Why are poor people allowed to watch anime?

Why are poor people allowed to watch anime?

Anime is a patrician form of media and it should be restricted to the world's elite. Countries where the average income is less than 35k should NOT be allowed to consume anime or other forms of Japanese media.

Especially Brazil. No Brazilian should be allowed to enjoy anime.

Do you agree or disagree? Discuss.

Because FUCK YOU thats why you elitist cunt

I think we can all agree that you have autism


good one thingie
good one pretty

no one should be allowed to watch it

holy shit is that the Great Chube?

I am the Great Chube. You have entered my domain.

I agree, but I think poor people usually don't watch anime, to watch anime you need high cultural level, and poor people usually are idiot (that's why there are poor).

>to watch anime you need high cultural level

>Hey look at my tips fedora meme

Try to stop me gringo

Poor people watch it to escape reality, consumes time and costs nothing thanks to the active pirating community and little to no prosection from publishers.

wie du

Watching cartoons as an adult is shameful and embarrassing, irrespective of income.

I feel the same way about video games. How the fuck can grown adults respect themselves while playing little games? Games are for kids. Grow up.


>Especially Brazil. No Brazilian should be allowed to enjoy anime.

Thank God.

>a high quality form of entertainment

I hope you get caged before you end up shooting a school or abducting a child

Weeaboos should be send to internment camps

this is the reason you shouldnt be allowed to watch high culture entertainment

You can't stop me now

wieso ist dieses zimmer so schmutzig?
lass ein so huebsches maedchen nicht in einem solchen platz sein! bitte!
