This is how boys in Classical Greece looked like...

This is how boys in Classical Greece looked like, and it was perfectly a-ok until the Christians came along and decided it was a "sin" and one should instead do it with exclusively with their ugly wives.

I was wondering who was making those /his/ threads. Filthy pederast.

boys did not change their appearance because of "christian sin"
what makes you think that modern greek boys do not look like that

The Christian approach to sexuality is literally keep it in your pants if it's destructive to relationships or by extension society. When Jesus goes on about "plucking out an eye" in Matthew he's using that as an extreme metaphor for how hard you should keep your degenerate tendencies bottled up.

>Boys in Greece used to look like Slavic women

who's that semen demon

>getting cockblocked by a fucking dead sandnigger

>who's that semen demon
Girl in the OP with her Asian boyfriend

>Girl in the OP with her Asian boyfriend

At some event together

>>Girl in the OP with her Asian boyfriend

Just another example (of numerous other examples) of a White female celebrity with an Asian guy

the alien girl leeloo in the 5th element

i wish i was Asian

Milla Jovovich

it's not great

>tfw 10/10 allstar
I spent the first half of my life taking married men from their wives and the second half taking married women from their husbands.

>t. Only son of doctor parents living in a 600k house with 2 mercades in the garage

How many of these pictures do you have?
Did you look for them yourself or did they come with the job?

Thank god for Christians then

>How many of these pictures do you have?

White girls love Asian men including White female celebriies. So if alot of White girls love Asian guys, then one must conclude that I have alot of pictures.

>Milla Jovovich
She was married to Luc Besson

I'd like to fuck that grown man

>Ginko projecting

If you want to suck asain dick it's cool it's not a big deal