Kill me

Kill me

I just moved to Texas, why is it so fucking hot? And all you faggot Texans just laugh at me and tell me "hurr this is nothing" fuck you, I want out of here.

>thinks 100 F is bad

kek, you havent seen anything yet, boyo

lol faggot

Texas is the Spain of the USA.

I thought everyone and their mom had AC in the USA?

try living next to the sun kiddo

>33% humidity
That's easy mode kiddo nothing personell.

>mfw i wear long sleeves and pants through the summer and feel perfectly fine
you'll get acclimated

>Crocodile Dundee thinks he knows hot
lmao you guys don't even understand heat


>120 prisons

No we don't. We have a lot, but not fucking 120, unless you include mental health institutions, which aren't even close to even county jail populations.

git gud fgt


That movie sucked ass.

So does your mom.


Im in tx too.
I dont live here, niggerland is far to shit to want to stay here.
Oh wait thats all of this country

Cum on step it up

>10% humidity

wow it's fucking nothing

Let me guess, you get 50°C+ every day ever where you live.

Basically. Just remember that next time you think it's hot down unda. y'all roos wouldnt even sizzle on our barbies ya crikey cunt

Come to WA and say that faggot

I'm moving to Washington state already, see ya there ;)


Are you in Dallascus?

I want car cookies

>70% humidity

Literally nothing


>meanwhile some of our alpinepasses have closed due to heavy snowfalls
