Food that Americans can't have

>ymfw (your/my face when) when Americans don't have scones
Why do Amerifats so poor?

Post in this thread tasty sweets and the like that are popular in your cunt.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Americans aren't allowed to celebrate Easter because it upsets (((minorities)))

>Americucks can't even grow a big moustache

>in America this would be margarine, not custard

Those are biscuits

>Americans put """""""""""""sausages""""""""""""" in buns

No they aren't you coon.

>Americans can't grow coconut because the weather is too bad

>Americans only have low-quality """"""whisky"""""", no rum allowed

These are scones you big dummy

Look like rock cakes to me m93.

>Americans aren't legally allowed to eat fruit, only sugary fruit-drinks
Thanks """President""" Nixon. ;^)

I thought it wass a meme but even wikipedia says that yanks don't have hot cross buns.


God you people are just the worst.

Looks a bit like a Napoleon desu

Crumpets, Americans always fuck up eating them when they try them on youtube.

>an American walks into a bar
>he gets shots


Do you lads put Marmite on crumpets?
We often put Vegemite on them here, melts in nice with the butter.

>he thinks bakeries and cafe's don't exist in America.

Macaroons and croissants are much better.

>Americans have soul

Those are French.

Your point? French foods are the best

Is it true that most Americans consume synthetic food with tonnes of additives but normal food is several times more expensive and it's seen as fancy?

I do yeah, marmite is the food of the gods

Not in my area. It's easy to see which foods have corn syrup or other shit in it and which ones don't.

Even Walmart has fresh baked bread without the additives now.

Yep, butter and marmite on a nice toasted crumpet.

>Yanks will never know this joy

>Britbongs and aussies will never know the joy of beignets and coffee


pick one and ONLY one

Coffee is a nigger drink. The White man drinks tea.

>mfw americans can't enjoy Kinder cancer

>he doesn't like coffee
Your society is trash

>autistic prison colony inmates and butthurted leave supporters get upset over bread
You CANNOT make this shit up.

I've actually never had this, and I've traveled half of my life
I've even heard other Americans saying this, but you can easily go and buy regular food at any place like Giant Eagle or Wal-Mart

Despite the memes, American supermarkets have decent food.

we have those at Wegmans grocery store

only the eggs cause cancer and mutations


>"""""Australians""""" now drink more coffee than tea and foreigners come here to for "barista" courses
We are literally being over-run by niggers please send help.

>first time in NYC
>strolling around midtown
>ask someone on the street if they know any good coffeeshops in the area
>"yeah sure theres a stahbucks 200 metres up to the left"
>"ahh... ok"
>keep walking and ask someone else
>they recommend some shitty diner with that flat coffee the waitress walks around topping your mug up with

Had this experience all over the states, but it really surprised me that even in NYC most people are happy to settle with starbucks and other substandard coffee.

In my city there's a coffee shop practically on every corner.

Where I live, Kinder shit is everywhere
Those happy fucking hippos keep me alive
Is this a meme that I've never seen?

> Asking normies from any country what to eat
You fucked up mate

And New York is cancer in state form, sorry for your loss of time.

Get a life, bin that Kinder.

>Is this a meme that I've never seen?

The meme was about us not being able to get kinder eggs, but now they find that they are carcinogenic and mutagenic, kek

You're leaf level at shitposting.

>send help
Yeah you should've thought about that before bantering Americans into the ground. I hope you enjoy the smell of coffee in the morning

I have a question for my colonial friends: How come Australia is FAR better than the USA? I mean it's not even close is it?

I dunno, I never have been there. It would take me over 20 hours of travel time to get there.
I don't think it would be worth it.

It's a big problem across America to find really good coffee shops. Sucks to hear tourist having this experience

>mfw America has even more jolly darkie problems than Australia
>mfw America's Black Guard is killing police
>mfw the Commander in Chimp in the Black House won't do anything about it
>mfw White Americans are being genocided
Nobody can save us. You will be exterminated and replaced by dindus, and Australians will be forced to drink coffee.

We didn't sperg out and have a revolution, also we're small enough in population to be manageable (in terms of government). If we were similar in size to America we'd have some similar problems. At least we didn't bring slaves over here.

Blacks are only 12% of the population and not really growing. It'll blow over soon enough.

I can't find any concrete evidence to say they do mate, you sure you're not falling for fuckery? All I can see is one firm stating that some Kinder products 'may' contain 'possibly' harmful mineral oils when mineral oils are only potentially harmful in their industrial form

It wouldn't be worth it for a holiday, but you'd statistically be more likely to have a better life if you were born here.

If I added in driving to airport, changing planes and sitting at airports, security checks and all that, it would probably be closer to 26 to 30 hours travel time, no thanks.
I don't think I would like it there anyways.

Each to their own.

*shoots repeatedly*

>Kinder chocolate 'contain dangerous levels of likely carcinogens'

>The European Food Safety authority calls the chemical found in the chocolate as 'likely carcinogenic and mutagenic'

So that explains my freakishly large penis.

So that explains my freakishly large eggs.