What did Mohamed al-naenae mean by this?

What did Mohamed al-naenae mean by this?

>Canadians hate when people try to integrate
>Americans hate when people don't
Is the real difference between the two countries?

I love muslims now

I saw a veiled Muslim woman behind the cashier desk at TJ Maxx today. Never going back there.

Post link?

Scary shit, I saw a veiled Muslim near my friends house.

Pretty spooked desu

I hate those cunts should have told her she's in freedom land now and doesn't have to wear that shit and then fired your ar-15 in the air.

He actually needed to come if he didnt wanna die, or he came here because the country allowed him to use his skills to their full extent.

Unlike European """refugees"""

Based merit system and good harsh refugee policies.

We need that fucking Trump wall desu lad. We are being invaded and it won't go any better with crooked Hillary as our POTUS.

Canadians love to say they're like a ''mosaic'' of different cultures while americans are a ''melting pot'' where everybody is obligated to integrate in the mainstream culture.
Of course, this is just pure autism and both of them are not really much different in that aspect from each other.

I don't understand why new worlders care at all, they're meme countries and were made to be diverse anyway.

he's getting the government gibs

What if she wants to wear it?

Wouldn't call it an invasion since I've only seen a few Muslims and a few Hispanics in my entire life but wouldn't hurt to get them deported. Would it?


What state are you from?

We must keep our country with a white and Christian majority.

Not in MY country.

Praise Jesus not allah ok?


Wow nice reply fagtron. Sick argument, let me try

>countries of immigrants complaining about immigrants

Anybody can be canadian, literally anybody, nigger/chink/white/attack helicopter


In general we'd rather have no "people" try to integrate into our societies anyway and just deal with who we already got. I suppose you can come in if you're white and civilized too.


>I don't understand why new worlders care at all, they're meme countries and were made to be diverse anyway.
Yea. Most Euro countries are about nationality first and foremost i.e Brits kicking the shit out of Poles right now.

America was based on race and doesn't face the same problems Euro does. Most white immigrants can come in and easily assimilate because they have the uniting power of hating all nigs/other races in their country.

>t. man who sees outside the box

I agree but you still wanna keep some redpilled Jews around right?

>they're meme countries and were made to be diverse anyway.

They were meant to be mostly WHITE, until after WW2 when immigration policies changed. "Diverse" doesn't necessarily mean EVERY PIECE OF TRASH SUBHUMAN welcome. Many things changed after WW2, including the northward migration of dindus from Southern states after the mechanical cotton picker was invented.

>white meme

Most of mexico is white.

>country of immigrants who were at first mostly European
>therefore everybody, every human piece of trash, criminal, retard, nigger, terrorist is welcome
>can't choose immigrants
complete lack of logic

Canada and America aren't countries of immigrants when literally most people were born here and we all have great to great-great-great grandparents that were most likely born here too


Maybe I dunno

It means 'cheated' or 'cheating' in Russiaт mat.

Fuck off you filthy leftist

Canada has very good program for stopping leeches, they are isolated in some cities or camps however you call it waiting for azylum. You dont get to complain just based on race of the person, you are invaders in your country and it doesnt belong to you anyways

But their ancestors were immigrants that immigrated over to America. That's undeniable.

not an argument :^)

contrary to popular belief we want the goyim to stay majority white, blacks and chinks don't like us

something something taqiyya

Out of my country Melbourne

I don't need to add an argument to my answer because I'm American and thus I'm always right.

Both countries are still extremely segregated just like every other multicultural country. The differences are really extremely minor.

so were yours, but families have been so ingrained in America for so many generations we don't consider ourselves immigrants


Adelaide here.

Suck my hairy nuts mate.

>He doesn't know by green texting his country's name it applies that his statement is ridiculous coming from his country.

Though, I'm curious because we all are roleplaying our countries to a certain extent, and even more common that we give very human people on Sup Forums, the characteristics and history of the country he is posting from.


(Swedish poster): hello int
(American poster): hello cucked country

and Austrians dont consider themselves to be Germans

The place where I live has a lot of africans, they don't cause trouble and are good people. The only people that do are the very religious muslims desu senpai calm down senpai. Immigration is always hard for everyone. I for one think Canada has already done enough but we should treat the minorities like people, because that's what they are people like everyone in this thread, some deserve to have a better life than the people on this board t b h.

Fuck off xing dong, just because chinese can't integrate into canadian society, doesn't mean everyone else isn't glad to be in the best country on earth.

Even worse lmao.
>unironically shilling for mudslime refugees
Adelaide aye? Fuck off Sarah Hanson Young

Yes but the fact remains that you wouldn't be living in America right now if you didn't immigrate their yourselves in the first place. I'm not saying you have to be super nice to anybody you don't want to be. But you lose the argument of saying you don't want immigrants in your country when you're descended from immigrants yourself. I personally do agree with super harsh immigration systems (like mine) but I've never pretended to be something I'm not.

Really makes you think doesn't it?

you could say that for literally every country though

Seems he likes living in Canada

When people say immigrants they dont really mean the 5AD though, its meant in modern world.

The US is worse for this though, surprisingly.

We have our British heritage and tradition to fall back on, America doesn't have shit. People say we have meme culture, but the US is the true meme culture.

>unironically shilling for mudslime refugees
I'm not. I'm an Irish-Australian I know what it's like to try and integrate when people hate the shit out of you. I'm just doing what I think is right. But of course I shouldn't expect some inbred bogan from the NT to have a moral compass or a shred of dignity :^)

I obviously meant this for every new world country

>underming national interests for the sake of feeling food about yourself

What national security? Am I saying invite everyone in the world with a smile on their face to come in? I'm talking select immigrants like who do integrate.

Stop trying to move the goal posts lad.





I'm Canadian

From Sup Forums I've seen that effect too
When Muslims say they love their country, they get mad, when they say they hate it, they get mad

Go WASP or go home.

>invite the third world to your own country
Oh how you faggots are naive

White Americans are all germans except on the east coast

Don't claim Anglo heritage Nazi scum

Please mr. Slovak man. Tell me more about my country.

He only likes Canada because they bend over backwards to accommodate him.

For Syrian refugees we do checks for any that wish to come.

Meanwhile due to the refugee issues (euros like to jerk off like this is a unique instance but other countries had to deal with much worse cases then they do as individual countries) it's hard to do good background checks.