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Your stupid fucking thread went wrong, you central asian subhuman.

Wow so cool


But Poles are mongoloid as well.

You're fucking mongloid you russenkinder faggot.

Ressetled subhuman

Yeah Pollocks are so white right?

trash country, trash people
small brains unable of logical thinking

And who the fuck are you, you fucking piece of shit if not the same fucking polack?

You're the biggest attention whore on this board. I see you already posted your favourite pic Now go fucking kill yourself you subhuman trash scum.

Have you ever noticed how Poland only became relevant once they got a Swedish royal house?

Swedish house ruined Poland.

Looks white to me

>Epicanthic folds occur among East Asians, Southeast Asians, Central Asians and some South Asians, Indigenous Americans, the Khoisan, Inuit, and occasionally among Nilotes,[6] Berbers and Europeans (e.g. Sami, Finns and Poles).

>we are white I swear!
We are mongols deal with it.

You're the same mongol you imbecile.

he said we are mongols u imbecile

bk z tępego polaczka

But he is a mongol as well, you fucktard.
He posts all that crap and yet he's a fucking polack as well.

kek, that butthurt is so eternal

he literally said that hes a mongol too idiot WE means MY

jebałem ci starą pedale
wypierdalaj kacapie

I'm proud of being a Mongol you dumb Seba.

To sobie bądźcie mongołami, ja z jebanym polactwem nie mam nic wspólnego. xD

>wypierdalaj kacapie

Pochemy ne na ATO, hohol?

Mówiłem ci wypierdalaj szatański pomiocie.

jestes kurwa mongolem jak kazdy tu myslisz ze czemu nas chinczycy lubia

Jestem Niemcem, jebany russenpodludziu.


>no crown
delet this
fuck off, marcel

>jestem Turkiem


lepsze to niz bycie chazarsko-fińsko-mongolskim scierwem z azji centralnej

It actually looks better without the crown

t. not commie

I tak jest chujowy
jak wszystko w tej dziczy cebulackiej

>ja z jebanym polactwem nie mam nic wspólnego
aha, poza
>miejscem zamieszkania
>dostępem do mediów i innych nośników kultury
kisnę z nacjosebków, ale z plujących pod wiatr karakanów kisnę jeszcze bardziej żbsz
>Jestem Niemcem
it actually doesn't
but they really should fix the shape of wings and few other details too

Nobles destroyed our country. They caused bad political decisions etc.

Turcy to także mongoły i nawet sami to przyznają tępy jebcze.

Why are Poles always so salty?

democracy was a mistake


ale memi skurwiel jebany
fuck off central asian scum

Dude I'm Pole and I think about it my whole life.

It's literally the same one or two autists shitting up every single thread

>Not even once

And who gave us that democracy? Fucking nobles

>eupedia mememaps

Spokeswoman of Russian ministry of foreign affairs asked Polish minister of defence if there's something [bad] in the world that Russia is not responsible for.

I think she was being sarcastic although it's kind of hard to tell with question like that.

>Poles and Norwegians are the same people
Jakos you kurwa nie trust.

This is more accurate 2bh

Just look at those subhuman faces. Lack of any intellect is striking. Primitive people with terrible mentality. Compared to negroes from deep Congo.

look at the german potato head, baltid scum


This habit to categorize people in little tiny cases will never cease to amaze me.

Our farmer admixture isn't that high
I call bullshit

Only three Finns were sampled, so maybe.




>Communist Catholics.

Poland never resists and looks for defenders resist

Is that a typical polish girl on the right?
If so I am moving to Poland to find a gf. Wish me luck.

fuck off Western scum
I will cut your fat throat personally

What is the point of your picture, Polack trash? German couple look superior.

pic related, your subhuman potato hometown

wypierdalaj kacapie

Russia is shit. Based muslims and chinks will dominate you and genocide your people. We await that day.

Edgy online aggression.

Too bad your country loves Americans and those who don't are exceptions; not the rule.

Give me your women.

Let's divide Poland. I choose Krakow

Polaks need ass to lick. It doesn't depends whose ass - USA/Russia/Germany/China/Ughanda.
Asslick is in their DNA