Did your cunt ever had a dictator?

Did your cunt ever had a dictator?
Or what leader came closet to being one?

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Yes, Hitler

Porfirio Diaz
but I think he was ok
Single party state counts as a form of dictatorship?

Yes, it was actually not that bad.


Olof Palme for 20 odd years.

like 7 in one century

Closest ones would be FDR or Lincoln.
Both of which are still viewed rather favorably.
Probably because they got shit done.

dictator? Never heard about it.

Butthurt southerner detected. We should've elected Sherman and continued Reconstruction, he would've hanged all you KKK fucks.

>muh cotton
>muh southern heritage
>muh civil war
>we only surrendered out of dignity

For a country that had Nixon and two Bushes, you seem pretty misaligned to what a dictator actually is.

Also, Thatcher. Tried to disassemble cities in the North west for not being right wing enough, killed off the mining industry because it was either that or give them proper safety standards, literally stole milk from children.

That, and stuff like disassembling most unions instead of prosecuting leaders for actual crimes, and working with the south yorkshire police to basically call people from Liverpool murderers, when the entire stadium was built with all the competency of a hillbilly with straw and glue.

When half the country starts singing 'ding dong the witch is dead' when you die, you basically reach dictator level.

Careful Ivan, you might get sent to the gulags.

Only servants of people so no.

pinochet, remover of gommie

No, after the era of kangz, all were democratically elected

The guy threw our constitution out the window and dragged us into our bloodiest war against one another for the sake of expanding federal power.
He didn't even make it about freeing the slaves (who he wanted to send back to Africa) until halfway through the war when he was up for re-election and needed something to add to the cause which half the northerners didn't even give a shit about especially after getting drafted (unless you could buy your way out) to die down south.
As soon as the civil war ended the same "heroes" of the Union immediately went off to betray and murder what was left of all the native Americans.
These guys weren't the moral heroes they sell you in school.


That Gommie fucking surely was a son of a bitch.

What do you think?


whats wrong with sending slaves back to africa? sending them home?


we are waiting for a new Belasco to make Peru great again.

yes, Harper
>shut down science research
>barbaric cultural practices hotline
>loads more creepy shit

t. Trudeau

Come on, now. Picking Thatcher's a little petty when you have as long a history as UK's Britain's England's of feudal lords and absolute rulers.

I'm not saying there's anything wrong just that they don't tell you that stuff in school because they want to make you think the war was fought for the sake of the poor black slaves and not over political power.
Like they were champions of the black man when really they thought of them as stupid inferior savages who were helping their political opponents gain too much power.

Fuck off faggots

Why do leftists call any PM/President they don't like a "dictator"?


In the classical sense:


>Dragged us into the bloodiest war
Uneducated hick detected

Maybe if the South didn't attack Fort Sumter, they would get a little more sympathy regarding "m-muh aggression"

t. southerner

Vargas only.

Miltiary govt wasn't a dicatorship.

South Carolina had succeeded and wanted federal troops withdrawn.
Some union army major decided on his own to turn Fort Sumter into a battle fortress instead and refused to back down so shit eventually happened.

Some would say it was Porfirio Diaz, removed via Revolution. But Plutarco Elías Calles was "the man behind the man" for several terms after that

No Southerner here (but Murrican). Doing away with Habeas Corpus was probably the closest thing to dictatorship.

We had Pétain.
Other than that, the Napoléons and all the kings.

>South Carolina had succeeded and wanted federal troops withdrawn.
They were on federal property built by the federal government

When the U.S. Broke away from the British, they paid for the land around the British forts so they could never lay claim to them. Instead, Southerners chimped out and did what they do best, started shooting at unsure crony people.

Piłsudski, a couple of gommie puppets, Kaczyński has some typical features (superiority complex, disregarding the law, faith in his own words, even if it is irrational)

Unaware innocent people*


t. Poorthern scum

Wasn't it just warning shots, and nobody died?

not my country (flag), but my parents country (Ethiopia) did, it's why they left

he was a SJW who was butthurt about the racism common in the country

>In this country, some aristocratic families automatically categorize persons with dark skin, thick lips, and kinky hair as "Barias" [Amharic for slave]... let it be clear to everybody that I shall soon make these ignoramuses stoop and grind corn!


If by warning shots you mean a full blown bombardment, than yes

No one died because Dixies are terrible shots despite being obsessed with 'muh guns'

ataturk was a dictator

he was a ver capable and benevolent dictator though, which is why everyone but the islamists and kurds still love the man

>nobody died
I really doubt they were trying to start a war

whoa there turbo

We miss him every day.

If we do we kill them.

yeah we had a few
it's in the past now fortunately



free helicopter rides


Yeah, a few. First Consul Bonaparte, for example.

Maxillien Robespierre is sometime considered as one, but he certainly didn't have the power to be considered a "dictator".

Then you have Pétain, of course, though as soon as he started collaborating I consider him a puppet government.

Yes, only one and he was pretty good

yup, like any other latin american country. Noriega

yes, 2

De donde verga sacaste que son 2?

That's really creepy

Yes, 2 in the same century Miguel Primo de Rivera and Franco

What, you can't handle a strong leader or something ?

Yes, Hitler

How's the paper quality?
Too rough paper feels bad on your bum

Those were books made for 8yo kids kek

Yes, Hitler.

>Ever putting him in the dictator section
Prime quality bait

yes, hitler

I don't think I need one.
Actually, I don't think anyone actually needs one.

The closest we ever got was this guy instating martial law to hunt down and arrest a bunch of commie french murdering separatists.

Unless you wanna count the monarch back when we were a colony.

They weren't, Yankees are just stuck up and unable to accept that their shit stinks like everyone else.

t. Californian

Urho Kekkonen
- almost 6 years as prime minister
- almost 26 years as president, with a one-off irregular extension to term of office granted by the parliament instead elections

1. term: 1. March 1956 – 1. March 1962
2. term: 1. March 1962 – 1. March 1968
3. term: 1. March 1968 – 1. March 1978 (extended by 4 years in 1973, votes 178 yay, 20 nay)
4. term: 1. March 1978 – 27. January 1982 (retired due to health issues, term should have lasted until 1. march 1984 but Kekkonen announced retirement in 26.10.1981)

From 1956 to 1982. Just think about how much the world changed in that period.
Kekkonen, Kekkonen, Kekkonen.. youtube.com/watch?v=tjt-AeJkzf0

We don't live in "The Man in the High Castle".

I disagree. Humans are like water, they always go down, follow the easiest path. Because of that, without strict rules and a strong ruler, they become complacent, lazy, degenerate. And society declines.

I mean, you can see it all around you.

Somehow your spanish looks like a spurdified version of italian.


>warning shots

Arbitrariness and lack of consistent application of the law are universal when it comes to "strong leaders" and arguably what causes more social degradation and uncertainty than any imaginary inherent degeneracy that needs to be controlled through systematic violence.

Also portraits of leaders are only good for wiping your butt on.

>Get buttmad your candidate loses election
>Demand Federal property be given to them
>Federal government says no
>K thx we'll take it anyway
>Bombard Federal fort for 2 days straight until it surrenders

Fucking Northern Agression, right guys?

>He doesn't like Peron


> a dictator
> who had an uncooperative senate, passed the least amount of legislation of any prime minister in history
> complained about it constantly and sent zero people to go work in asbestos mines in the Woomera exclusion zone



No, but we will come November.

yes, we had several swedish and russian murderer tyrants as dictators here

yep.just once i guess. The USA wouldn't have us be like that

>a painting

After generations, they didn't even know their native tongues, and many couldn't even point out on a globe what half of Africa they were from.

It'd be like sending an American into a random European country and telling them 'Good luck!'

No-one died because artillery was inaccurate as all hell at the time, and they were in a fortified position, and the more the building collapsed, the more cover they actually had
Are you daft? This is exactly what happened in buildings in Russia when Germans thought 'hey let's just bomb them all!'

>no black children
is that a reverse Brazil?

Shh, you had it way better under 800 years of Swedish ruled than you would've under Russian.

Old Man Trudeau is an almost Dictator
Along with MacKenzie King

scouse rat detected


Fuck off you benefit scrounger Geordie scouser Scot cunt

Mátyás Rákosi - Communist
Béla Kun - Interwar communist
Ferenc Szálasi - National socialist
Some people might argue that Miklós Horthy was one too.

Yes, Tito.

So, Lincoln caused sumpter?