
Invited: Japan, Britain, Thai and so on
all the subjects in all over the world

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If Emperor Akihito abdicates then who will replace him?

Prince Naruhito, the Emperor's son

At least, he is not an evil man
sauce: pic

A nice country has a nice monarch

our monarchy is dying emperor Kaczyński has 0 children

She's on the throne until she's dead. How's Akihito doing?

Hello, my king is best, he can dance, has dyslexia and wears funny hats.

hello friends, what do you think of our prince?


I can't tell which is the PM


You forgot USA and our king

So I am.

hes not a PM hes a emperor

Pay respect to Sergio I, King of Italy

This is my King, he is the King of your King.

He looks popular rather among young girls than among loyalists

you take that back, nobody insults MY prince.

he loves Italy very much, this video is proof.


Filipinas are rightful spanish clay.

Is she the queen sung in 'dancing queen'?


>Filiberto di Savoia
> the Prince of Italy
> handsome boy
> good singer

He seems a complete person

happy birthday victoria

Fuck off pallea nigger we won them fair and square

How can other monarchies even compete?

no but i don't know if Leonor will be our queen

>tfw no more Deutsches Kaiserreich

You have His Majesty of The Emperor of the United States, Protector of Mexico

She probably will, unless our current king fucks up real bad.

Prince of Brunei



Fucking Normalfag.

He may quit his job within 3 years.
He has lived for his subjects for more than 80 years
and he now make a decision to live for his wife and himself since then.

No one has right to stop his decision.

i hope she will be our last monarch
i'm not fan of the ii republic but i think that the role of the royal family is dying slowly


Habsburg dynasty= friend with germans
Bourbon dynasty= friend with frenc... oh wait, the french revolution

Who is 'the monarch of France' for French people?
Napoleon, Louis or Karolus Magnus?

We have a few monarchies in our republic. Can we join?

Pic related.

there are several monarchies in europe invite them too rite now m8

Reporting in

ITT: cucks


Of course, why not?
respect for the tradition of Indonesia.

the bourbons were french kings but since the war of the spanish succession they are our kings, in my opinion was a mistake because after some years the french revolution started...

her marriage is already arranged with prince alfons of liechtenstein

You can have them, they're ugly anyway.

>Not having a male monarch
Wtf is wrong with you Kastila?

Fucking pedophiles.

cute prince
many countries are ready to continue Monarchism for centuries.

i see the Dutch still rule your national archives.

good :)

lmao the cucks are at full force already

>male monarch

who cares about that?

kek first time i hear about that
i think she will be with a commoner as her mother

At least we destroyed the Habsburgs

Capetians were good lads :^(

also Bhutan

his hair look like those tacky airbrush paintings you see at luna parks.

>At least we destroyed the Habsburgs
fuck off the worst king of our history was a Bourbon. Why France didn't end its job destroying the Bourbons dynasty?

Our NEXT NEXT Emperor
Thanks God! You give us such a cuuuute Emperor!

we tried to kill him but its was practically impossible, he was prepared for the repression. He reopened the inquisition to persecute all the opposition and execute them. His daughter was an ugly whore and a terrible queen and after his death we had several civil wars

>one chance at life
>not being born into a royal family
>be born into a fucked up mess instead

sorry for not being Habsburg

Napoléon III

napoleon III was not blood related to napoleon I


It doesn't matter, he was the last French monarch

he was an impostor, and napoleon had no legitimacy. the capetian line must live.

Habsburgs are bad, got it ?

>supporting tyrants

Caliph Baghdadi should be invited