I wish I was German born 100 years ago

I wish I was German born 100 years ago

so you could live to become a centenarian white apologist?

Did you T.H.I.N.K. before posting this?

>born in 1916
>20 in 1936
>30 in 1946
>40 in 1956
>60 in 1976
>80 in 1996
>dead now

wew lad sounds like you picked the worst possible time to be alive
Personally I'd pick 1860 as my birthdate. You'd get to enjoy almost all of the imperial period as an adult and enjoy the spirit of optimism and growth that permeated the german empire during that time before the world ended and everything went to hell in a hand basket.

>born in the middle of WW1
>grow up listening to hitler
>dad goes to the eastern front and doesn't come back
>have your hometown bombed to hell by either the russians or americans
>mom gets raped by the slavic liberators
>watch as your country is split in two and think there will never be a united germany ever again
>people mistake you for a spy and you spend the rest of your life in a gulag or black site depending on which side of the wall you are.

Might have to turn that 100 into a 200 senpai

Seig heil, niggers

I would choose 3 years earlier, 1913 and kill myself 1945 with hitler. This way i get to spend my prime years in the glorious Reich but not live to see the downfall.

To die in WWII, nice plan.

>Non Germans hate THIS




You probably would have died somewhere in Russia by the age of 30

they look orange

to die in the war? are you stupid?

t. wop guinea bitch cunt.


Then your dum

Stupid fucking poopeelander

youd have died from some shitty accident in a battle like a paratrooper who died due to his parachute failed to open in the air without any fight.

I order you to insult me :^)


>I wish I was German born 100 years ago
So you could be born in the middle of World War 1, and face high infant mortality?

Or so you could die shortly after from Spanish flu?

Or maybe so you could grow up in the midst of political turmoil, then sent to the mines when you turn thirteen, because Great Depression?

Or even so you finally get a well-paying job as the depression eases, only to find yourself shipped off to die on the Eastern Front?

Or better yet, survive the Eastern Front, only to be stuck in Eastern Germany, as every woman in your family gets raped by Russkies?

Aah, to be born in Germany in 1916...

>drinking spaten

Not really, in 1916 the German homefront was beginning to starve. You would have probably died from the common cold because of your weakened state.

>born in Ukraine 1900

>born into WWI
>grow up in extreme poverty
>have 5 economically prosperous years under the Nazis
>get sent to die in Russia as cannon fodder and have your entire family raped and killed by the Soviets


what for? to die in a russian work camp in the forties?

>being sent to the western front to kill americans
what a dream

Why are Sup Forumsshits so retarded?