Why are Americans less shy than Europeans?

Why are Americans less shy than Europeans?

They're shameless about all the wrong things.


you actually need some level of inteligence to be shy.

It's a more competitive country

And half of them have Italian or nigger blood

Nice generalisation of 800 million people
also these

Shyness leads to nothing in life. I know, I lost a former job because I was too shy.

Small talk culture is really disgusting

Not many American are shy. Many Americans can talk in front of a room full of people.

Because we're brought up knowing that what makes America great is not the ability to succeed, but the ability to fail. And then fail again. And it doesn't really matter. Only in America do we say "If at first you don't succeed, try, try, try again."

It's just a reality here that if you fail at something, it's generally not all over. There's usually a second chance. We're eternal optimists, culturally.

Shyness is a sign of being a beta or being weak and food for another animal.

Curiosity is a sign of predatory traits.

You cannot prove this wrong, It's even supported in animal sciences.

you'd best be glad we invented computers
so that we can catch you on out mobility scooters

americans aren't shy because being shy means you're a twisted motherfucker planning to shoot up school or a workplace

I'd like to see Europoors try and outrun my Scooter fitted with a V8.

But not the drink because that's disgusting.

i believe that's the opposite.

starting a conversation is a good way to gauge if that person can be a danger to yourself. civic shyness is a sign of confidence.
I guess this is what happens when the density is low and everybody can want a firearm, you want to know what they're up to and if you have to be on alert. modern americans kept that mindset/tradition

>shyness is a sign of confidence
Shyness is a sign of a lack of confidence.

whern I mean shyness I mean not bothering people you don't know in public transports or in a shop. not when you panic in front of girl who talks to you senpai

And Europeans can't...?

>Shyness is a sign of a lack of confidence.

(Citation needed)

Also, could I have some proofs for this claim

It's easier to talk in front of a room full of people (which usually assumes there's a purpose to what you're saying so it's easy to come up with what to say) than it is to talk to people one-on-one or in a group (where it's more difficult to come up with what to say, imo).


You missed an L there buddy

Talking in front of a room of peple is easy as shit.
Talking to someone you have to talk to is a piece of cake.
Trying to make small talk with a random stranger is hell

> TFW I just leave people the fuck alone unless an odd circumstance pops up
Am I the only one?

You mean less reserved

You mean more outgoing


or piña

>800 million people
323,969,599 m8

He probably meant generalizing Europeans rather

Europeans have much more to be shy about.

you clearly dont appreciate the nuances of difference btw introverts and extroverts. the statement you made clearly shows you're an extrovert. speaking in front of a room of people is a nightmare for introverts no matter the abilitiy to prepare remarks beforehand, and they are much more comfortable with one-on-one's


like in that old mexican song if you like piña coladas?

Our government hasn't convinced us that we are the enemies yet.



We are forced to do this starting at a very young age, I thought that was something that was globally part of the educational system.

i agree. but absolutely no talking to strangers culture is also pretty disgusting (see: japan)