Countries that you wonder why they even exist

Countries that you wonder why they even exist

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Read that article you giant egomanics

I don't see why the Baltic states should exist

Estonia is pretty much Finland
Latvia is nearly completely made out of Russians
Lithuania is basically a part of Poland


It bothers how me they never seem to do anything. Ever.

You never hear a peep out of them

Did you know that a single building in London (the British museum) gets more visitors a year than Belgium? It's true!


all b named countries are meme tier

Apparentpy it's peetty nice to go there but you are right. I didn't hear about the place until I went to Thailand

>popular and science in the same name
I'm not clicking on this shit nigger.

St. Pierre et Miquelon

come on
just join Newfoundland
youre literally like 30k people that live just across from newfoundland
fuck your houses look the same too

But that tasty rare tho

if canada were a country of eskimos with igloo skyscrapers itd be more interesting than the bullshit it is right now

It deletes your system32 directory.

It's ours. You took our Canada and now you want SPM ?

I can tell you what Greater Toronto Area is right now. It's partially copy of a stereotypical American city but where minorities live in the sprawling suburbs, whites live in the inner city with some chinks and nigs, and where we haven't ripped up our street cars. The best part is the bit about the street cars, t.b.h.

Why did we let you keep that again? XD

its literaqlly just an island for newfies to get drunk on, been that way for many generations.
plus, the people are too nice to be french or gaybecois so it oughtta be newfoundland clay

The US

July 4th, 1776 worst day of my life

Because you're pussies ?

Saying "gaybecois" is not very nice, desu

>Saying "gaybecois" is not very nice, desu
neither are the gaybecois
seriously though, I've known french people irl and gaybecois irl, and there is quite a difference, for example, french people arent cunts


All French are cunts.

nice bait


I wondered why Tuvalu exists! However I was happy to find that due to the rising sea levels they will be underwater by 2025



Burgenland je Hungary.

Voralberg je Switzerland.

Tirol je Italy.

Rest of Austria je Poland.

>Rest of Austria je Poland.