Saw some buzzfeed

>saw some buzzfeed
>a bunch of people think this 3/10 ugly korean is hot
why do westerners think all the ugly asians are hot?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's racist to say the only Korean is ugly.

That's probably the same when an asian sees another ugly person and thinks that is cute.

He's no Siwon, that's for sure.


asians have perfect twink genetics tbqh

he's the hot guy in south korea

>why do westerners think all the ugly asians are hot?
Plenty of people have shit taste. But another common example is Oriental Hollywood actresses and fashion models - they are all plain at best, often quite ugly or strange looking. The fact is that the people (mostly Americans, with Jews highly represented) in charge of selecting "talent" are mostly deviants (e.g., homosexuals, left-wingers); and many consumers are too stupid to notice the lie.


All the SJWs and tumblrettes love him

actually the woman in that was completly natural, and some butthurt chinese made it a news story because she was taiwanese.


>expecting women not to be shallow cynical whores like nature intended

>>saw some buzzfeed

Lots of the White girls from Buzzfeed have Asian boyfriends. For example this girl in this Buzzfeed vid here is dating an Asian guy


With her Asian boyfriend

he looks pretty masculine unlike many or most koreans that are popular in korea

THE hot guy?

so there's only one?




All white girls just love Asian guys

He is pretty masculine for an East Asian.
just sayin.

He can pass as japanese actor
But looks typical korean as I thought. What's the difference? Hair style?

wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't full Korean, look's like a fucking monkey.

>All the SJWs and tumblrettes love him

Here is another where White / Black / Hispanic girls are all drooling over him


I would recommend you niggers look at all the Kpop twink videos with 100m views and see the comments if you think these girls don't like Asians

what's wrong with the white landwhales?

I mean he's a handsome guy?

People get too butthurt over someone liking someone else, he's good looking

Just means I get my Korean hunnies and these basic bitches will settle for some beta

He is internet famous and young girls love these three things

1) Money
2) Status
3) Fame

He fits 2 out of those 3 criteria

Remember when the Jonas faggots were the craze, now it's Manlet Direction

Females are broken at a fundamental level desu, just gotta hope their logic somehow leads them to liking you

>he's a handsome guy

Not really, it's just little girls and teenagers doing what the media tells them to do. Proper women don't like this rubbish.

He looks p good, strong chin, has that preppy clean celebrity style look

Proper women are just the ones who oogle the guys I think are good

>dark skin
>bottom-heavy face
>blob eyebrows
>pig nose

He looks good by cucked American niggerlover standards, maybe, but the point is this is antitraditional in both the West and the East and nobody would like this without media brainwashing.


Women love big noses

For an Asian guy, it is really easy to look good, all they have to do is learn to style their hair like Eugene and put some effort into it. Koreans have their style down so that isnt a problem. But alot of Asian guys have horrible haircuts especially the Asian Afro.

>pig nose
>big nose
By "pig nose", I mean upturned and round. It's common for Chinese, S.E.Asians, Negroes.

I Look x10 Better than That Monkey faced Korean guy.


>asian afro
what is this?

so true
check out this youtubers asian boyfriend

I really liked Kangin. Masculine guy.
Too bad he keeps getting in trouble because he's a dumbass

1) Michelle Phan is a Viet meaning she is southeast Asian proving once again that most White men are with SE Asians.
2) Her boyfriend is obviously gay / bisexual. It is a joke in the gay community that gay White men use Asian women all the time to cover up their homosexuality.
3) Without makeup and all the contouring she does on her face / nose, Phan has typical SE Asian features including a flat broad nose.

>It is a joke in the gay community that gay White men use Asian women all the time to cover up their homosexuality.
is it true? joke or real? that's pretty rude
she had the luxury trip in south korea i saw her video by the way

lmao is that a list of your coping mechanisms?

>implying you wouldn't

he has the perfect body

He's what we call "facey"

Holy shit he looks my brother in law

Tell him to stop drinking and driving

Had a girlfriend who was obsessed eith this fag team korean pop band called BTS, bitch listened to them ALL THE FUCKING TIME and they make the most shitty generic music possible,she outright admitted she was in love with this guy called "Jim or Jan cuck" whatever, after 3 months her pussy wasn't worth the hassle of her annoying obssesion, is BTS a big thing in korea? I lostened to a few songs and i never wanted to hear that horror again

>without media brainwashing.
What media brain washing is there for Asians?

> but the point is this is antitraditional in both the West and the East
>muh pure brain washed women
Literally kill yourself you jealous cuck


Ohhh yhea jimin and jan cuck where two of them, don't tell me you lile this garbage user, she even was part of autistic shitfest called ARMY and spammed my facebook with their chink shit, it's supposed to be their fanclub idk, its like fags here obsessing over anime
They are so annoying

Post pics of grill so we can judge whether it was worth it or not


I mean how hard could it be to literally own 15 khpop looking jap or korean whores and pimp them out, have them perform concerts and travel across the world with them?
I would be a Butters kind of pimp (if you want to call it that) i would make them feel happy about their job and would buy them shit when we have a good week. Sure, they would have to suck some serious amount of weaboo virgin dick, but it would cost thousands.
Half of fucking Sup Forums would sell their kidneys just to get a taste, to wear their own cosplay shit and have the girl wear and role play whatever.
Id make the girls celebrities during day, whores at night. Id feed them propperly and they would work out regulary.
Id be rich. I wouldnt stop until i hoard 3 million, then let them do whatever they want. But id be their one and only EWH NEEEH CHONG or whatever the fuck you weaboo degenerates call it.

i dislike the koreaboo girls so i will never have one of them

>start learning Korean as a hobby
>every other girl I try to talk to so we can study together is a kpop/kdrama koreaboo who wants to ask my about my "oppas"
>female westerner vloggers in korea all seem to be there doing something in the kpop industry
>half the learning resources I find assume I want to learn via kpop lyrics and phrases from "my favorite dramas" and that I want to write fan letters to boy bands

Hallyu was a mistake

don't you think that the western koreaboo girls are too autistic and unrealistic? i won't be their oppa anyway

Usually autism doesn't bother me but kpop autism is starting to make me cringe, I guess because now I have to see it all the time if I go to a forum or chatroom for Korean learning. Some Korean dramas are cool, I'm sure some kpop music exists that is good, but I can't into this level of autism over it.

>try searching for "korean music"
>recieve nothing but kpop

it's even worse when you're learning Japanese, nothing but weebs as far as the eye can see

how many times did this guy break his nose

I want to learn Japanese after Korean because of the grammar similarity...not into anime but some of it is fun. Somehow I feel like weebs won't bother me as much as koreaboos but I could be completely wrong

The biggest hurdle, at least for me, is Kanji, I suggest you start learning them now, something like 5 a day, with the Heisig method, will really make things easier if you ever want to jump into learning it, plus it simply is fun.
And anime is all right, just like the rest of the pop-culture, it's just retards who take it too far and act like "anime" in real life, usually it's overweight, loud and obnoxious females

Noted for Kanji. I've been learning random Hanja anyway to help me with remembering Korean vocab. I'll check out the Heisig method. Memorization techniques are pretty cool.

As for being okay with weebs, I think it's because I'm okay with people being autist over cartoons but when it crosses over into real life (e.g., worshipping kpop idols) it starts to become 2creepy4me.

>acting like anime in real life

this tho

why not?