Canada, USA and Mexico

Who will his VP be? Edition

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His VP will be Vapeman


haha canada and united states thread haha

I support this

I hope it isn't fucking Christie


Newt Gingrich is the only correct answer.

I don't fucking get it?
That's straight

seriously though, who is it going to be? read some on Sup Forums complaining about him, whoever he is...can a burger offer some insight into it?

Gas price conversion Canada/US

Gas prices in my area converted would be about $3.34/Gallon


>pic related

Supposedly Bernie supporters are going to stage a "fart in" at the Democratic convention in protest of Bernie losing.



Honestly dont know what to make of this

Two choice:

1) Newt Gingrich

2) His daughter (Not joking)

How mature and educated of them

Bernie supporters are dumb

>hurdur hilltard stole the election
>nevermind she got more votes Bernie should have won

I can't wait until clinton wins

Bantering Sup Forumstards will never end

Well I guess we found all the Trump-Bernie supporters.


Mike Pence, Newt Gingrich and Chris Christie were the last three remaining options with the first two being most probable.

where are you?

Even better than that will be the September debate.


it'd be the only good thing about it desu...after that it'll be hell on earth: outsourcing jobs and cultural enrichment for everybody

>Don't worry Dad, I'l get you the women's vote

sounds like a Sup Forums false flag

My powers out.

>I want the worst option so I can shitpost


the only part of me that hopes trump wins is the part that wants him to economically destroy mexico so that you fucking retards who actually supported him will maybe realize how stupid you were

but then the sensible mexicans will suffer too so that's not cool

>spill milk
>spreads in shape of arrow
>points south east

what does it mean

I swear to God if this turns into a real life House of Cards scenario. I will slice open my own sides from the utter absurdity of the whole thing.


may not be american but the way the so called liberal behave is creepy as fuck...watched the video of a woman crying desperately when she finds out the kike endorsed clinton...it wouldn't be surprising...

trump's popularity here is literally because of the shitposting potential he generates you fucking dip

Knowing Bernie supporters it almost certainly is not

Come chill with us then user

Think he's a chicano or something

There be treasure out thar

You damn well know what it means

If you actually read this article you can tell it's a complete scare tactic by CNN, nowhere does it even mention Trump suggesting his daughter as VP

Get going.

Well regardless, as it stands, pretty much all of his choices are terrible given how many with the Republican Party are trying to avoid him like the plague. It's only symptomatic of that sentiment.

under or about 2$ for me, do you guys have a high carbon tax or something?

>why yes, I support trump

>why are you walking away from me you cuck

who /cute baby/ here?

fuck off

Dont fall for chicano b8, he's seems to be seriously butthurt this evening

>f-fuck off!

Betting 9 Gorillion on Gingrich.

He seems the least worst possible option

Never gets old

his daughter

that's why I like bernie so much, this face when people talk about his "supporters"

In Ontario i'm pretty sure we have a carbon tax, and there's literally and unironically liberal dyke that's the head of the ontario government

>been incredibly depressed lately
>saw my grandma threw out a bottle of pills in the trashcan
>see it's hydrocodone 7.5/325
>4 left
>take them all because I've been like I said I've been feeling awful lately and nothings helped
>really really amazing feeling for an hour or two and felt really good the rest of the day
>first time I've felt really good in a while despite regularly smoking weed which used to help a lot with depression
>on the peak of the first hour hear youtube.com/watch?v=v2_2Z2u74Tk in my head as clear as if it were playing and something just "clicks"
>start crying out of the joy
>immediately it starts to fade into the nice afterglow and I think of how I'll get more

what the fuck have I done

>altright cucks itt

>What's up with people completely disregarding one side of politics such as the social or economic side?
Most social policies are preferential and have no significant long-term effects. Marijuana was legalized in Colorado and the rate of violent crime was unaffected. Stem cell research became controversial during the Bush presidency and researchers relocated to Singapore before the controversy abated. I'm not saying you shouldn't vote for social policies if it's something that personally affects you, but I'm saying most social policies don't have major long-term consequences.
>I've heard someone say the same thing, except that the economically things are too unpredictable so you should just vote based on social policy.
Nothing is unpredictable about economic policies in hindsight. The part about unpredictability, like the petroleum bubble and the housing bubble, comes from the fact that our politicians are predictably reluctant to prosecute bankers and hedge fund managers, or put laws in place to prevent these things from reoccurring. Nobody is upset that the U.S. Attorney prosecuted like 2 people in total for the real estate bubble; people are upset about gun control or stupid stuff.

He's eloquent, well spoken and has experience negotiating across parties and within the house. He also has a vendetta against the establishment republican faction that he used to be a part of, he's the optimal choice for Trump


Trump's Republican VP should be either that black candidate or that lady candidate

any other candidate wouldn't be much as an improvement, audience-wise

Clinton and Trump are the two most disliked candidates in American history.
Who supports them?

You began the first steps of an opiate dependency

Trump's VP should be Ben Carson

Like I said least worst possible option

>mexicans defending chicanos
I'm ashamed of you guys

Need an excuse to leave the house so I can visit weed(wo)man lads

Would having Ivanka as a VP even be legal?

Apparently Trump is leaning towards Christie, all of his advisors and most of his kids want Pence, and Ivanka and Jared Kushner are pushing for Gingrich.

keep going
never look back user

I regularly think racist thoughts toward all muslims I see

i'm an unironic clinton supporter because i'm not a literal child who votes based on Sup Forums memes

>b-but she's corrupt!

yeah so is pretty much every politician and everybody who donates to politicians, like trump, and you retards think he's not part of the "establishment" or some shit lmao

Christie's father sent Kushner's dad to prison, I dont see it happening

just don't get more, honestly by the time you actually find a source the desire will be all in your head, so just don't do it, just drink or smoke weed


>I am a clinton supporter because I'm a butthurt chicano

>f-fuck you, if you don't support trump, y-you're brown!

lmao fucking nerd, let me hold you down and force you to tongue my asshole




>arguing with r/The_Donald redditors



Soomeone needs to meme rand paul being in charge of the fed.


Haha nice meme, Upvoted!




This is Trump, Who the hell knows.

What Trump wants most of all is a yes man.

Pence is too establishment. He'd probabyl be having Paul Ryan and the other Reps on DC whispering in his ear.

Gingrich don't seem like the guy to bow down and serve.

So christie.





need a good song and or album to listen to

pls respond

>Haha nice meme, Upvoted!

Hahaha nice meme, Upvoted!

Children relax.

You are all Chicano.

Even me



I was originally going to vote for Bernie, but it looks like that won't be happening. My next choice is Gary, only because he's not Clinton or Trump.





does she have cancer or something?

>t. r/The_Donald redditor
