You'll never be 15 and in love

you'll never be 15 and in love
lying on the grass on a warm summer night, watching the stars, carelessly chatting
not worrying about rent, bills, student loans
only worry in life is how you're gonna cheat on that history test on monday
you'll never take a young, tight, hot-bodied girls virginity, pulling out to cum all over her back and have her look in your eyes and say "I love you"
you'll never have a girl around every day after school, pretend to be doing homework together, but instead just **** like rabbits
you're in your 20's now
gotta get a good job
gotta be a serious man now
all the good ones are taken
maybe a nice girl will eventually settle with you
they have already felt all those new exciting feelings before, and are usually jaded and bitter
you missed what it feels like to have not a care in the world other than making your girl happy
you have missed out on teenage love

Other urls found in this thread:


Just cause you're 20 doesn't mean you can't fuck 15 year olds.

just because you were young once doesn't mean they were good to begin with
try not to focus on the things you lost because you will lose the sight of what's in front of you

when i was 15 life was even more shit than now so at least you had it better than me lel
about being serious man i dont know really youll just have to some way to deal with it, save some money and then fake your own death and move to some better place


I miss being a child / in my early teens though. Shit was carefree back then.

>cheating on a history test

I hope you realize that in 10 years, you will be crying because you miss being 20.
Nostalgia is a dirty liar that insists things were better than they were.

>tfw no more gf

>teenage love
>implying it's ANYTHING like this

more like try to go on a date but have her bitch ass on a phone all the time texting jamal whilst you try to be 'le superior gentlemen'.

Older women have more experience anyways, cut your losses faggot

Sounds like someone has experienced this first hand

I tried the whole woman bit Sven.

Now I'm a wizard and feel no need for petty things.

But what happened to Jamal? That's what I wanna know.


now post the big sister copypasta

im 16 (turned 16 a month ago) but i have no life and nothing to do in the summer vacation and no gf

what can i do

get gf.

Play with lego, play hide and seek, prank call your teacher and egg his house. You know, children things

get b& for 2 years


07/14/16(Thu)13:34:27 No.62070920
i have a oneitis but i wont be seeing her during the summer, also i'm really /r9k/ ;_;
im not 6 lmao
i'll just turn airplane mode on and off my friendo
im not a weeb sorry


um rude

>i'll just turn airplane mode on and off my friendo
You shouldn't. Take my advice and leave this place. You're still young and have plenty of time to change, Sup Forums will only be detrimental for you if you wish to become a normie.

I speak out of experience, I was 15 when I first started browsing this shit hole in 2008.

Enjoy ban kid ;)

i have been on Sup Forums since i was 13
it's lot like if i leave i suddenly get a more social life

i'm going to meet other underage Sup Forums people on monday that i've never met before

>your in you 20s now
You are exactly the same kind of faggot that's going to bitch about how he is no longer in his 20s at 30 and how he is no longer 30 at 40 and so on.
I'm 35 and the best periods of my life until now were 0-10, 18-21 and 26-present

Okay I take it hes just baiting (you)s

ok baby
i can show my id if you want to
i was born on 27th of june 2000

That's funny, you will never be happy with what you are.
Studying currently 21 years old, just building up a beautiful relationship. Idk man, you are what your mind is, if it's foul, your life isn't nice.

I see that im not the only one to be shocked by this
What kind of pleb needs to cheat for a history test ?

Nah, if you're a shut in then quitting 4chins isn't going to make your life any better. I started when I was 15 in 2005 and I've browsed when I was a shut in to now when I'm a normie. Really it's mostly been a good way to waste time. The worst problem is if you start believing all the memes about being a neet, not needing any social contacts and browing Sup Forums making you better than anyone else.

american ?
you know 'american history' is special, right ?

Just don't get yourself raped on that meetup then

Je comprends pas ce que tu veux dire, je suis français et l'OP est Suedois

Ah I'l try, thanks for the advice swedebro

>im 16
Now I understand why Dutch people on Sup Forums are so shit

Why would you admit that


I hope you proxy'd

Don't worry I'm using cellular data or whatever it's called

Ah, the mod's nightmare

Clever kid.

Did he died


dumb feelposter

Go fug urself, history was eZ pZ.

Here is a quick flashback in teenage years for a moron like you.
>Everyone is obsessed about their self-image
>People have opinions, but if they have high enough status they don't have to back them up.
>Don't like sports? WELL FUCK YOU!
>Are you short? WELL FUCK YOU!
>Are you insecure? WELL FUCK YOU!
>Why am I treated like this? Well because (You) deserved it. Why? See >implying #2

Hell, I gladly worry about money than experience those years again. Even when military service is shitty as it is and most of people in your squad don't share any of your values, you still have sense of fellowship. Memories grow sweeter with time.

im still here


Hello you are a cool kid
Don't let mods bully u.
Do you get banned for 2 years or forever?

Gonna have to go back to Sup Forums

I just get fcking rangebanned everywhere else

Thanks russia
They literally ban me for 30 days
that's it, i think it's because janitors can't make bans last any longer while actual moderators can

how is russia??


jokes on you im 18
but seriously life isn't a movie man just gotta do what makes you happy, even if it's sitting on Sup Forums for many hours a day (though you should stop that if you do).
There's 7 billion people in the world, the world doesn't owe any of them anything, chin up and get on with it mate

Underage here as well, I just shitpost from the phone desu so I can't be banned. I know many people who are 13-14 who post on Sup Forums. It's to no surprise the quality of this board is so shit.

I'm lucky I guess, I meet other people my age once a month but I've had one night stands many times. Just get /fit/ and /fa/ and take that extra shot, it's not really that hard fampai

chop off the tumour before it spreads lad, it will be painful but that's how it is
tfw ;_;

holy FUCK i feel old, never met anyone here born in this century
I was born in 1997 :DDD

Russia is fine friend. Is not *complete* shithole. Pic related is my city.
You should refrain from stating ur underage I don't want you to get banned even if proxy; _;

It's not nostalgia when you MISS OUT on teenage love and feel sad about it because you will NEVER know what you missed and how it feels to have gf/romance as a teen. Fuck you nigger and every normie ITT downplaying our feels they can NEVER understand.

>romance as teen
Sounds gay as shit honestly

>romance as teen


Ah to be 15 again, OH WAIT, it sucked.

Stop being a whiny faggot Swede. Geez Finns are less autistic than you.

Do you seriously believe teenage love is anything like that?

It looks stunning man, at least it looks better than my city
We can just get a new ip in a few seconds so you don't have to worry about us :^)
Well sorry grandpa, there are a few underage in the nederdraad aswell desu
Too late ;_; i'm too much ib love
Thanks for the advice man, /fa/ is literally full of underage, I'd say that 60% of WAYWT threads are full of them.
It's not only Sup Forums that's shit, Sup Forums is full of underage aswell and look at the state of that board.

How old are you user?

teenage love is about fuckin dat young pussy then not calling her the next day

Sweden pls, I came here to shitpost, not to feel.

I litrally wrote this pasta in Swedish 2 years ago. Please upvote.

why would I want a woman
nowadays whistling at one constitutes hate crime and if you do the mistake of putting a penis in one, you'll have to pay child support even if the kid is not yours

just let the world burn and be consumed by the shit it spews; you can have kids in yours 40s and 50s, sometimes women can't, and they'll be the ones regretting the shit that goes on today

>tfw you spent your teen years shitposting on Sup Forums and continue to do the same well into your mid-20's

Wouldn't change it for the world.

>sometimes women can't

>dream someone loves you
>wake up