Why is California so cool?

Why is California so cool?

Butthurt in 3..2..

poor man's australia

It's a beautiful state filled with ugly souls

It's basically Chad: The State

Decent weather and that's it.

Their sport teams are bad though.

delet this

It isn't a flyover

>pierre talking about bad sports teams

I thought California was the ghetto

Is NorCal better


California only starts getting good once you go north of Sacramento.

California was cool like 20 years ago. Now it's just a parody of itself.

Good for tourism and colleges. Living? I wouldn't personally live in any place that are more than an hour away from the Pacific Ocean in CA cuz its literally no different from living elsewhere but with higher tax.

it's a nice state in terms of weather and landscape full of trash, the mentally ill, defected people, homeless, dirty mexicans, and women with the worst type attitude you can imagine.

the women with their extremely unrealistic standards who can't separate hollywood from real life make it hell

t. lived there for 15 years

Is that why so many people (and even companies) move to Cascadia?

It's a nice state in terms of weather and landscape full of trash, the mentally ill, defected people, homeless, dirty mexicans, and women with the worst type of attitudes you can imagine.

The women with their extremely unrealistic standards who can't separate hollywood from real life make it a living hell.

t. lived there for 15 years

Pretty place to live, but I wouldn't for extended period because gun laws.

It's probably the same type of people moving to Portland and Seattle, but even more unrealistic standards

Is sacramento as much of a flat, ugly wasteland as it seems?
I've only really passed through several times, but I did ride on one of it's jokey toy trains.

The only place i've been to in sacremento was the inside of it's greyhound station for a layover, but it seemed like a wasteland to me too.

SoCal - not even never.

>visit bay area
>10/10 weather all year around
>beautiful parks, beautiful architecture and environment
>near nature and other areas
>cheapest house at least a million dollars

10/10 area, but expensive as fuck. ruined my dreams of moving there.


how is the weather and environment in places like oregon? i really like california's constant sunlight and nice pacific breeze. you guys got the same deal?

sacramento and oakland is shit, can't wait till they gentrify out the niggers and convert the whole region into cheaper housing.

Well I don't think that's the case. I've never been there but one of my friends in Seattle said that it rains often.

>oakland is shit
I wish more techfags and lesser yuppies still thought this.

>constant sunlight
nope. it's just continuous rain and fog for 7-8 months straight

Oregon is great. Beautiful in the countryside, but the cities can be sketchy as shit, with lot's of druggies and hipsters. Also we have le better gun laws than California so I would suggest it if you want to live out in the country.

Damn, I love those houses, funny enough they cost 60 times more than good old ones here.

damn. you guys dress like canadians though which is nice.

eh, what's wrong with gentrification?

It's already a thing tho. Even Oakland is expensive now. I just don't know how the fuck PhDs and post-docs in Stanford and Berkeley can afford to live if they don't get campus housing and shit (some literally could not get that b/c they don't have enough housing)

Think so? Usually when a California thread happens it's a 50/50 toss up between people who hate the state and Californians circle jerking.

What about the neutral people, who don't hate it, but recognize it has ups and downs like everywhere else.

yeah its beautiful. its a nice fusion of russian and victorian architecture.

i lol when people think multiculturalism doesn't work in america when it does in a lot of cases.

damn. well you guys don't have a lot of places to build, country is hilly as fuck.

reminds me, why don't people convert santa cruz/monterey bay farmlands into cities? would be nice actually.

They usually get drowned out in the sea of insults and copy/pasted statistics. Besides, those two sides don't want neutral, they either want to hear how amazing it is so they feel a bit better about being trapped there or they want to hear how it's shit so they feel better about not being able to go there.


a lot of them are from rich upper class backgrounds from wealthy parents and grandparents who put up with their education

t. berkeley grad student and trust fund kid

Probably because of something something environmental regulation. California has a lot of that.
Not NorCal but my uncle in law has some relatives buried in a cemetery that is like within 15 mins from LAX (I'd say it is very close to LA downtown actually) but that cemetery has not moved from some more remote location for development or so. I think CA has some huge regulation on land.

If every year was this cool in California, I'd seriously consider living here for the rest of my life.

Sadly there's 3 compounding issues I see:
1) Aedes mosquitoes
2) Underclass booming in population
3) Cost of living high
4) Getting hotter every year
5) Education system could be better

>reminds me, why don't people convert santa cruz/monterey bay farmlands into cities? would be nice actually.
Spotted the chink

I was recently in L.A and i can say for all skateboarders that venice beach is amazing

thats chicago idiot

spotted the beaner

>a kiwi talking about a french talking about bad sport teams

>not recognizing the houses from full house

get the fuck out pleb.

honestly i've never been there, but looks like a good place to build and deal with your land problem.

They don't look like Russian wooden mansions. I think it's unique local culture or some derived from Western European immigrants', no?

stupid chink doesn't know what he's talking about

it's all Victorian/Edwardian houses from the late 19th century. There's barely any Russian influence besides decaying forts up in Mendocino

eh, that's a bad example but there's a fuckton of russian houses scattered around and built by russian gold rush immigrants.

shut the fuck up you pleb, these are clearly russian inspired houses.

Googled, it looks like mix of some western housing and Norwegian church to me. Well, maybe those modest nalichniki can count as Russian but not really *certainly destinctive Russian style*.

I see no signs of Russian design there either.


west coast is not your home, chink. stop acting like you know everything about the west coast. go back to china.

Its not

Pacific beach, San Diegan reporting in. AMA

>inb4 Chad
Im aware.

>10/10 weather all year around

How the traffic over there?

SD's traffic isnt too bad at all. Nothing like LA or the Bay. you can do 50mph on the main highways at 5:30

The cal university system is exceptionally good...

Yeah man its basically spring/summer all year with like 30 days of rain spread out.

Its great

Name one good California university(you can't)

Berkeley, stanford, ucla, usc.......

San Diego State

are you fucking kidding me

no, in my opinion but thats prolly from me being from southern california, NorCal is more liberal and SoCal tends to be more conservative (as far as that goes for California) honestly SoCal has better weather and the scenery is debatable, its less developed then NorCal less city scape etc..

Overall california is a nice place to live if you make a decent living, nice weather, other then that I'd be happy in alot of other states

Fucking this.

>Shit gun laws
>Everything is illegal because we have to "THINK OF THE CHILDRUNN!"
>Alcohol laws suck
>Drug laws suck
>Auto laws suck
>Liberals everywhere
>Hipster capital of the motherfucking WORLD
>SJW haven

Literally just "No Funs: The State"

Cali-fags, prove me wrong. And don't say it's because "I don unnerstannd it xDDDD". I lived there for 3 goddamn years.

Because it is American