Why don't you have a fat gf in your country yet?

Why don't you have a fat gf in your country yet?

Other urls found in this thread:


More like normal

only here bro, only here

>American flag

not surprised in the slightest

Tfw alabama. Lol kill me


>tfw this is considered "normal" here

In reality, normal US girls aren't that thicc, they tend to be a little flabby and misshapen. I bet the girl in OP's pic is actually fairly active.

t. Chubby chaser

Only here. To Western standards, she's just a tab bit on the chubby side. She's really pretty though


>beady eyes trying to be made larger with makeup
>bulbous nose

nah man

I'm fat gf myself


>tfw chubby fetish in a land of chubby women
Thank you God


beached whale

>not fat

My fat wife won't let me.

nah this is what normal figure looks like

Perhaps on a hungry eastern european teenager.

I want a fuckin woman

>I want a fuckin woman
Like so?

>More like normal


% of fat doesnt make woman, i have nothing against fat girls but dont call it normal when its not

>I want a fuckin woman
>with heart disease

Fat women are shit. I want a skeleton qt.

Merci, mais non

>posting NSFW in a blue board
Thanks for proving thicc lovers are all neanderthals with sub-70 IQ.

What are you talking about? finally got one that isn't.

Because I have the best of both worlds: a gf with a big ass and rack and a tiny waist.

It is truly a good feel

Neanderthals were actually pretty smart.


