Are the white women beautiful irl?

are the white women beautiful irl?

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Taste is subjective

Why else would all other races be obsessed with fucking them?

you are not white at least

>Korean bantz

she is from, isnt she?

All white women belong to desu


Top bants


No it's not. You wanna tell me that there is a guy out there who finds Mila Kunis or Victoria Justice ugly?If there is he is just fucked in the head.


This, our Mongoloid ancestors loved Aryan women

Not if by white you mean germanic types like your picture. Blonde hair and manjaws, thanks but no, thanks.

>asking this on Sup Forums
>doesn't explore on his own

why do swedes always come to the rescue of finns?
are they like your retarded little brother?

not a single drop of mongol blood
100% pure aryan white european
feels good

shots fired

>Mila Kundis
>Victoria Justice

>why do swedes always come to the rescue of finns
nawrdick brothahood

They're a good big brother unlike turkey :^)

since i'm korean guy it is not easy to make a white girlfriend but you are slovak

yes i think so.
my mom wants half white grandchildren and i also like them because they're beautiful by average.
therefore i go for white woman, 6/10 is enough as long she has good body and light pigmentation.

>big brother
we're not brothers, fucking russians are closer to swedes than we are

Look like pigs

Sweden is Finland's big brother. Common knowledge.


Butthurt turanist pls go

Hi OP, not korean but i live here, what's up with this guy on CL ?
After hitting the restrooms at Itaewon station I decided a change of pace was in order. I walked down to the hamilton hotel sauna.

As I entered it was a bit different from what I imagined. The attendants were all wearing tight white jeans and pink tops. There was Pet Shop Boy's music played in the background.

In the shower area all the crazy waegukin Cock Suckers were sucking many black men's Cocks. The shower area had TV screens playing Anne of Greengable DVDs.

I went to the café area to buy some expensive pizza but it was full of waegukin Euro trash sucking everyone's waegukin Cocks.

In summary, this is a perfect place for crazy Cock Sucker guys to hang out.

#Korea Morals Police has spoken!

P.S. Let's treat crazy Cock Sucker guys with respect. Let's not punch them when they come out of Cock Sucker places every day. Sometimes might be ok though!

Mentally ill homosexual detected.



Yes. Pakkoruotsi, little brother.

I see that the Hyperwar continues



yes, ofc not all of them, but a blue-eyed blonde girl with qt face is the best imho

Nuke korea already

If you mean white as in European, then yes. Most people aren't pretty ofc, but I think we many qts.

embrace your uralo-finnic heritage, brother
cast off the chains of pseudo-nationalist nordicism


le stanley kubrick face

Snowniggers and slavs get extremely overatted on this board

>snowniggers and slavs
>I'mplying difference

What are kazashkas like?

I think 5% are quite beautiful yes.



That is a 13-year old



Me on the left



So qt

Why does USA force white qts to mutilate themselves?

you fell off the family tree and got raped by all the ugly uncle branches on the way down

Dammit, I thought I had more mongol DNA :(

That would be Canada

No , so ugly

You should leave them to me in fact

people like you are retarded
i actually just googled both and i think both are avg or 4.5/10

manjaws vs potato faces

damn so pretty

wtf is wrong with her face
guys are you seeing this what the fuck is wrong with her face

>Abdullah sees girls without niqab for the first time

I wasn't lucky to afford a boat so i can go to bilad al kuffar like you akhi ahmad so i still didn't see how girls look like without niqab

why is she so perfect ?

not for long


fuck you short yellow slant eyed pig nosed downsyndrome looking fuckface

dem tits tho