How do we tone down the influence of American culture? It permeates everything

How do we tone down the influence of American culture? It permeates everything.

I'll permeate dat ass, whiteboi

Celebrate your own national culture

oh wait disregard that

Melbourne is not Australian we already sold it to China

Have a culture that permeates more.

Embrace Americanization

It ceased to be "American" a long time ago
It's the Americanized globalist culture, ie, it is made for worldly consumption that came from America

it permeates because you willingly consume it

stupid frog poster

>american culture

u dun goofed anglo

Are you one of those geese who pretends it doesn't exist?

I'm Australian.

kek gj m8 lad

enjoy your australian life

Its not even that complicated - modern american culture is the same as Roman culture (after they forged themselves an empire) - its a culture of entertainment, one that is supposed to unite everyone and leave no one uninterested, but ultimeately the people are not united under it because it is only entertainment and pop culture.

why you have 2 right arms?!

eh you don't.

dunno why i see euros or aussies complain, you guys have really distinctive cultures and just take in our shitty mainstream shit (music, movies, etc.) without absorbing all the good stuff.

yes I agree with this.

USA is nothing but the roman empire 2.0, and ending the same fate.

It's a bit more than that
maybe not in latvia but australia is basically southern hemisphere usa
their suburbs are copies too, drastically different than uk at least
it's not just the things you watch or listen to
the drive to their supermarket
the managerial organization
the ownership of their media
the ease of switching learning institutions the recognition of degrees
the organization of business structure
the management of industry etc
or even the stuff they buy

>modern american culture is the same as Roman culture
Dumbest thing I've read all day

The California economy is heavily based on exporting "Americanism" to the rest of the world. Tell them to cut it out.

Hoping we won't all die like Rome 2.0 though.

>How do we tone down the influence of American culture
Jeez Idk... Maybe try to stop talking their language.
The Slave speaks the master language.
So go out, now, and create an institute of Australian, codify your dialect/language whatever. And avoid speaking American by all means.
You'll see, it will be a big leap forward.

You're not meant to literally compare the two, but if you look at the basic structure it is the same:

1. Early on both American and Roman culture emphasised hard work, family and loyalty(and a host of other similar things like their own forms of republicanism which gave everyone a voice in the way the country is ran).

2. As both grew and the nation/empire became more and more wealthier as a result of a strong and united cultural life within which translated to conquests, innovations etc they came to control a lot of lands and wealth which started to corrupt the cultural basis and transform it. Also both controlled a lot of different peoples(in US it was due to immigration and slave trade while Roman empire conquered a lot of peoples) which called for a new way to unite them all which is where the culture of entertainment comes from.

3. As time went on the culture of entertainment and lust for monetary gain took over and the old original culture of hard work etc was all but lost in the Roman Empire.

Obviously the same is happening in the US, but we do not know the outcome because the world is quite different, who knows, maybe Mexicans will be the next Vandals while Canadians will the the Eastern Roman Empire which holds out for longer kek.

America stole our language.They should change not us

>USA is nothing but the roman empire 2.0

So to accelerate the end of the American empire we must keep their entertainment and materialistic culture booming?

That aligns with what their Jews are trying to do... hmmmm......

with all their niggers they will, without a doubt.
Just make sure you don't follow the change.

Until they become less of an economic powerhouse they're going to continue to bully other countries into adopting bits of their culture. Until that happens you're stuck with their shit, so you might as well get used to it.


One day, thousands of years from now, Creative Assembly will be making shitty videogames about you.

Stop using Sup Forums.

cultural expansionism goes hand in hand with the turboconsumerist persona that the (((capitalists))) have carefully cultivated for american citizens through the media the last century.
Nowadays (((capitalists))) see profit margins in your countries, so they begin with a cultural invasion through movies, series and ads first to create acceptance or at least interest for their products


that what they said about carolingian, british, ottoman empire etc.
usa has been a great power since 1900 or bit earlier and superpower after ww2 and the sole superpower since 1991.
romans rose around 500bc and ended almost reaching 1500ad, 2000 years leaving a strong permament mark on the west and the west spread their ideas though colonisation, if americans succeed in staying in power for another couple of 100 years spreading their culture and leave a permament mark on the world then they will be the same, so far no empire or country has reached the same level as romans 2bh famalam
t. autist

Tfw it seems that every european country or atleast most of them are just a different shade of american culture,Whatever americans do they do aswell.