Most traded currencies

most traded currencies

6th Place


Where the heck is China?
It should be third or so.
Also India, Brazil and Russia.
This doesn't make sense.

>That dollar dominance
Wew. Wtf guys


China purposely devalues its currency. It makes its exports cheaper

>south poorea


yeah how the fuck did we even manage that?

It's a really outdated image.

Traditionally higher interest rates, extremely stable economy and highly transparent business practice makes it popular as a profitable non-reserve currency with little risk.

Pound sterling the oldest currency in the world still in use, going back to Anglo-Saxon times. Not bad.

surprised we even made the list


that money is fucking gorgeous

Everything below Australia is meme tier, i dont know why is Hong Kong so low

Canada is definitely meme tier.

You're only in the meme tier list.

mexico even made the list somehow

sleep snug smug

how is south korea that low desu


>rhymes with poopy

beaten even by new zealand...

Cannot make this shit up

north america absolutely shits on any other continent