involved..." and then you realise the actual situation.. And get behind us, because we're (Or we WERE) the people holding it all together.

Now you're legit in charge the whole world has collapsed.. But at least it's not """"colonialism"""" right??

Seriously, just like UK leaving EU, you let ideology (anti- Brit) get in the way of common sense. Again, I hope you reap what you sow.

what's dizzy blood

They declared their independence

Again, look at the cunts America has roleplayed as the UK in, literally the only one that doesn't hate your guts is the Philippines. There's cunts upon cunts that basically beg for us to come back.

Leaving the EU was just the beginning. We're not done yet matey. People respect the UK. Even if we've severely self-sabotaged our own interests and abilities by being part of the EU and """not""" being colonialist over the past 60-odd years.

This is our come back!

You're a good typer when you're drunk, I'll give you that.

"are you confused, mate?"


thanks bby. also "not an argument".

>debt bubbles are good

t. Anglo

buen post pirata.

the constitution
should've stuck with the Articles

t. Bernie Sanders supporter

(not entirely wrong tho. Thatcher and Reagan fucked up the world in a big way.)

Back to the home grandma

>Wealth trickles down
>Massive government debt is good
Why does this meme still exist?

Under the current system if a third party recieves 10% of the popular vote they are to be allowed in all public debates.
Best case scenario is that this would make it a three party system. Which is still a bit better than what we have.

>Upset the balance of power.
You guys recovered after the independance war, and went on to grow even stronger.

You're a riot.
I wish I could see you standing up ranting about this in person.

the evils of economic literacy

I know

History will look upon British hegemony as a benign thing in comparison to yours, make no mistake. You weren't ready for it.

>Fucking up the Middle East with colonialism for about 150 years + your shitty border drawing ability and contributing directly to the failure of secular Arab governments and the rise of Islamic extremism.
>Fucking up large portions of Africa so hard that they will likely not recover in the next century or possibly even two.
>Brutally repressing the Indians.
>Destroying China with opium, contributing to the fall of the empire and the rise of Red China.
>Fucking up India hard, leaving it abruptly without any real resolution or period of power exchange, guaranteeing the Pakistan-India conflict that threatens to escalate to nuclear war.
>Same situation with Israel/Palestine.
>Oppressing the Irish and treating them literally worse than we treated slaves.
>Literally all of this done out of nothing more than imperialist greed, at least the USA had an ideology to follow during the Cold War and worked to end colonialism.

Lel no Nigel, history will not remember the British empire as benign, and we've yet to come anywhere close to being as shitty as you were.

Let's not forget you were still trying to cling to remnants of your empire like the Suez Canal with Israel and France until we made you stop.

You fucks raped and enslaved half the world

We brought Jazz and Coca Cola to poor downtrodden masses all over thw world

Tragicallly; this.

Already, the United States held China down.
For a long time, the United States keeps being a large country.

If you cant speak english well enough to be understood (and you cant) then shut up

nigger and jew

suburban sprawl, racism/horizontal infighting, concept of property, exploitation, guns, the minority of the opulent, $, the lizard brain, edward bernays' legacy, historical amnesia

LITERALLY at the expense of us. Lern2History my flyover faggot friend.

Would knock u out desu.


t. faggot
We'll see how the history books look at our reign vs yours. You should probably KYS too tho. Want me to send you a list of intelligence and straight miltary fuckups on the US part post '45?

Suez was when you killed the world. You want a medal? France and UK were the last two moderate powers in the world, and would have been kind to you, too.

You can if you want to, but our fuckups and mistakes post 45 still absolutely pale in comparison to the vast, vile atrocities of the British Empire. Even the worst thing we have objectively done, the Filipino-American War, is just a blip on the radar compared to what you people did.

sorry in answer to your question, does the average Indian, American, Canadian, Nigerian, Australian or Kiwi feel enslaved? RE
meant for wasn't an altruistic thing on your part though. You DUMB FUCKING burgers literally destroyed the planets "world order" for your NWO. Annnnd, it's not a great deal desu.

You're literally mentally ill. Stability is king, and we brought that. You've brought nothing but instability and misery upon the Earth. You're NUTS if you think the history books will look at the Brits worse than the Yanks.

And your "world order" was so, so much better? Topkek Nigel, maybe for you, but certainly not for East Asia, the Middle East, India, Southeast Asia (aside from Australia/NZ, but even then look at how the natives were treated), and in some respects Latin America (supporting oligarchs who viciously repressed any pro-democracy movement, but hey, at least that wasn't as brutal as typical British machinations, so props to you), not to mention the Irish.

Not to say that the British Empire didn't do any good, it did, but, uh, claiming the US has a more tarnished reputation post WW2 than your entire empire did in its history...lol.

>Brought stability.
>Constant rebellions and internal civil war in India under British colonial rule, along with famine.
>British play the Palestinians/Jews off each other to maintain power, starting the entire Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
>British back crazy Wahabbi Sauds and give them power to begin with instead of letting the moderate Turks end them.

And much, much more under your "stable" globe.

Literally most places BEG for us back, Chad. Governance and trade were the two things we were good at.
meme nation. We could have crushed them if we were as evil as you are proposing.

I think you're wrong. America and the """world""" wars were the beginning of the end. History will NOT look favourably upon your ilk. But that's just my opinion, we won't be around to read the books so... (Plus I don't speak Mandarin)

And let's not forget turning Egypt into your defacto cotton slave state and suppressing education and any attempt at a national consciousness, leading to Egypt being the uneducated shithole it is today.

not an argument. Who are Saudi's biggest backers these days, Chad?

>Literally most places BEG for us back, Chad.

[Citation needed].

I don't see any applications to be part of your glorious British Empire today. In fact, you'll be lucky if you keep Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland in the next fifty years.


It does matter, because you backed them when you still had your empire, and had a viable alternative. It -is- an argument. Meanwhile we were stuck with your Wahabbi-dominated populace and have to support the Saudi King because their monarchy is actually less extremist than their own population is. And whose fault is that? You guys, who backed the clerics in exchange for assistance against the Turks, and originally gave them their entire oil industry to fund their shit to begin with. And now you're trying to say -we're- worse than you when it comes to the Saudis, kek.

K then. Pro tip: The UK will remain U.. In spite of the journalists and """liberals""" saying otherwise.

Again, you're literally mentally ill if you think the US is benign in comparison to the UK, and are an actual cuck, if you think that yet on the other hand respect/acknowledge our mutual culture otherwise...

that doesn't read well, make of it what you will. It does make sense in the way I wrote it though.

Going to bed, goodnight cucks. Remember to vote Trump and stock up on .556 in the meantime! Dog bless.

Read an article about american salaries recently, in the 50's/60's companies like GM were the largest employers, providing health care, pensions etc for workers

Today its fucking wal mart, McDonalds etc. Companies that partially have the taxpayers pay their employees wages.
> Pay your employees shit salaries
> Employees are forced to use food stamps/coupons whatever they are called
> Paid for by taxpayers

The middle class dream is dying in the US.

Globalization was a mistake.

Because it fucking works

>but the world, if you didn't undermine British hegemony.
Not for India/Pakistan tho desu

American Revolution, Republicanism

I cry thinking about what could have been

I said that because I heavily disagree with both parties, not because I want to be above it all (as I'm not)

>Fuck, you guys REALLY fucked up the world
you only have this perspective because you fall under "rest of the world" by American standards.

feels good man

>Would knock u out desu.
come and get it. come at me bro

>not an argument. Who are Saudi's biggest backers these days, Chad?
you initially supported them and others in the mideast and the US kept your legacy alive.

so it's your fault to begin with

>what went wrong?

a republic as a concept is flawed because the average person is a complete fuckwit


You're thinking of democracy asshole.
They only reason we are still going (and older than most European countries) is because we are a republic.

You nuked your own economy out of pride and replaced us as the laughing stock of the west.

the american republican model is not far enough away from democracy, the people still have too much power

geniocracy/meritocracy are the only ways to go

and you know you are being reductive with that line about being older than most european countries, that is plainly not the reason