What the fuck is their problem?

what the fuck is their problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


bigoted islamaphobic right wing shithole.

We love them, but they hate us..
Poles are that kind of people..

we love Lithuanians and they hate us. It breaks our hearts :'(

what the fuck is yours?
It's precisely the other way around

fuck off kike

we suffered enough because of you subhumans

Why do they hate jews so much?

Jews did pogroms on Poles, they lie about us in their media.
They acuse us of holocaust, they constantly shit on us in media and hollywood.

We gave them home when everyone persecutted them, they didn't even bother to learn Polish.

No it's the other way around..

fuck off żmudzin monkey, no one cares about your bulshit

See this guys?
This is exactly what I was talking about.

>fuck these guys.jpg
There's a pretty high chance that some Pole endangered or maybe even lost his own life so your grandparents wouldn't get exterminated by krauts, so you're welcome lad.
No, it's the other way around. You're our bitter ex-gf.

jews asked shelter in polish homes just to rob them

please come here we love Lithuanians, best friends forever (unless Hungarian grills are around :DDDD)

They did. They also welcomed Soviets with flowers.

They used to rat entire Polish families that hid them from Germans with a grin on their faces.

literally tsundere for Lithuanians


>Jews did pogroms on Poles.


I wish we collaborated like France instead. So the Jewish rat would be exterminated.
It was common on Kresy of Poland.

Jewish partisians massacring Polish civilians.

it's upside down

one of the few examples


[citation needed]
To all arguments presented. I'm calling you a filthy liar. Shame on you.

Cared enough to reply ;)


You fucking kike asshole. Shut your whore mouth and educate yourself.

That doesn't make a lot of sense to me. You are saying that Jews being hidden by Poles from the Nazis would turn themselves and their hosts in? Why? Wouldn't they also get sent to a concentration camp?

Sources to ALL arguments presented, please, not just one!

About the fact that Lithuanians hold any kind of animosity towards Polish people I learned on Sup Forums

It was baffling.

We love them, but they hate us..
Poles are that kind of people..


Suck my dick khazar filth

He's talking about the jewish nazis who helped germans exterminating poles

Do you have any idea how many Jews died in WW2 alongide Poles? What's the number, 6 million...?

muh 6 milion out of my ass.
LOl, majority of kikes escaped before 1942.


Why won't you listen to Polish historians instead?

Ever heard about kapos?

>we suffered enough because of you subhumans

apologize for the polish death camps, you swine!

They can't into space.

clogged pipes

We already were in space, before western Europe.

long live Adolfusz Hitlerowicz, the Kaiser of Nazi Poland

>what are Polish kapos
>what are Jewish kapos
>what are Gypsy kapos
>what are homohoney;3~ kapos
Fuck off, traitors were in all persecuted groups

Why is it that Polish prisoners were the first to die in Soviet concentration camps (1917-1991 Thanks!)? Every piece of camp literature i've read, the writer always points out that first dying fresh zeks were Poles.

see Don't ingore it. Don't be a jew.

That's precisely my point.

I am a Jew...
Reading through your sources and making an opinion takes time. I will retreat.
In proving what, my dear pigeater?

most probably they died from a terminal case of butthurt
it's very dangerous culturogenetic disease

>I am a Jew...
Polonised one. There's a difference.

Watch the video.

>traitors were in all persecuted groups
That was my point, Jews were no exception, kapos were everywhere.
You do understand that there's a bunch of different anons posting here, right? I'm not the one sperging out with wikipedia articles

anyone have an estimate when these 2-3 polish intellectuals will get tired of spamming the board and move on?

> bigoted islamaphobic right wing shithole.


That doesnt explain it, because Finns suffer from the same disease and they had the lowest death rate in the camps.


>polish intellectuals discus

>Polish nazis

>The Nazi German rulers of the Generalgouvernement territory had no intention of sharing power with the Poles or Ukrainians throughout the war, regardless of their political orientation. The authorities rarely even mentioned the name "Poland" in government correspondence. The only exception to this was the General Government's Bank of Issue in Poland (Polish: Bank Emisyjny w Polsce, German: Emissionbank in Polen). The government and administration of the General Government was composed entirely of Germans, with the intent that the area was to be colonized by German settlers who would reduce the remaining population to the level of serfs before their final genocide.[4][5]

How can one be so delusional ?

You're adressing to "Polish concentration camps" claims?

Memes aside, is it that out-of-place?


Yep, and also the ethnic poles who says "bouhou if we wuz good boys the Germans would have let us live :("

>Poles single handedly save Britain meme

WTF now I hate Jewish Partisans!!!!


But Finns make up for it with suicides.
By the way, why isn't Polish-Finnish friendship a thing? We get on with other ugro-finnic guys pretty well, you hate ruskies just like us, we like muminki, you're stuck between two cancers just like us, we all like wódka, we never invaded each other, and so on. Lots of good things to build a friendship on tbqh

With eyes closed. :^)

>hi where are the burger :DDDDDD

A Pole can't be a nazi for one obvious reason: because we are subhuman.

A German national hero Claus von Stauffenberg's opinion about Poles:

Upon completion of the Polish campaign in 1939, for instance (in which he had served as a staff officer in a Light Panzer Division), Stauffenberg described the Poles as 'an unbelievable rabble' of 'Jews and mongrels' who were 'only comfortable under the knout'.


Mumin is swedish m8


There was a polish exchange student at my high school who was always starting fights. He eventually got expelled for getting into an altercation with a teacher.

I don't think Polish Nazis consider themselves Polish, most of them were probably "Volksdeutsche".
"Jedzie folksdojcz na rowerze
Szabrowane gęsi wiezie
Przyłapali go Jędrusie
Nie zobaczy już mamusi"

Finland tryed hard to form the 'Border country alliance' with Poland and Baltics in the first years of Finnish independence, but you didnt respond well.

>Jews did pogroms on Poles

holy fuck my sides

>doesn't even rhyme
Man, what a shitty poem.

Guaranteed 50+ posts of Polish butthurt.

Every time I post this

Thanks for the replies boys.

Checks out, Poles are spaztic

You fucking imbecile I posted source.

You fat motherufcker, lower form of life.

Are you implying that Brits are Jewish, or that Jews are British?

Good farming on a very fertile soil, Moshe :DDDD

Were Silesians volksdeutshe ?

And yet I saw on this very board a Pole arguing that if Poland let free passage to the German army, Poland wouldn't have been lost.

Then again there also are Russians nazis so...

I'm laughing at you calling it a pogrom. That's like saying the Red Army Holocausted the women of Nazi Germany.

Wow, you're fucking retarded. What a suprise.

Say that to my face faggot not online see what happens, i'll beat the shit out of you so hard people will mistake you for a russian

t. Polish intellectual

>Barb, bring me my motorized cart! The one with the flag! I'M GOING OUTSIDE! YEE-HAW
please read a book or two before Ameriposting

Also Finns licked Russian asshole during the Crimean war while you Poles kicked their crone and this developed generations of 'concessive men' (in other words: traitors) who shunned any collaboration with the Poles.


my sides are gone i tell you



This fat man fell apart, bring me another!

that's sad
things could be so dank

why are poles perpetually butthurt?


they're jews

Fucking cunt faggot shit eating motherfucker nice African flag Jamal lmao you are the reason why abortion was invented.

Make this thread again exactly like this tomorrow evening.

I guarantee over 100 anally ravaged Polish replies.

I've been doing it on and off for a week now, it's fucking hilarious.

It's like poking a retarded dog with a stick through a fence and watch it crash into things in it's garden in a spastic fit of rage for half an hour.

Does Copernicus count? They do exist.

>throwing stones from a glass house

>It's like poking a retarded dog with a stick through a fence and watch it crash into things in it's garden in a spastic fit of rage for half an hour.
Kek I used to do that to show my dog how stupid he looks
It didn't work but I had my degree of fun in a mud

Yet jews still blame us for Holocaust.

Why wouldn't they be?
You're not butthurt because you have nothing to be butthurt about. Barely anything bad has ever happened to your cunt. What even could you complain about, 9/11? We had tons of 9/11 tier clusterfucks, usually on much larger scale.

>It's like poking a retarded dog with a stick through a fence and watch it crash into things in it's garden in a spastic fit of rage for half an hour.
okay I admit I chuckled
you're a bad person, Icek

>Were Silesians volksdeutshe ?

Of course.

>Implying anybody would desagree with trump

Fuck off cuck

>Polish nazis

Shitloads of Poles look like Gypsies or Jews, a lot of us look like literal subhumans from nazi posters. We don't care about hygiene, we like dirt, an average Pole smells with urine, shit and undigested alcohol. A random nigger fucked more Polish women than i have hair on head. Do you really believe that anybody cares about racial stuff in this country or about "Polish superiority"? We are crawling worms feeling comfortable in pile of shit like geotrupes stercorarius. There is nothing honourable or worth of preserving about us. We would love to see rich Western world to degrade to our level or below because we feel good in the world of worms.

back the fuck off??????