Does your country have a very good hdi rank?

Does your country have a very good hdi rank?

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Wow Portugal, very nice HDI, congratulations.

its curious that in reality poortugal is one step below



It's hilarious how far Sweden is going to be falling in the next few years




Our average HDI is the same as Mexico, but I don't think Mexico has a region as good as South Brazil or São Paulo.

If Portugal has such a high HDI rate, why 20% of its active population lives abroad?

It reminds me of Poland: all global kikes give great reviews to our economy but nobody wants to work here for fucking 500 euro except Ukrainians

>If Portugal has such a high HDI

They don't m8. They have a lower HDI than Chile and Argentina and a lot of Brazilian states which are still comparable to countries anyway since they're so big and populous.

>regional HDI

That doesn't mean shit kid. There are favelas in Rio that have European HDI. Do you really think that means anything?


>2005 HDI

Top kek.

The safest Brazilian state is more than 10 times more dangerous than Portugal.

Your opinion = shit.

Don't worry, their oil industry is shriveling, they'll be dropping soon

HDI doesn't take crime rates into account.


I guess; even though our polticians are always complaining

Locking on on that 2nd rank there

Their national investment fund that is made up of their oil profits will keep them afloat after their oil industry shrinks.

You can have it when we take 1st

And for how long?

If we keep trump out of office we'll be gunning for at least top 3 in the near future

monkeys have overtaken this thread

this is the fate of every portugal thread


Doesn't your country have a lot of niggers/mulattoes as well? Why are you calling us monkey? Reminder that the monkey meme was invented by Argentinians in football stadiums because we have a high amount of niggers compared to them.

There's like 20+ years worth of money in their fund for wise investment and economical diversification (which they have started already, Norway is not as dependent on oil exports as one might think thanks to the fund's efforts).

>If we keep trump out of office we'll be gunning for at least top 3 in the near future
Or get involved in another dumb neocon war vecause Hillary's donors thought it's a good idea

Nice to be on top


>poornited povertydom


>be city state
>have lower HDI than nearby polar opposite of a city state
How can you ever recover from this


We will drop but only because of 1 million mohammeds. If we stayed white we would never ever become a shithole.

Dumbest post in the thread

You're both monkeys so stfu

And as always, Britain is sucking nuts right now

HDI isn't as important as income equality tbqh.

Why is Portugal below the rest of southern europe, though ?