Post your hometowns, lads

post your hometowns, lads

Looks comfy, im jelly

Nigga, no one is from Piran. People from Piran don't exist. Unless you're the son of a director of a successful company.




Only good picture I could find

Hick shit town in Northern Norway.

That's a rad set of hofs, dude.

nigga pls



>North Germany: a literal haven for cux
>Middle Germany: a dudenhofen

I know which one I'm choosing!


Could certainly improve, but I like it.

South Germany: Petting


You know you can have it?


It's pretty nice.


it got hit quite hard by the 2009 crisis but it is still home

Harderwijk, Netherlands.

First on the right



>tfw live in shitstanbul

Holy shit, you live in Piran ? Do you have pics of your flat ?

t. jealous as fuck


All images in google are shit.

I was in Koper and I had no idea Piran was so near. We actually drove to Izola and noped and went back. Such a shame ;_;


Down this street

yes, my grandparents bought a house years ago and here we are now. I love it

no pics available right now



>tfw can trace ancestry back to late 1600s in Cuxhaven
>town my ancestors came from is actually really based and even has a megalithic grave there that's also used as the coat of arms

Only image I have, power plant in the back was torn down though

Izola master race

Piran je poln Ä‘ankurjev

The beach in the city of Karachi in the 60's and 70's was godtier, they had nightclubs, bars, hash dens, people would come from all over the world, Jackie Kennedy visited and rode a camel around, fucking OBAMA visited as a college student... that all changed in the 80's when a dictator cunt closed all the good shit down, eliminated the tourism sector and islamized everyone. FUCK

What's a good part of Slovenia to visit? My family is from Trieste and I think I'll cross the border the next time I visit them.

It's hard to find a representative picture.

there's only 1 part

What do you do there though ? Sell sunglasses to tourists ?

This route. Just stunning at every point.

Good job stealing that city from the Italians.

I did Piran-Ljubljana-Bled-Bohinj tour in May. Slovenia is indeed great, comfy country. Biggest surprise was Bohinj. Amazingly, everybody goes to Bled only to miss one of the nicest mountain/alpine lakes just few km further.


Don't have a hometown, only homecity


You missed out on the Julian Alps though. Incredible driving through there

Wtf Finland you look like better version of Russia

My town

Im going back in September. I'll be hiking in/around Bovec for a week or so. I'll catch up with Alps then. I'll go to Trenta for sure.

Haven't lived there for a couple years though


>Good job stealing that city from the Italians.

It was awarded to us by the allies as a consolation prize for Trst which was to stay in fascist hands.

>there's only 1 part

There are 7, actually.

posting hometown

my hometown doesn't exist anymore...



Did an earthquake destroy it or something

Back in april I visited both Bled and Bohinj and both places were amazing. And Slovenia really is such a comfy country. Definitely will visit again.



it got buried by mining operations

Eh I know, Italian cities are beautiful

That's pretty shitty. Are there any pictures of it from before?

i feel you senpai, that beach in the photo got fucked up because of an oil spill+ PEMEX using it as waste dump.





>tfw lived in this shithole for 14 years


Thanks, m8. I'll probably go there in December/January.




>there is a town literally named "running"

who comes up with this?

looks pretty comfy desu senpai

Lots of parks/nature but boring af

sorry for shit photo btw

We keep Brits here and make them mine copper in a hole in the earth. They have to sleep in it too.

>Western "Finland"

You live in Prontera?

Pasadena, california

Not my hometown but it's like 20 minutes away and I was born here.

Here is a shot at a different angle at night.

Another shot.


>people posting three images

