Are you guys ready for EU Army?

Are you guys ready for EU Army?

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I would be ok with it IF the army would be used for defense of EVERY EU member and for common interest and not the interest of 1 or 2 EU member states.
Which is impossible with the current EU policies.

Didn't they try this already and it failed?

Yeah, it's going to be a privately controlled mercenary force

yes, because of British veto

Pretty sure america will eventually take full control of that 'army' anyway. So it will be like euro-nato inside a nato.

Germany is doing this because its own military is trash

How much are they planning on spending on it?
>I wonder if similar to NATO only the Greeks, Poles and Baltics will contribute as much as they're required to

desu it would probably nullify most aspects of NATO first and foremost.

>forgot pic

between all the EU states, we would have hundrets of billions to spend on a common military

Wtf, I HATE Canada

Would you prefer USA, i mean NATO, handing you military supplies and troops like it is now but more so?

Why not? At least with that system we can defend our country, have a tech transfer from US to Poland and get some help while with EU army Poland would be a meat shield for a certain state.
I mean I know that being on the same boat as US means going to some sandy places to get oil but it's still a better pay off than loosing tota lcontrol over your army and being neglected by the command that will probably be somewhere far, far away from Poland and real problems.
>the Russians will invade on the weekends

Do we expect to be attacked ?

>I think not

Do we expect to attack someone ?


this is all about posturing of the merkel that want's to be perceived as a world player, this will cost countess billions that will be nothing to their economy but will fuck us over, so she can be all smug at political meeting since now she have an army

Bravo merkel, bravo.

>EU Army

You mean the French army? Now that Great Britain has left you only have the French since the Germans are a bunch of cuckolds.


>cyka blyad

Why are military uniforms so ugly now?

>Polish soldiers listening to german commands

Yeah sure, seems plausible. Face it Janusz, the EU is dying, thanks to retards like Merkel, Hollande and the entire EC, last thing we should do is join this abomination. It's Merkel's plan for Germany to take over Poland once again.

Taking back England by force when?

Nah, they'll be begging for a Dutch prince to march peacefully in and taking over any day now.

No. I will stand and die for my own country, but fuck me if I care to participate in foreign wars for questionalbe causes.

>since the Germans are a bunch of cuckolds.
fair enough, but I dont think as a Swede, you are in a position to call us cuckolds

France army will be the European army and Germany will pay for it, ftfy

first we need Scotland to join the EU, so we can invide England from the north

>inb4 battlefield 5 & all new murican movies are about le evil europe force so they can go full rambo on hordes who cant aim for shit
>dont know even 1% of your fellow countrymen
>my life for aiur XDD
fucking faggot

>EU Army
We can also call it "France and the UK protecting the rest of Europe but since the UK left the EU now it is only France", so no, fuck the EU.

you are the one pushing for the EU army, Pierre


It is against our interests, well if our leaders cared about our interests we'd know it.

you even stole the yes title from us, cuckold

I think most of Europe is on the same page regarding what we want to do with our armies.
We want to be so ready for war it never comes. The exception is France, it looks to be more of a world player, but they have nukes, so they are worth having a dissenting.
So, all in all a EU army makes sense, the biggest plus is for smaller states that will get much better protection for less money.
The tricky part is to make sure the army can be deployed only when needed, but always when needed.
It would have to be in the hands of a purely EU branch of EU. Parliament or a reformed commission.

>it's another of these threads
Fuck off.
We don't want it. And if there's ONE thing in my whole life I'd judge worth protesting, it's against shit like that.

I'm ready for a EU army, as there's a good chance there'll be a dutch EU president soon.

>The tricky part is to make sure the army can be deployed only when needed, but always when needed.
this and
>Parliament or a reformed commission.
is the reason why your cunt will never have a decent army, and why the EU one won't work.

I don't want my army with the germs. They are cowards but on the other hand at least slavs still have balls.

Fuck that. I won't sacrifice my life for Brussels. I'll take jail any day over dying for Juncker's wet dream

>teaming uo with germany

thats it, you are losing WW3