Why is everything looks way more happier in 90's?

Why is everything looks way more happier in 90's?

I'm only 18 years old and I'm start to watch 90's movies, series and music videos.

Everyone looks so happy. It's weird. What happened?

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>What happened?
Cold war ended

90's was much better.

Modern technology ruined everything.

The fashion is shit tier desu.

I'm watching MMM Bop from Hanson now.

Most music looks happy as fuck.

Please, tell me good music or movies from 90's. I'm liking the music.

We were whiter in the 90s


It was before the internet and vidya became huge and people turned autistic

>M-muh modern teknologee

Look at this Xuxa's comercial. My sides.


big economic crisis in the the 2000's
and war and terrorism
and unemployment

What the hell.

Those were white though.


Turn on your TV and put on Cartoon Network.

Now search for Cartoon Network's animations from 90's. Also Fox Kids.

There is no compasrsion.

only the cool kids were happy, the "generation Y" was dark and depressing enough to give birth to Kurt Cobain fags, emo and gothic/vampiric bullshit

I love muh 90's tho

Holy shit, i remember these times, my friends used to have 2 houses, more than 2 cars, we had a resort membership, my dad had a bike + 2 cars, then the crisis came.

>only the cool kids were happy

I'm watching 90's pop music compilation and it looks 1000 times happier than nowadays. Metal is old.

The 90s were pretty much a softer version of the 80s, so it makes sense, plus internet was this new and misterious thing so people in general was a lot more naive.

>The fashion is shit tier desu.

Give it a few years and the 90s will be back in fashion. We've nearly gone past the 80's were great and everything was awesome back then phase.

This made me cringe


Once 9/11 happened news companies realized how much money there was in constantly terrifying everybody. Now, despite the fact that crime has been consistently falling for decades, all you hear about is every crime committed within 5000 miles of you all the time.

As you can see from your own post, everything consists of memes now. Every social interaction consists of memes.

There is no free will or free thought anymore. Everyone thinks, eats and listens to the same shit. It's like a dystopian sci-fi movie but with no cool mechanical body parts, futuristic buildings or neon lights.

Do people exist in your world that don't use facebook/twitter/instagram/whatever else?

Try to watch the tv-series ''Daria''. It's not very happy. But yeah I agree with some of the things you say, I think people were more free in the 90s

Yeah you already had gagdets like computers in every household and decent internet in some, but no social media smartphone zombies yet.

From someone who actually remembers the 90s they were shit

Dunno about you guys, but since the 90s things have gotten a lot better here.
Perhaps some sort of moral decay is visible and enhanced by the development of technology, but i think that has more to do with the soviet demoralization kicking in

>'90s retro
Fuck me I feel old

being happy wasn't cringy back then.

>What happened?
Homicide rates went rapidly down

I remember lots of opportunities to despise people for being happy back then
But normie pop had become more manufactured and commercial enterprises have a tendency to quantify things in terms of being happy or making people happy.

No. The '90s were also shit. Millenials are hyping it up because they were kids and don't remember the bad parts of it.

Kek, no. The news were full of crime stories in the '90s too. Bill Clinton ran on 'curbing crime' and proudly flaunting that he would put much more cops on the street. That was also Giuliani's big talking point in New York.

As for terrorism, the durkas were slowly coming to the forefront ('93 WTC attack, Khobar Towers, US embassies), but the fearmongering was all about right-wing militias back then.

Oh, almost forgot

t. French guy that lived in the US in the '90s