Japan, what happened?

Japan, what happened?

Rather than desperately import immigrants in an attempt to maintain "growth", Japan decided to go through a process of managed decline, guaranteeing a decent standard of living for all Japanese at the cost of a loss of relevancy

so all the countries which imported immigrants are going to end up even worse?

>Rather than desperately import immigrants in an attempt to maintain "growth", Japan decided to go through a process of managed decline, guaranteeing a decent standard of living for all Japanese at the cost of a loss of relevancy
No, that's GDP PER CAPITA. That means they are losing standard of living.

I'm not really talking about the few recent years, look 1995, Japan was so far ahead even of the Western Europe and the US, it used to be really high (even top 1 three times) in terms of HDI but then it stagnated and all the major Western economies surpassed it.

Were the Japs just fapping to hentais all these 20 years?

foregin exchange magic + low birth rate + yakuza

Nah Japan is gonna take a huge hit though because other Asians nations are growing to compete with it also

the drop since 2012 stems from the massive QE of Abenomics, which depreciated yen by 30% or so. but, yen's been recovering recently, so i think japan will be somewhere between germany and france in 2016.

as for the long decline since 1995, it's nothing but an aging population problem. japan's working age population reached the peak in the mid 90's and is declining rapidly. it's just a simple math that the more retired people the less productive a society becomes, which also deteriorate per capita.

GDP per capita is not exactly standard of living. You can have a lower GDP per capita than others but a higher HDI; compare Australia ($47,318 PPP GDP per capita, 0.935 HDI) with Qatar ($145,894 PPP GDP per capita, 0.850 HDI).

25% Japanese is over 65 years old.
And average of Japanese life span is the top of the world. They are not working.

It's USD chart. Chart of JP Yen base is not such up and down.

You are miss-leading. Study more.

I think all-nationz.com will translate this thread.
They pick up negative comments only, because they are not fair.

I thought they did positive comments

A ha ha. No. Please google 'population pyramid' and 'dependency ratio' to educate yourself.



old people are cancer, oftentimes quite literally even.

like, literal old people

it dawned on me recently that they are the #1 problem in the world right now.

not cancer, obesity, immigrants, global warming, terrorism, not even fucking kikes.


they OBJECTIVELY hold back the world on all levels, starting from the smallest societies and ending with the entire humanity as a whole.

I'll explain really quickly and in short: after 30 (precise number doesnt matter, it's an estimate) years old people cannot pursue an idea anymore, they cannot be 'idealistic' in a way. roughly at that age people start getting people dependent on them: long-term partners, their children and their aging parents. ofcourse 99% of humans will select this sort of instant gratification - increase in quality of life of immediate close people and themselves, instead of the OBJECTIVELY greater good, for greater society and possibly the entire world, the entire humanity

ok, 30 years might be debatable, but 45-55 years is for sure.

also, their brains are literally breaking down for a few decades already. and they assume (wrongfully) that they know something, and that somehow living up to old age (wow what an achievement in an era of fucking accessible basic medicine almost everywhere in the world and in an era of super-humanitarian values, where even kids with LITERALLY NO BRAIN are nurtured and people's money is spent on them) makes them... an authority on something, anything.

they are like children, but much more dangerous. at least nobody takes children seriously, children dont have votes.

and old people also create a social bottleneck, because of that 'instant social gratification' (for the lack of a better term) I described earlier. ofcourse they wont move from their social positions to let young people take their place, young people who OBJECTIVELY are better than fucking old people at almost everything.

this is true but nobody can't say that irl due to muh moral

Why not just kill the old people?

Japanese are Honorable. Just tell them that them dying will save Japan and they'll accept it


Both desu

Anime killed poor Japan

Anime was around before 1990 my dear memer.


>basis on dollar
lol who cares?

Japanese Yen was purposefully cheapened by the government and the central bank

1 us dollar = 75 yen in 2012
1 us dollar = 125 yen in 2014-15