Does your country have autistic gyno babies?

does your country have autistic gyno babies?

UK does

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what does gyno stand for?

how those people can look themselves in the mirror?
i bulked up way to much and now i em sitting at 20% bf and i feel pretty bad,but at least i have shittone of muscle and strength,i really dont get these people


In my opinion, this is average Yank.

no cuz we're freaks

That image is putrid. Please, no more.

>that toilet paper roll on the bed

Everybody is autistic here and its not even in the cute Finnish way its the oh get away from me you inbred freak way

why is its face so compressed


>only lift sporadically in my home """""gym"""""
>still look better than jason

how does he fail so bad? judging from his videos he is at the gym all the time

We do. I am one myself. Huge manboobs, gut, pre mature balding, live wit me mum, the whole bit. I live vicariously through my country's various military exploits and of course shitposting here.

Post your self without a shirt on so we can laugh at you and call you mean names

I think. Pic related.

Is that also a bleach stain on the ass of his shirts? Had a problem on aisle two who couldn't clean up.

Kek. I have laughed so hard at this.

Ameritits reporting.
Tall af and have the fat distribution of a girl. At least I look alright in clothes ;_;.
Need to lose 30lbs fast

Brits, from what I've seen from internet maps, you aren't actually inbred. So how on Earth did you manage to nail the inbred look down without actually being it?

having 66% bodyfat doesn't help plus he's an actual retard


wew is gord still around?

We stopped but the damage was already done

Search Results
noun: gynaecomastia; noun: gynecomastia

enlargement of a man's breasts, usually due to hormone imbalance or hormone therapy.

uhhh does this mean manboobs won't go away with weightloss? pls no

300 years of mass immigration from ireland

not even joking, the irish potato face never lies

>live wit me mum
Bong detected

Are you a Starting Strength victim?

Pourquoi il y a du pq sur le lit ?

Why did you cum on the miror ?

careful lads, he has a sword

>tfw 275 pounds
>tfw American
I look so out of place here. Only twelve more days

holy fuck what happened to jason genova