Why American girls idol looks horrible?

Can't understand why they're popular in the states

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What is this japan?

is one of them a F1 racer or what is going on

I don't get it, who are they?



I've never seen em

arr rook the same

Fifth harmony, are they treated as good looking in the US?

Lauren is the qtest desu

french idol looks awesome


forgot pic related

Ew she looks awful desu

America doesnt have an idol culture.
Plus in america they prefer sexy over beauty/cute.
Plus american famous people can act degenerate, do drugs and do wtv they want that nothing will happen.
Try that in asia and you career might end in a minutr.


Who the fuck is fifth harmony

Hey but I do feel like European idols looks good
Is there that big deference of sense of beauty between Europe and America?

Hey, do you seriously think she's attractive? :0

Do you think they're good looking anyway?

Looks like literal whores. Especially since they're all non-white.

I like her eye colour and hair colour combo.
Her eye shape is nice too. Other than that, pretty average

Two of them are, one looks like Beyoncé

Theres no such thing as european idols...
Idols in a sense of asian idols.
Theres nothing like that.
Europe doesnt mass produce idols like korea or japan.
Theres some differences in beauty, yeah.

Agreed, all of em just looks like hoes, is there any good European idol btw?

>the only pretty woman Japan has in the media and she's Korean-American anyway

Really...just because of color

Europe and America don't do idols like your weird country

Pic related they're idols here

Oh my gosh Who's she? looks awesome I think sense of beauty in Europe is good
And I thought singers like Alizée or t.A.Tu are treated as idol

Eghhhhhh desu I feels like Beyoncé is ugly too
She's not pretty at all.....

>butthurt because Kiko is Korean and dates kpop stars

I think there's some in Europe like Alizée as I said before

>Beyoncé isn't pretty


Nah there really aren't idols, there are popular celebrities but it's not the same thing

Nah, I like GD and he's cool I swear
But Kiko is simply treated as ugly among Japanese and Korean boys

Its bella thorne.
We have artists in europe, not idols.
You will never see european akb48.

Sorry about the bad taste then I guess

One on the far left is attractive. Others aren't.

Fashion is still not invented in the USA.

We do t really have Idols like East Asia. They're just trashy women popular with trashy kids. I honestly have no clue who is in your picture.

Eghhh she's not pretty at all I do even feel like she's bad looking...
To me pretty is like this

Yeah I do understand that's not exactly same
But European idols looks fine

More your speed OP?

Not him but they look trashy.

Lmao you probably dress like shit

>European idols


Thanks a lot, I googled her
Yeah that's true that there's no akb in Europe but I like Alizée and Becky Cruel

lmao no

Are they attractive you feel?

Hey, who's she? so cute

>She's not pretty at all.....
Yeah that's why she is the only "Japanese" model with international fame atm lol
Wow funny how shit Japanese genes can't even produce a good looking woman and you have to resort to a Zainichi-American LMAO
it's double cucking to the max

""Kiko"" """"Mizuhara""""

Clementine Creevy, vocalist for this band


Post a fit fuccboi

Kiko she's not popular among boys seriously
>Japanese genes can't even produce a good looking woman
That's why I like European girls :P

The ones posted? Even if they didn't dress like garbage and out on markup like a pornstar I still don't find any attractive. Maybe they have good bodies but that's really it. Also as myself and others said, we have no idea who they are.

Thanks a lot, I liked the song too

Oh really, who's attractive Americans think then?
I think you know their songs at least


>Oh really, who's attractive Americans think then?
It depends we have so many ethnic groups and in biology there is kind of a rule "Like likes Like" where you are attracted to people similar to you and your family. Other people go for the exotic. So some people may like Beyonce, others Taylor Swift and others JLO or Arianna Grande. I think we are too different to like one type.
>I think you know their songs at least
Maybe if it was in a commercial or TV show I saw.

Tay Tay she looks pretty but she's too naughty ><
Thank you for explaining, but how about yourself?


By the way who the fuck is Alyzée?

Damn, the one on the left. DAMN


What are you on about.

spoiler that tranny

There's no in Italy?
This is Alizée

so you kill your idols?

Some french slut that was popular mid 2000s

Delete this fucking post.

We don't call them idols here

Nope. What do they do?

>Europe doesn't mass produce idols
lmao do you really believe this?

japan LITERALLY mass produces them

try naming a single one of these girls

>be american guitar player
>get shot


She just sing cute

i´d imagine that this is what hookers wear before giving head for 20$
arent they embarrassed to show up like street sluts in MTV. somebodys daughter somewhere is gonna pick them up as a role model and have awful time with sexual harrassment in school

Taytay is innocent

desu it only makes pantera seem even more badass when you can say they broke up because of an on stage murder and phil's constant anger issues

But fuck you argie 1982 best year of my life


Sorry I prefer wholesome country girls

I understand...
What's the point? They all look the same
AAAHH okkkk...
They just act pretty, useless

Yeah that's one more reason why they're horrible

Pantera had already disbanded when Darrell was murdered. He was playing with Vinnie on Damageplan. Fuck off.

I like her too but you must know she's not if you're fan of her

>literally just smash a bunch of brainwashed dumb dumbs into a super group and call it a day

Alizée is solo singer, not even group

weird, i always thought it was a combination of the two

now i know it was just because phil's an asshole

i'm a fan and she is 100% INNOCENT

maybe not by japanese standards

I was talking about idols. I don't know this Alyzée and i've never heard about her

She's pretty idol
Must check
And idol doesn't need to be group

Yes I understand, I was talking about all idols in general not about a single group of idols named Alyzée.
I must decline your offer because I think is a dumb thing. I've thought only prepubescent girls do this